"Looking for death!" Accompanied by a burst of angry drink, Wang SHENGFEI comes forward and attacks ye Wuque.

"Pa" a sound, two people, two fists touch together, issued a fracture like loud noise.

The sound was so clear and sweet that not only the people on the stage were startled, but also the silent audience below.

"Er..." This time it was Wang Sheng who screamed. He kept back, and at the same time, he was shaking his hands, his face was really tragic.

"Sheng Di!" Nie Cheng can't help but stand up. But when he saw all of you staring at him with a pair of puzzled eyes, he suddenly woke up and quickly sat down.

"Hateful, hateful..." At this time, Wang Sheng suffered pitifully. He didn't even have time to look at the leaves. He took his left hand to protect his right palm. He kept retreating, and the sweat on his forehead flowed down unconsciously.

It seems that he really underestimated the strength of Ye.

Before several fists collided with each other, but he was sure to take advantage of it. Who would have expected that ye Wuque would suddenly be cruel, but let himself fall into a big fall on it!

Wang Sheng was very nervous.

He felt that his right hand was weak. If he can't use his own hands, he will lose the battle!

"Ha ha, what's the matter? You're just like that, ha ha, ha ha Ye Wuwu Chui got up and kept laughing.

"This student, no noise is allowed on the field. Please keep good habits At this time, Prince Wei and know the current affairs to Ye Wuwei said: "we this is a serious and formal arena, not a vegetable market!"

Ye Wuxiang stopped laughing. He turned his head and looked at Prince Wei. Suddenly, he squinted at her. He immediately scared Prince Wei and stepped back two steps unconsciously.

"What are you afraid of? He won't beat you!" Seeing Wang Ziwei so timid, Nie Cheng glared at her.

"Yes, headmaster!" Wang Ziwei felt that she had lost her manners and became serious again.

At this time, Migu and Roman both seem to have ideas, but when they think of Jinsheng who was forced out before, they have to listen and discuss what they are talking about quietly.

"Do you think this time..."

"Ah? It should not be possible, I think... "

Their voice is really very small, even sitting next to the two of them a few male students are looking back at them puzzled.

Nie Cheng glanced at the audience and cast his stern eyes on Wang Sheng. His eyes are like a sword, straight through Wang Sheng's body.

"This I... " Wang Sheng was very nervous at this time. He saw the other side staring at himself and couldn't help speaking well.

Nie Cheng closed his eyes to him and nodded.

Wang Sheng seems to understand. He turned around again and looked at the opposite ye Wuque. At the same time, he yelled at him in a sharp voice: "ye Wuque, don't think you can win me in this way. I tell you, my kung fu is more than just a few fists! "

"Oh? If there are any other moves, let's use them all. I'd like to accompany you! " Ye Wuque also did not say much, just indifferent smile, but the expression on his face became chilly.

Now the scene seems to have begun to become incalculable. If according to Wang Sheng's overwhelming attack before, ye Wuwu must lose! However, the situation has changed dramatically. Wang Sheng actually broke his right hand. I'm afraid he will also suffer a lot of difficulties and setbacks in the next battle.

"Shengdi, I'm really disappointed for you!" At this time, Nie Cheng, sitting in the audience below, shook his head helplessly. Wang Sheng wanted to give Wang Sheng a chance to exercise and a chance to get revenge, but he didn't pay attention to it. He had already known that he had been on it.

Remembering the instructions given by the master before, Nie Cheng heaved a heavy sigh and put down the fist he had just clenched.

He was thinking, let's see the result first. If ye Wumian loses, it's all over. If Wang Sheng loses, he won't give up.

After all, the whole school is under his control alone!

"What a hard mouth At this time, Wang Sheng seemed to have a good rest. He threw his right palm heavily, and at the same time, he took a high speed and hit Ye Wuwei in three or two steps.

"What..." Ye Wuqi obviously didn't think that the speed of the other side would be so fast that he could hardly feel his action.

Fortunately, he did.

We have to admit that Wang Sheng's fists and feet have their own spring and autumn. Just now this kick came, standing up, had to face their own eyebrows, if he does not block it, it is estimated that he will be hit and fall. But even if he reluctantly blocked for a while, he still couldn't stop the impact of the other side's strength, and unconsciously stepped back three or two steps.

"Where to escape!" Seeing ye Wuqian staggering away from himself, Wang Sheng knows that the other party has not had time to defend himself. He quickly presses his left hand on the ground, gets up again, and runs after ye Wuqian. At the same time, he flies up, opens his fist, and makes a series of flying kicks at ye Wuque's chest!After the five sounds of "bang bang bang bang bang bang", Wang Shengluo fell to the ground. In the next moment, again a kick out, leaf without lack of body down!

"No shortage!" The following song Bai Qiu inadvertently called out. Look at her expression, it seems that the tension has reached a certain level, and the liquid on her face, can not tell whether it is sweat or tears, has been flowing along her pink cheek towards the white neck.

It seems that this is a tough opponent!

Many school leaders and students on the scene, their hearts were tight in an instant. They have watched the match for a long time. It can be said that this 20th competition is the most dazzling and wonderful one in the whole ancient Wushu fighting competition.

Only from the present situation, it seems that Wang shenglue is better than Wang shenglue. However, after watching for such a long time, the students below unconsciously began to find their support objects and began to cheer for the two people on the field.

"Wang Sheng, come on, Wang Sheng, come on!"

"Don't lose, ye Wuque, don't lose!"

The shouts on both sides were surging, which made the atmosphere of the whole field strong in an instant.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Hearing the voice of many people supporting him, Wang Sheng suddenly turned around, raised his hand to the students below, and said in a certain tone: "thank you, thank you

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