There was a "bang" sound on the table. Someone was deliberately patting the table.

Ye Wuqi looks back, or the fat man before. "Boss, why haven't you come yet?" he yelled angrily at the inner room? Nima is long enough to cook a meal

Xiao Lin seems to be scared. She wanted to stand up, but was stopped by the leaf.

"How strange are these people's accents?" Ye Wuwu asked Xiao Lin.

"It should be from other places..." Xiao Lin looks worried. She looked at those people, then turned to Ye Wuwei and said in a nervous tone, "they will not come to make trouble again."

Ye Wuwu has no choice but to smile.

"I'm here, it's ok..." Ye is almost in the tone of comfort to talk to Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin nods.

"Well, here it is, here it is!" The boss seemed to be hastened and brought out several bowls of food. Because he was walking too fast, he didn't stand firm at once, and he fell on the road in an instant, and all the food in his hand was spilled onto other people's bodies.

It's those guys who seem to be vicious.

"Fuck your mother Suddenly saw their new clothes splashed with vegetable soup, a guy who looked very angry instantly yelled at the boss.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to..." The boss was scared. He got up quickly from the ground. They didn't care to wipe their own clothes, so they quickly took a napkin from the table next to them, and were busy cleaning the clothes for the punk.

The other side didn't seem to worry about the boss's feelings.

"Go away!" He kicked the boss off with one kick. In the next moment, it is to stand up and shake off the soup. But I didn't expect that he made a fool of himself, and all of a sudden, the soup was completely infiltrated along the corner of his coat.

"Dad, Dad!" Seeing her father being bullied, Xiao Lin screamed and stood up directly from the table. She ran to the boss in a hurry and picked him up from the ground.

"Damn it, Lao Tzu's clothes are worth his mother's two thousand yuan. How dare you make such a virtue with me?" One side of the loud roar, the gangster actually three or two steps to rush to the boss, want to beat him.

Just as he clenched his fist and tried to beat the boss, one of his own hands was pinched.

There is no lack of leaves.

”That's enough Ye Wuqi suddenly said coldly. He looked at the little gangster's eyes, filled with endless resentment.

"You are..." The little gangster turned timid in an instant. Because he saw a glimmer of cold light in Ye Wuwei's eyes.

It's so inspiring and even has some horrible meaning!

"Are you all right?" Ye Wuqian looks at the boss beside him.

"I'm ok. I'm fine. I'm sorry, brother Ye. I've made you laugh again!" The boss seems to be very embarrassed, a helpless look on his face.

Ye no fault nods.

"What are you doing?" While saying that, the leaf without lack is to turn back to that pain under the cruel hand fellow to shout: "if you were not there to urge life, he would be so anxious?"

"Oh, who is this boy?" The group seemed to have come from other places. They didn't know ye Wuqian. They all stood up from their seats when they saw him hanging up.

It seems that they have underestimated his ability!

Ye Wuxiang is just indifferent smile.

"Don't get excited. Don't get excited. It's really my fault just now. It's my fault!" At this time, the boss made a look of self blame. Seeing the tension between the two sides, he quickly ran to the middle of them, trying to stop the dispute caused by him.

However, the other side of the crowd, how can they be so easy to let them "a way of life"?

"Ha ha, which onion are you, NIMA's, do you want to die?" At this time, a little brother like man next to the middle-aged man came up and started to roar at the boss, which scared him back and forth.

"Well, why do you have to do this? It's just a little impulsive, it's a small matter!" Seeing that the people on both sides have been very fierce, the middle-aged man quickly stopped talking.

His name is Cheng Deju.

"Boss, go and cook, we are starving to death!" As he spoke, Cheng sat down.

And they all sat down.

"No need, forget it..." Seeing each other's people actually began to ignore, Qu baiqiu, they still felt very surprised.

But it's time to do more than one.

Hum, back to the table without leaves.

"Xiao Lin, come here!" Ye Wuqi saw Xiao Lin still standing in the same place and looking at them, unconsciously called her over.Xiao Lin seems to have a sad face.

"Ah, brother ye, you can see, my father is really not easy to do!" Xiao Lin said it very sad. She didn't want to say anything more, just kept her head down.

"Ha ha, it's just so. What's the use of these people besides bullying the soft and fearing the hard?" Ye Wuqi raised his voice deliberately, as if he wanted to let those people across the street hear it.

As expected, they all glared towards this side.

"Boy, what the hell were you talking about?" A little gangster seemed to think of something. He patted the table and stood up from the stool.

Ye Wuqi obviously didn't pay attention to him.

"Ask me, but some people said you?" Ye Wuqian said it coldly. Although the sound is not loud this time, it is enough for the other party to hear clearly.

"Damn it..." The punk wanted to come over and pick up trouble, but he was stopped by Cheng De again.

"It's OK. It's a little thing." He smiles, as if he didn't take ye Wuque's provocation seriously, which makes ye Wuque feel strange.

No, I haven't eaten any food on the table.

"Are you full?" Xiao Lin asked ye Wuque: "brother ye, I'll help you to serve dinner!" While saying, Xiao Lin quickly got up, but was stopped by Ye Wuwei.

"Just give me a cup of tea!" Ye Wuqian smiles at Xiao Lin.

Small Lin Leng for a moment, or a word to say: "good, good, no lack of brother, wait a moment!"

Seeing that the teapot on the table was empty, Xiao Lin went in with the empty teapot.

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