"Oh, big brother, sister-in-law, wait for me!" Just walked out two steps, suddenly heard the familiar voice behind him again.

It's Jinsheng.

"Big brother, I have been watching your game outside all the time. The last move is really fierce. Hahaha, I knew that guy would not be the opponent of big brother! " When talking about it, Jinsheng danced with pride.

Everyone nodded.

"Although we won, it seems that the principal's handling is not very appropriate..." At this time, Roman suddenly said a word, suddenly stabbed Jin Sheng's excitement point.

"What the hell is the headmaster, what the hell is he doing? Nima, if it wasn't for the sudden opening of this ghost Wushu competition today, I didn't know there was such a person at all! " Jinsheng was really angry. He seems to be holding injustice for ye Wuxiang, and he seems to be not angry for himself: "watching a ghost's game and throwing Laozi back out, he thinks he has so much power, damn it!"

Ye Wuwei's indifferent smile.

"Jinsheng, don't be excited..." Qu baiqiu said something to stop him.

Jinsheng calmed down a little.

"Oh, by the way, big brother, I just went to the toilet and didn't pay attention to the process of awarding awards. Isn't that more than one million yuan, so cool, where is it?" Speaking of this, Jinsheng looks around at them.

At the beginning, he still thought about it. When he found out that it didn't seem to happen at all, Jinsheng understood what was going on.

"Damn it, big brother, what's the matter? That man didn't cash it?" Jinsheng clenched his fist in anger, and looked as if he was about to kill someone.

"It's OK!" Ye Wuqian doesn't seem to want to talk.

"Eh, it seems that he cheated This time, Migu said it. When a word came out of her mouth, she was careful and looked around for a while, afraid that others would say she was still something.

"What? Cheating? " Jinsheng is really on fire. He directly turned around, clenched his fist, and said, "Damn it, the damned headmaster wants to die. I can't beat him to death!"

But as soon as a sentence was finished, a dark shadow flashed across Jinsheng's eyes, bringing a gust of wind.

When Jinsheng reacts, he is suddenly stunned. Ye Wuqi has appeared in front of him, with anger in his eyes.

"I didn't want to care about these things. I just beat Wang Sheng again. It's cool!" At first, he was still angry. When he said the word "pretty cool", he suddenly grinned: "that's enough!"

"What?" Jinsheng didn't seem to understand what was going on: "elder brother, what does that Wang Sheng have to do with you?"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Ye Wuque smiles. Seeing the students passing by, they cast admiring eyes on him. Ye Wuqian knows that he has made a big splash on this kind of thing this time, which is also good.

He took Qu baiqiu and left for a long time, but Jinsheng was still in a daze.

"What do you mean?" While talking, Jinsheng's brain kept replaying Wang Sheng's face, but he still felt that he didn't know him. Yes, I don't know.

"Hey, big brother, sister-in-law, wait for me, wait for me!" Speaking of this, Jinsheng quickly limped to catch up.

Now it's time to have dinner, but ye Wuqian doesn't want to eat in the school's snack street.

Ye Wuqi, with three women and a man, drove to Changting Street on Xiaoxiang road outside.

"Well, is it still here?" Ye Wuwu pointed to the colorful city, as well as the bustling city, with a piercing look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Qu baiqiu is puzzled. She didn't seem to have been to this place and had no impression in her mind, but when she saw that there seemed to be no peace around her, she felt uneasy.

"Ye, ye, is it really good to come here..." It's not comfortable to be Roman. She looked around cautiously. She always felt that there were many people here with mixed eyes, and there was a sense of miasma.

In fact, the most intuitive feeling should be that she saw a place not far away from her own, that is, in a shop, where someone was smashing.

A group of people, about seven or eight, were all around and smashed the shop. The scene was once chaotic and caused many people to watch.

Ye Wuqi feels that he has no face for a moment. Originally, he was in a good mood today. He wanted to take three girls out to eat some cucumber fried noodles, which is one of his favorite home dishes. Unexpectedly, it was enough to be swept away by these guys.

"What's going on here? Why are we fighting again?"

"I don't know. It seems that the shopkeeper offended people. These people came to smash the shop!"

"Isn't it true that Wang's shop has always had a good reputation? How could it offend people?"

When a group of people were still talking about it, ye Wuwei pushed them aside and went straight in."No need, don't do it, no lack, etc." Seeing ye Wuque's blundering like a bluff, Qu baiqiu is worried that he will make trouble again, so he runs after him quickly.

Migu, Roman and Jinsheng, they three, although the heart has doubts, but also one after the past.

"Who are you pushing? Don't push!" It may be that ye Wuwu is too hard, and the person in front of him has taken two or three steps. The uncle looked back and glared at the leaf without missing a look, and said two words without good breath.

But ye Wuwei didn't take it seriously.

He saw that the group was still tossing about inside. Unconsciously, he took a chair and sat down and watched them chop and smash.

"Big brother, what are you doing? Are you looking for something when you have nothing to do?" See ye Wuque very interested in looking there, Jinsheng seems to be very puzzled. Although looking at the horror of the man in front of him who was chopping and smashing there, there was no lack of leaves beside him, and he was also fearless.

Ye Wuqi didn't answer. He took out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket, ignited it, continued, took a sip, and turned to spit out a burst of green smoke, which began to linger in the air.

"Don't smash it, you don't smash it, don't smash..." At this time, I suddenly saw a middle-aged man in his twenties and thirties coming out of the house. His tone is very desolate, almost pleading to those people, said: "what you want, I give you not good, don't smash, don't smash!"

"Well?" Ye Wuqi seems to be aware of a little other meaning. He felt that the boss looked familiar.

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