"What's going on?" Zhao erhu asked a little brother next to him.

"I, I don't know..." The little brother was so scared that he couldn't understand a word when he answered Zhao erhu's words.

Ye Wuqi is still with a pair of ridicule look at them, as if in a joke like.

"Brother tiger, brother Tiger You can't wait for death, brother tiger. I came here to ambush after listening to your words Tiger Zhou Wen is already scared. Especially when Zhao erhu told them to fire the gun, I was more scared unconsciously.

"Boy, I have to admit, you are very good!" When talking about this, Zhao erhu suddenly gave a strange smile. Unfortunately, when you can't smile, you can't walk without leaves

"They left early!" It seems to be intended to hit Zhao erhu's face. Ye Wuhu said to Zhao erhu with a casual tone: "you have so many people, can't you stay?"

"You Zhao erhu was infuriated. But it was just a moment, and it became normal.

He looked around and smirked unconsciously.

"Ye Wuqian, right? You seem to be a business I ran before!" Zhao erhu laughed and ordered the small men around him to come up and hold him in his heart: "I didn't expect that you could still come out alive. It's really a miracle!"

"Oh, do you remember?" Ye Wuqi suddenly laughed and said with a proud smile, "I thought you had forgotten it!"

Zhao erhu closed his eyes.

"It's a pity that you still have to die now!" As he spoke, Zhao erhu immediately waved.

It looks like it's the rhythm of the shot.

"Brother tiger, don't, don't Tiger, bang Suddenly heard a burst of gunfire, Zhou Wenzhong. His chest is like a red moon in full bloom, suddenly bloom, a blood color!

Ye Wuqi released Zhou Wen.

Just now this shot was fired by Wang Wende, the big guy next to Zhao erhu. The barrel of the pistol he was holding was still emitting black smoke.

"It's enough to hang up!" Seeing that someone died in front of him, ye Wuqi was also strangely calm.

He turned and wanted to go.

"Shoot!" All of a sudden, hearing the voice of Zhao erhu from behind, a group of people immediately took up their guns and started shooting at Ye Wuhu's back.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang" sound began to ring, ye Wuqi was completely buried inside.

"Well, that's enough!" Seeing that so many guns have been shot, Zhao erhu ordered to stop shooting.

Everyone put down their guns.

When the smoke is gone, it's empty at a glance

"Where are the people?" Zhao erhu was furious. He looked back at the small men beside him, who were also at a loss and growled, "what the hell are the people?"

"Estimate, estimate It's gone Next to a small man in there whispered after finishing, suddenly by that Zhao erhu to kick open.

"Damn it..." Zhao erhu was so angry that he kicked the little one over. In the next moment, he yelled at a group of small men behind him: "go after me quickly!"

"Big brother, can you still catch it now?" Wang Wende, next to him, was almost suspicious.

We can't help but say that ye Wuque is such a terrible creature. He has been thinking about whether he can kill the other party. Now, seeing this situation, I knew that there was nothing.

Although Wang Wende was "outspoken", he was defeated by the fierce light in Zhao erhu's eyes.

"Brother tiger, let's go, we'll just go..." Although Wang Wende was also a fugitive, he had no way to deal with such a role as Zhao erhu. He had to humble himself there and rush out with a group of people.

At this time, ye Wuqian has already found Yang long where they are.

"Brother ye, it's brother Ye. Are you out?" Seeing that ye Wuqi came out safe and sound, everyone was obviously very happy.

Ye no fault nods. He took a closer look and found that they were working on each other's cars.

There are several jeeps, all parked in place, it seems that there is no lock, but it is broken.

"What are you doing?" Ye Wuqi looks back and feels that those people should be catching up.

"Ye Ge, a car can't move!" After hearing this, Huang Jie rushed up to him and pointed to the tire position: "it seems that there is something wrong with the wheel."

Ye Wumei takes a look.

"You go first. You can walk as much as you can." Speaking of this, ye Wuqian squatted down to check the tire.

"That's not good, ye Ge. We're going to walk together. How can we leave you alone?" When talking about this, Liu KaiDun made a pair of hot-blooded appearance, and said to Ye Wuwei in a loud voice: "brother ye, you have come to this point for us this time. If we do this again, we will really be sorry for you!"Yang long seems to want to say something, but he is really hurt and can't speak.

Ye Wuqi didn't say anything.

"You mean you're waiting for me Ye Wuque took a look and found that they were all in a mess to death, and there were injuries all over the body, and the eyes were not so good.

No one spoke.

Ye Wuxiang understood.

"Yes, you have already waited. Let's go." Ye took a look at the jeep, which was obviously not an ordinary jeep. The seat was very big: "I think this car can hold many people. If you can go, you can go first." As he said this, ye Wuwei didn't care so much. He roared at Huang Jie and Liu Kai in a loud voice: "ah long has been injured like this. How dare you wait here? You're killing me

Huang Jie, Liu Kai and Yang Hu were all shocked.

In their impression, ye Wuqian never seemed to say such dirty words. Even if he had said so, he would never have said that to his own people. Now this situation, that can only show that what they do is to make ye Wuqi angry.

"No, I don't have to..." When Yang long was ready to say something, he had already been pushed into the car by Yang Hu. The rest of the people all found their own seats to get on the bus.

"Brother ye, are you really OK?" When everything is ready, Huang Jie and several of them turn back to look at Ye Wuwei.

Ye Wumian waved and then nodded.

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