Xiao Lin nods.

She seems to have just cried or something, her eyes are red, tears covered most of her face, her original so beautiful face has been almost destroyed.

"Xiao Lin, are you ok?" Ye Wuhuo loves her and goes up unconsciously.

The next scene should be a lot of people did not think of, in front of so many people, Xiaolin directly rushed into Ye Wuwei's arms.

"What?" Qu baiqiu was stunned for a moment. She stares at ye Wuque with astonishment, and looks at Xiao Lin, full of question marks in his head.

"It's OK, it's just a child!" Leaves without lack seems to feel Qu baiqiu's jealousy. He put his arm around Xiao Lin and turned his head, staring at Qu baiqiu in embarrassment.

Qu baiqiu didn't say much.

"OK, OK, Xiao Lin, don't cry!" Ye Wuqi saw that the time was almost over, and he pushed her gently away. At the next moment, he took out toilet paper from his pocket, which was packaged. Then he took out a piece of toilet paper from his pocket and carefully wiped Xiaolin's tears.

But it doesn't seem to have the effect it should have. Because Xiaolin obviously did not stop the tears, but just like a broken kite, she burst into tears.

She was moved.

Sometimes, when a girl in a vulnerable time, even if you casually a comfort, casual a little company and protection, perhaps can make the other party moved confused.

"Xiao Lin, ah..." Ye Wuxiang felt that he could do nothing. He can only let Xiao Lin continue to lean on his arms, stretch out a hand, carefully help her pull out that has been wet hair.

The boss stood in the same place at this time and didn't know what to say. He seemed to feel extremely guilty, and he lowered his head and was dejected.

"How did you become a father?" Cold not Ding, the leaf does not lack to look back at that boss, one face reproachs the meaning.

"Well, I'm..." The boss was obviously guilty. Last time, when he separated from ye Wuqian, he was still there in high spirits and solemnly promised. When he thought that he would encounter such a thing, his confidence was broken in an instant.

"What's the matter?" Ye Wuqian looked at him seriously. However, as soon as he said this, he immediately felt that he had said too much.

Looking back at those guys, ye Wuqi sneers.

"Xiao Lin, is this man bullying you?" Ye Wuque faces Xiao Xiaohu, who is pressed to death on the ground and can't play. He turns to ask Xiaolin politely.

"No, not me, not me..." Far away, Xiao Xiaohu heard the conversation on the opposite side. When he heard ye Wuque asking himself, he was suddenly in a cold sweat. But when he wanted to get up, he found that he couldn't get up at all, and was crushed by Yang Long's hand.

Xiao Lin looked at it for a long time. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and then shook her head.

Ye Wuque smiles and signals Yang long to let him go.

"Thank you, thank you..." Xiao Xiaohu thought that ye Wuque meant to let him go. He quickly got up from the ground and turned around and ran. However, he had just run three or two steps. Suddenly, he was hugged by people and fell on the ground again to eat a dog.

"Run what, run what, big brother has not let you go!" It turned out to be Jinsheng.

At this time, Jinsheng is also relying on the leaves to support himself, naturally did not take this guy seriously. He wanted to join in when he saw that everyone was beating so well. Unfortunately, he didn't catch up with the time. This time, he saw that the other party wanted to run, so he was pressed down on the ground.

Ye Wuqi comes up with Xiao Lin.

"As far as I know, you are not the same gang as the red dragon Gang, are you?" Ye Wuxiang looks around with embarrassment at Yang long and Huang Jie, who were originally from the red dragon gang. They smile with embarrassment.

"No, it's not..." Xiao Xiaohu is nervous to death. He barely glanced at Ye Wuqian, then quickly lowered his head and said in a tone of self-talk: "we just saw the guys of the red dragon Gang doing things. We found out that they were working together. We just came together to join in the fun."

When it comes to the final "make fun of" time, Xiao Xiaohu's voice is completely low down. He did not seem to know how to say, the heart began to complain about his own meddling.

"Well, it seems that you can't make it clear. It's boring..." Ye Wuqi turned to look at the boss and said, "are you here to avoid the talent of the red dragon Gang?"

The boss nodded.

Ye Wuqian didn't understand at first, but after a look at the tearful face of Xiao linnabu, he understood some things in his heart.

It seems that the reason is that the little girl is too beautiful. Now the girl is really pitiful, ugly no one wants, beautiful but always seduce wolf, the probability of persecution is much greater.

"Hehe, do you know who this girl is?" After ye Wuqi thought of this, he squatted down and asked Xiao Xiaohu in a funny tone."No, I don't know..." Xiao Xiaohu seems to feel the danger on his own body looming.

"She's my sister!" When he said this, ye Wuqi was merciless and directly punched him with a fist, which made him fall to the ground.

Xiao Xiaohu is so miserable. He was now thinking that if he had known it, he would not have been in this muddy water. Damn it, I didn't get any good. Instead, I was beaten by a lot of pain.

"You dare to bully Laozi's sister. Do you want to go out alive?" Although ye Wuque's voice is very small in this noisy street, Xiao Xiaohu still listens to every word.

No way. He didn't dare to listen. The guy in front of him is just a door god. If he accidentally bumps into him, he will not be able to get out of here today.

"Those damned fellows dare to leave Laozi alone and run away..." Xiao Xiaohu is still there clenching his fist, discontented with the clamor, has been Ye Wuqi's hand.

"Ah, no, no, no, it hurts, it hurts so much..." Although Ye Wuqi seems to have no strength, Xiao Xiaohu is really in pain and tears will come out. In particular, there are so many people around to watch the fun and tell what to do. He felt that he was such a brilliant little leader of the green tiger Gang, which was a total loss of face.

It's not very good.

"If you're not happy, wait for me next time. It happens that I'm very angry at this period of time, and I have nothing to do!" Seems to have seen through the other party's mind like, leaf without lack smile, let him go.

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