A group of people still dare not move. They looked at the howling Xiao Xiaohu, and then looked at Ye Wuwei. They wanted to do it one by one, but they were afraid of it. They showed it incisively and vividly in an instant.

"Come on, what are you afraid of?" Ye Wuxiang is just indifferent smile.

"Well, good It hurts... " Xiao Xiaohu was completely scared this time. He wanted to reach out his hand to stop Ye Wuwei, but the other side's hand was like a pair of pliers and could not move it.

Ye Wuque sneers.

"Why are you still in a daze? If you don't save big brother, you'll be in trouble!" I don't know who suddenly said such a sentence, and all the small men in the back rushed up.

"Yes, I have courage!" Ye Wuqi actually let go of Xiao Xiaohu and went up to meet those small men.

Suddenly found that he was ok, Xiao Xiaohu took a breath. When he came back to have a look, he was shocked.

It turns out that those poor little brothers, no one is standing well. Almost all of them fell to the ground without exception, panting.

It looks like they're all seriously injured.

"You, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Xiaohu looked around and found no one without leaf. When he asked the fallen minions, he suddenly looked up and saw that the onlookers were staring at his back nervously, and he felt his hair stand on end.

The body suddenly trembles, what thing is just against his neck, chilly.

It turned out to be a chopstick.

"You, you..." When Xiao Xiaohu finds that ye Wuhu is now standing quietly behind him, the coolness in his heart is getting deeper and deeper.

This man is just like a ghost. He just didn't see it all at once. He killed so many brothers quietly and came to his back. I don't know how many times I have to die if I'm on the battlefield fighting with my life.

It's horrible to think about it.

"What's wrong with me?" Ye Wuque smiles with pride, and specially strokes the slightly sharp end of the chopsticks at Xiao Xiaohu's neck: "isn't your green tiger Gang very powerful, isn't it?"

Xiao Xiaohu dare not answer. He felt that his throat was shaking, as if if he had said something wrong or done something wrong, the other party would stick the chopstick into his throat.

It's horrible to think about it.

"Big brother, this big brother, don't hurt our brother tiger, don't..." Seeing Xiao Xiaohu has no strength to fight back under Ye Wuqian, a younger brother next to him suddenly hugs Ye Wuqian's thigh from the ground, which is similar to saying to him in a pleading tone: "otherwise, the whole green tiger gang and the whole green tiger gang will be the enemy of you!"

Ye Wuque looks down.

"Are you begging me, or are you threatening me?" Ye Wuque raised his eyebrows and said it seriously.

"No, it's not..." The kid was obviously scared. He looked up at ye Wumian. He did not dare to say anything more. He lowered his head and said in a low voice: "our green tiger gang has strict rules. If the younger brother doesn't protect the elder brother, all of us will be severely punished. Please forgive us, forgive us!"

"Oh? It seems to be pretty good! " Ye Wuqi smiles at Xiao Xiaohu and says, "it seems that your little brother is very loyal."

Xiao Xiaohu didn't speak, and ye Wuhu let him go.

"Thank you, brother Xiao Ge, let's go first, let's go first! " The little brother quickly got up, supporting Xiao Xiaohu, who had already begun to feel uneasy, to retreat. The rest of the younger brother also followed back, but one by one were careful, very careful to stare at Ye Wuqian, afraid that he would rush up.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" Already walked to the door, saw that the door was nearly blocked by those onlookers. The younger brothers in front of me quickly cleared the road and yelled at the crowd.

"Hold on!" Ye Wuqian had no reaction, but at this time it was suddenly called out, which scared those small minions.

"Not good Xiao Ge, run, run The little man who held Xiao Xiaohu before felt that the situation was not right. He quickly helped Xiao Xiaohu run forward.

The little thugs in the back also followed.

However, they are still too young after all. If they can get rid of Ye Wumian so easily, ye Wuqi is not ye Wuqi.

"You, what's going on..." Seeing ye Wuqian standing in front of his group of people, the group of small men, even Xiao Xiaohu, and those passers-by, they all felt very incredible. Xiao Xiaohu tentatively looked back, as expected found that the original leaf without missing station position, there has been no one.

This is to have what kind of speed, to achieve the strength now!

"My God, ghost!" Those little ones were able to stand on their feet. The crowd around them all cried out and dispersed.The rest of the vendors, they seem to be aware of what will happen, one by one busy to put up their stalls and stay away.

"This man, what's the matter with this man?" Looking at the leaves without lack of smiling face Yingying to come over, Xiao Xiaohu for a moment felt that his own heart was about to stop beating.

Because the other side looks terrible. Let alone how much ability he can have, with his foot strength which is a group of people in a few seconds, and the speed is several times faster than them, it is really enough to make people wonder.

"You ask me?" Ye Wuqi has already walked several steps to Xiao Xiaohu. Looking at the other party's hand is still there a moment of non-stop shaking, ye Wuque suddenly pinched.

"No, big brother, don't..." Xiao Xiaohu next to the small minion thought ye Wuque wanted to fight Xiao Xiaohu, so he quickly reached out to stop him. However, ye Wuque didn't know when to start, so he turned over to one side.

"This, this..." Now Xiao Xiaohu, but if you don't have a temper, you will have no temper. He was facing the little brother who had already thrown himself at the side and was difficult to even move. He did not even have the courage to look up at ye Wuwu.

Ye Wuwei stares at that group of people and looks at them one by one. Is also fierce, as long as his eyes fall on who's body, that person naturally unconsciously lowers his head, even with his courage to look at him.

"Ha ha, interesting!" Ye Wuqian pretended to be a big man and said to Xiao Xiaohu, "tear down other people's shops, so you want to go? Does it feel too easy? "

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