"Hehe, brother Yang, I think you can't hold on to it. You'd better not force yourself to die!" At this time, the big fat man on the opposite side has come to Yang long. He looked at Yang long with a smile on his face and said to him with a haughty and contemptuous expression: "otherwise, don't blame me for my cruel hand!"

Yang long did not answer. He just smile indifferently, and then put his hand to the corner of his mouth and wiped it. When I look down again, my hands are covered with blood.

He made a gesture of "let the horse come" to his opponent.

The fat man felt that his authority was being challenged, and he raised his eyebrows and glared.

"You asked for it, don't blame me!" As he spoke, the fat man clenched his fist and rushed towards Yang long.

The two men collided violently.

"Damn it, Xiao Zhou, this guy doesn't care!" Seeing that the fat man still had no way to deal with Yang long, Zhao erhu turned back to Xiao Zhou, who was already sweating, and roared: "what the hell are you doing? One by one, you don't want to fight, which makes me lose interest in watching the opera."

"No, it's not Boss Xiao Zhou was obviously scared. He wanted to explain, but he was refused mercilessly.

, "fuck, are we such a chop of the red dragon Gang awesome?" Zhao erhu roared so hard that those little ones around him turned their heads quickly. He was afraid that if he was selected, he would have to fight with the "wild animal" on the field to show them, which would be uncomfortable. Although the winner will get a huge amount of revenge, but according to the urine of Zhao erhu, who knows whether it is true or not?

But the fat man seems to have some tricks. At that time, he fought with Yang long. Although he was beaten several fists by the other side, he had the advantage of height after all. With a violent impact, Yang long fiercely hit the railing on one side and then fell to the ground.

His head was already dripping with blood, and his arms were almost numb and weak, but he still stood up trembling,

"Damn it, I'm not so easy to die!" At this time, Yang long was still extremely excited. "Even if I can only get here, I will pull you down!" he yelled at the fat man

"Ha ha, can you beat me?" The other party has obviously no longer put Yang long in the eye. I'm afraid he can't go back to the sky soon when I see him staggering.

"Die!" Suddenly, there was a roar. The fat man rushed to Yang long in two or three steps. At the same time, he cried out: "I will let you die within three moves!"

"Whoosh" a sound, that fist is fierce as the wind, toward Yang Long's face to hit, but was he to avoid.

The other side was obviously surprised and rushed up again, chasing Yang long, and kicking a foot again, towards his chest.

"Well Cough Yang long just moved a little faster, and now he is coughing. When he saw the other side's foot kicking over, there was no way to hide.

"Drink Yang long had no way but to cross his hands into fists and block them toward each other's legs.

"Creak!" Only heard a burst of fracture sound, two people each retreat more than.

"Er, my hand, my hand..." This is Yang Long's cry. It seems that his arm can't be used this time. Not only does he start to bleed and throw away his clothes, but also he can see that the dense white bones inside are almost exposed.

Yang long can't.

He had already fallen to the ground, but still with his feet on the ground for a while, and then rose from the ground.

Yang Zhengfei has just left him a chance to kick in the chest!

"Poof!" A burst of blood gushed from Yang Long's mouth.

With a plop, he fell to the ground. Head heavy knock on the ground, issued a violent sound.

I can't seem to be able to move.

"I, am I really going to die here..." Yang long half opened his eyes and said feebly: "unfortunately, there is no way to get rid of that scum!"

"yes, you're going to die, and you're still here! "All of a sudden, the fat man clenched Yang Long's collar with his back hand, clenched his fist with his right hand, and roared at him:" die! "

"Bang", a punch in the past, hit Yang longan eyes dark. His face is also full of blood stains, dying, it is estimated that a few more punches, he will have to hang up.

"ha ha ha, this brother is awesome!" Sitting on the stage, Zhao erhu had a wry smile on his face.

Next to Xiao Zhou quickly flattered to turn around, said respectfully to him: "brother tiger, it seems that today's competition is over here!"

"Of course, ask that brother to be a bodyguard for me in the future, ha ha ha!" Zhao erhu looks very proud, with a smile on his face.

Xiao Zhou was stunned."Bodyguard?" He didn't seem to think of the result at all. He was shocked and asked Zhao erhu, "what about the bonus that the boss promised before?"

When he spoke, his tone was shaking, but he deliberately pretended to be calm, which made Zhao erhu very unhappy.

"If you don't get a bonus, I'll ask him to be my bodyguard. Isn't it the greatest honor to give him? What do you want? You mean it's not enough?"

"No, no..." Although the mouth dare not say more, but that small week in the heart but Resentment: "damn..."

After all, those people who were recommended before were his subordinates. If Zhao erhu said that the person who defeated Yang long could get a million bonus, he would be able to cut a little, or even more, from it. He would know that the other side was so stingy that he would fool others.

He sighed deeply. What else can we do? Everyone else is the boss. What does he say? What should we do?

"Hehe, it seems that you are no longer able to do it. Let me give you a ride again!" While saying that, the fat man said to Yang long with a smile: "brother, you used to be our brother of the red dragon gang. I can consider giving you a happy one!" As he spoke, his fists clenched tightly, and his bones began to make sounds.

Yang long was confused and could only see that the fat man's fist had already hit his face.

He closed his eyes slightly.


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