The leaf does not lack to go up, throw that iron stick in the hand on the ground.

He didn't even look at those little guys who were beaten up by him and couldn't even get up. He went upstairs.

Because according to Liu Kai, Yang long and they are up here.

Ye Wuqi's steps are very heavy, but the footstep sound is very light. He slowly came upstairs, silent, like a ghost.

There was no movement upstairs. He looked around, all the rooms, like luxury hotels, the door is white, the floor is also white wood, very gorgeous.

The doors were all closed, but not tightly.

Ye Wuqi pushes away one by one, but finds that they are all very ordinary hotels. They are very quiet. There are bed sheets, quilts and daily necessities beside them.

He felt strange.

Is NIMA here in the hotel or in someone else's help? Why did she hear the sound of fierce fighting before, but she was calm in such a moment. Did she just delay her time and come too late?

Ye Wuque began to regret in his heart.

"Cough, cough..." A sudden burst of cough came from afar, and ye Wuqi ran over quickly.

It turned out to be a red dragon Gang thug.

"You What are you doing? " When ye Wumian's hand was holding his own throat, the small one found that he was completely unable to move, and even spoke with great difficulty.

"Say, was there a fight just now?" Ye Wuxiang doesn't want to talk to him.

"Why What a fight, cough The little one coughed again.

"Damn it!" Ye Wuqi directly increased the strength on his own hands: "want to die, want to live?" However, it seems that he is still useless. The other party doesn't speak at all.

It seems that the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and will not die until the Yellow River.

There was only a bang and the chair broke. The little guy was stunned, because he had just split the chair in half with one palm!

How much Kung Fu is required to reach such a level!

"You, you..." The other side couldn't speak.

"You know how to do it?" Ye Wuwei stares at him with a smile.

But the other side still did not speak.

"Will you accept me as a disciple?" The little one suddenly knelt down to Ye Wuqian and directly began to kowtow: "if I have such a powerful master to teach me, then my strength can also advance by leaps and bounds!"

At the beginning, he didn't take him seriously. After hearing what the other party said, ye Wuqian carefully observed him.

This is also a boy in his twenties, but he should be older than himself. From his face and wrinkles, he should be a master who has experienced the vicissitudes of life.

"What's the origin?" Ye Wuqian asked him.

"My name is Zhao Yi!" The little one raised his head and said seriously to Ye Wuxiang.

Ye wuhui nods. But I didn't want to talk to him. Seeing that Zhao Yi couldn't help him at all, he turned around and was ready to go.

"Master, wait!" Zhao Yi calls Ye Wuqian.

Ye Wuqi stops.

"Who did you say you were looking for?" Seeing that ye Wuqian is leaving, Zhao Yi seems to be in a hurry.

"I have a brother named Yang..." Ye Wuqian has not finished, has been interrupted by the other party.

"Oh, needless to say, master, I'll take you there!" The other party seems to know what ye Wuque wants to say, and gets up directly from the ground and walks out with ye Wuque.

They take the elevator directly. Inside, Zhao Yi reaches for the 12th floor.

In a few minutes, we'll be on the 12th floor.

"Master It should be here! " Zhao Yi looks at him and shows him the way.

Sure enough, not long after I left, I heard a lot of noise coming from a place not far away. No, it should be said that it was cheering.

"Come on, lie in the trough, give me a call!"

"Bet, everybody bet, see who will win!"

"Ha ha, have fun, everybody have fun!"

Excuse me, is this gambling or what? Ye Wuwu looks back at Zhao Yi suspiciously, but the other party stops.

"What's the matter?" Ye Wuqian asked him.

"Master, the person you're looking for should be in it. If I have something else to do, I'll go first." Speaking of this, Zhao Yi bowed his hand respectfully and left.

Looking at his back, ye Wuque suddenly smiles.

He went to the front.

I have to admit that the 12th floor is very spacious, and it has already reached the point of unprecedented prosperity. At least he has not seen such a luxurious house and building.

Ye Wumian walked past.

He found that it was just like a gymnasium. At the bottom was a round competition field. There were two people standing in it, and there were people in all directions. All of them were watching fighting animals and cheering there!"Fight, give me a hard fight, fight!"

"Ha ha ha ha, this guy is really beat up. He has won more than a dozen, but he still has such ability!"

"Ha ha, don't you rush to praise him, don't you see that he is already dizzy and about to die?"

A group of people began to laugh.

Ye Wuxiang seems to know something. He saw that no one was paying attention to him now, so he went in through the other side of the hole, and he wanted to come in and see what was going on.

He had just entered the stadium, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

It turns out that one of the two sides above the arena is Yang long! Seeing that Yang long had no strength obviously, but he was still fighting with the other side there, looking exhausted, he felt worried.

"Ha ha, it seems that this boy is really at the end of his tether, but it's enough. We've been addicted to it for so long. It's time to let him go on the road!" A voice came from the upper left position of the leaf.

He looked up and found a man with a beard and a ferocious look on his face.

Ye Wuhua decided to have a look first.

Fortunately, no one seems to find themselves, they are all absorbed in watching the match between two people on the field.

"Zhao erhu, you listen to me, even if I Yang long really died here, you can't live long!" Another fist beat back the opponent. Yang long roared at Ye Wuwei's side: "you have killed me for three years. Today, I'm sorry that I can't take your dog's life!"

"Motherfucker, you're still here when you die!" While saying that, ye Wuwu's head full of whiskers and whiskers yelled at the red dragon player on the court: "Xiao Zhou, what the hell are you doing there? Kill him, I'm the one who's pressing you to win. Don't let me down!"

"Yes Xiao Zhou, known as Xiao Zhou, bowed to him respectfully and continued to fight Yang long.

Ye Wumian looked up.

"So you are Zhao erhu?" Ye Wuqi stares at him from afar and suddenly laughs.

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