"Well, since our respected headmaster has finished his speech, as the host of this competition, it is necessary for me to announce the following things!" Wang Ziwei stood in front of the desk, subconsciously took a look at the paper in her hand. After a little pause, she began to announce the rules of the game: "first of all, our competition is free style, that is to say, we can completely ignore the specified time, as long as there is no one on the field, everyone can play!"

"Well, what is this? How can you listen so casually?"

"Well, forget it. We can't control who likes to play or who goes to play."

"Well, just watch the excitement!"

Seeing that the students below did not make any movement, Prince Wei cleared her throat and announced an earth shaking news with her most sonorous voice: "the students who won the competition will get one million Chinese dollars, and then they will have the opportunity to get a seven day tour for two people abroad. I hope you will take part in it actively."

As soon as this sentence came out, it was like a storm, which directly let the people below begin to sway.

"Oh, my God, a million dollars, and tourism, that's not true!"

"It's not like it's fake. It's a million dollars. My mother, it's the tuition fee we've been studying here for many years."

"Yes, there is tourism. If I can win the championship, I can take my girlfriend out to play, ha ha ha!"

Absence of leaves without opening eyes.

"What's the matter, big brother?" Jinsheng sees that ye Wuqi has something to do, and rushes to ask.

"This group of people is really not calm at all!" Ye Wuqi didn't look at Jinsheng, but said in a cool tone: "one million, it's not easy to take it!"

"Yes, these people still dream of spring and autumn. Even the elder brother dare not make such a promise. They still say there. They are really laughing to death!" What Jinsheng said this time is very flattering. Although he was there a strong dry smile, but ye Wumian did not feel funny at all.

"Whatever they like, they can do it!" Ye Wumian gets up and stares at Wang Sheng, the only player already in the field. He turns to Jinsheng and Qu baiqiu and says, "I'm the only one who preys on him."

After saying a word, ye Wuqian leaves his seat and prepares to enter.

"No shortage!" Qu baiqiu wants to follow up, but he is rejected by Ye Wuque.

"It's me that he wants. You can watch it here!" In front of so many people, ye Wuqi actually gave Qu baiqiu a loud kiss: "wait for my good news!"

Song Bai Qiu Leng. She took out her hand and wiped her face, which was wet by Ye Wuqi's saliva, and then nodded mechanically.

Ye Wuqian walked out in the eyes of all. Before long, he stood in the field.

The game is on!

"Ha ha, did you really come?" Wang Sheng went to ye Wuque and sneered at him for a while.

"Since you're here for me, I'm not coming, isn't it a shame to you?" Ye Wumian also coldly smile, responding to give him a disdainful smile: "if you hurt that poor face again, I'm afraid it's sinful!"

"You Wang Sheng was angry, but only for a moment. In the next moment, he put his outstretched hand down, and then said to Ye Wuwei: "I'll see the victory or defeat in the competition."

"Of course, I'm still here for the one million yuan and foreign tourism. I also want to take Bai Qiu to play with me." In fact, this amount of money for the Ye family, which owns the whole Xingyao group, is simply insignificant. However, since Ye Wuqian specially told Wang Sheng that Qu baiqiulai was in front of Wang Sheng, it was obvious that he was deliberately angry.

Wang Sheng clenched his fist tightly. His face turned red in an instant, as if he was about to die.

"Well, well, if you have that skill, you may come!" Maybe he thought about something and Wang Sheng put down his fist. He threw the last smile to Ye Wuwei: "but if you fail, you will not look good in front of so many people."

After one sentence, Wang Sheng left with a series of "laughter". He seems to have confidence in his current strength to a certain extent, and he is completely confident.

But in the eyes of Ye Wuwei, he is just a clown. Because the other side seems to be far from knowing his current situation, or his strength, in the end how terrible the degree.

Of course, Su LAN may not know, Jinsheng does not know, Zhao siliang does not know, Li Chengye does not know, even Qu baiqiu should not know.

What he wants is this kind of groundbreaking feeling.

He was there worrying that he didn't have the chance to pretend to be forced. Now that the damned Wang Sheng wants to fight him, ye Wuxiang really doesn't want to be polite to him.

After all, this kind of person's temper is too stubborn, we have to solve it at one time, so as not to commit it again!Ye is not the first to play, after all, he wants to see the excitement. Don't others have said that, the final finale, that is the most wonderful.

So he had to air it first.

The first scene was very boring. It was just two ruffian students fighting each other there. You give me a punch, I give you a foot, and then you pull my hair, I pull your hair. It's like fighting with a woman. It's really boring.

Finally, after a fight, the student who won the game had no strength at all. When he was on the stage for the third time, he got down to the ground and was also subdued.

They went up one after another, almost all of them were useless guys. The audience below was almost asleep.

"What kind of ancient martial arts competition is this? It's a fight that is justified and vigorous!"

"Yes, it's boring. Why don't we go back to the dormitory?"

"Mm-hmm, I'll be crazy if I stay here and watch these things again."

At this point, a group of people began to stand up from their seats.

But they sat down again, because this time it was a lot better. Because of the above two people, this is really starting to use strength in the fight. You hit me and you hit me. It's very interesting.

"What's up, big brother, my bodyguard's Kung Fu is not bad!" It turned out that one of the two people fighting was the bodyguard of Jinsheng. At this time, he clapped his hands and asked himself the leaves beside him.

Ye no fault nods, but no praise. Because this kind of strength, although already can be on the stage, but obviously still can't enter his law eye.

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