"A long!" This time it's the voice of Ye Wumian.

Yang long stopped.

He seemed to be waiting for ye Wuqian to speak, but he did not turn around.

"Well, what's the matter..." The boss was obviously scared at this time. He looked at Ye Wuwei and Yang long at the door.

"I can understand your mood, but I'm afraid it's not so easy if you want to break through with your own strength." Ye Wuqi's tone is not strong, but in this word and sentence, it is obviously very tough.

Yang long turned around.

"Ye Ge, what do you mean..." Although Yang long is also a hot tempered person, at least he is a bit rational. Especially in the face of such a powerful person Ye Wuqian, his words will not be ignored.

"I don't mean much. I just advise you to think twice before you act!" Ye Wuwei fixed to look at him.

Yang longleng for a long time. In the next moment, it was a few quick steps to the leaf without missing, and sat down again.

"Ye Ge, do you have any good way?" Now Yang long seems to have calmed down a lot.

"To tell you the truth, I also hate the underworld, the local villain, the punk!" Speaking of this, ye Wumian inverted the bottle and poured it into his own glass.

Yang long didn't seem to know what he meant. He looked back at Huang Jie and Liu Kai, and they all shook their heads helplessly.

"Ye Ge, do you mean Are you going to help me? " Yang long asked in a tentative tone.

Ye Wuqi just smiles.

"Don't talk about these unpleasant things today. Finish all the food first." Ye Wuque points to the pile of food left on the table.

Yang long had no choice but to sit down.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Lin and the boss sat quietly, listening to a group of them talking. They had nothing to interrupt, but they still listened carefully.

"Xiao Lin, are you still reading?" Ye Wuqian saw that they were really speechless and asked her a question.

"Changli middle school, I'm still a senior one!" Hearing ye Wuque's question, Xiao Lin was naturally very happy to answer it.

"Long ceremony?" Ye Wuqian knows that this school, which happens to be a secondary school affiliated to Fenghai University, is next door to Fenghai University. It's really close.

"Yes, what's the matter, brother ye?" Xiao Lin didn't find any clue.

Ye Wumei shakes his head.

"Xiao Lin, the number I gave you last time is mine. Since I have something to do, why don't you call me?" Ye Wuqian seems to be angry when he speaks.

Xiao Lin lowered her head.

"That Brother ye, we are very grateful to you for helping us father and daughter again and again. How can we always bother you? " Speaking of this, the boss suddenly lowered his head and thumped his thigh with his hands, and turned to look very sad.

But he will do this step up, in fact, can only blame his cowardice useless. Others say that they are afraid of evil people. For the kind people, they will bully them even harder.

"Are you afraid of trouble or of losing your daughter?" Ye Wuqi looks at him angrily. At the next moment, he said to the boss with a tone of hatred for iron and no steel: "others are bullying you. If you still blindly avoid and retreat, you will only attract more bullying. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I know..." The boss kept nodding.

Ye Wuque calls Xiao Lin in front of everyone.

"Xiao Lin, do you know Fenghai university?" He was very polite and asked her tenderly.

"Yes, it's next to our school!" Xiao Lin is very happy.

Ye no fault nods.

"There I am!" Ye Wuque smiles, then touches her head to Xiao Lin and says with concern: "if anyone dares to bully you in school again, just tell me!"

"Really, brother ye, are you serious?" Xiao Lin seems to have never thought of such a situation, and immediately got up from her seat.

Ye wuhui nods.

"Xiao Lin, don't be afraid again. With so many big brothers here, we will protect you Ye Wuqi said, looking at Yang long and Huang Jie behind him.

"Yes, yes. Little girl, we are all brothers of your elder brother Ye. If anyone dares to bully elder brother Ye's younger sister, it is to bully our sister. We'll make a start for you! " After seeing ye Wuqian said so, Huang Jie ran up quickly. He stood in front of Xiao Lin, put his hands on her shoulders and pretended to be very serious.

Xiao Lin was really moved.

By the time the party came out, it was eight or nine o'clock in the evening. Ye Wuqian put the rest of the people aside and talked with Yang long for a while.

It's not too early to go back to school. It's time to turn off the lights. Ye Wuqi took a bath and went to bed.He was just in bed when someone called.

It's Zhao siliang.

Ye felt that things might be done.

"What's the matter?" He answered the phone in a calm voice, but there was a certain excitement in his heart.

After all, the other party is their own intelligence hotline.

"It's a bit of an event!" Zhao siliang doesn't know where he is. There seems to be a lot of noise around him, and his voice can't be heard clearly.

"What is it?" Ye Wuqi feels that a big stone in his heart seems to have fallen to the ground.

"You have to tie the bell person to untie the bell. Since it was Zuo Mingding who did it, we should start with him?" Zhao siliang seems to be half joking and half serious.

"OK, I'll leave it to you!" A word finish saying, "pa" for a moment, ye Wuque hung up the phone.

Just lying down, the phone rang again.

"What's the matter?" Ye Wuqian picks up the phone and sees that Zhao siliang is not happy at all.

"Hey, you're really so relieved. Isn't she your girlfriend, just pushing it to me?" Zhao siliang seems to be upset.

"Don't talk nonsense. We're just friends!" After a little pause, ye Wuqian said to Zhao siliang at the other end of the phone: "I trust you, you can do well!"

"What do you mean..." Before Zhao siliang had time to speak, ye Wuqian hung up the phone again.

In fact, he has been thinking about Zhang Yiyun today. The things that happened with her before, although very beautiful, but he always felt a bit wrong with Qu baiqiu.

Since Zhao siliang has dealt with Zhang Yiyun's safety, there is really nothing to worry about. It's just that the emotional aspect is a little difficult.

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