"What are you crying for?" There is no lack of leaves in autumn.

"No, no..." Qu baiqiu turns around. She tried to change her expression and smile happily.

Ye Wuhuo's heart hurt for a while, really painful. But he is heartache Qu baiqiu, heartache this kind girl.

"Is it Wang Sheng's ghost?" Ye Wumian sits up from the bed. He took a little breath. He was weak.

He knew it wasn't that easy to poison that guy.

Qu baiqiu nodded slightly.

”All right, don't worry about it, we can save our lives! " Qu baiqiu looked at ye Wuque with heartache on his face and said, "we'd better wait for you to get better, OK?"

Ye Wuqi clenched his fists tightly, until now he really knew what a vicious heart Wang Sheng was.

"Hateful guy..." At this time, the leaves have a big want to jump up the feeling. His eyes were wide open, and the whole person was shaking. It was a heart of revenge in his chest.

"No need, don't get excited, don't get excited!" Qu baiqiu actually rushed up and held him tight with both arms.

The leaves are not missing.

"Bai Qiu, you?" He never thought that Qu baiqiu would be so active. It was really shocking.

"Wuxiang, your poison is tianlingsan, not the mess that Wang Sheng said. It can cause temporary blindness, hearing loss, auditory hallucination, etc. in serious cases, it can also lead to the destruction of people's spirit, and eventually become... " Speaking of the last sentence, Qu baiqiu stopped.

"What does it turn out to be?" Ye Wuque knows it in his heart, but he wants to listen to Qu baiqiu.

Qu baiqiu sat down quietly. She sat in front of Ye Wuqi and gave him a big hug again.

"No matter what you become, I will accompany you well. Don't worry!" Qu baiqiu's words are like the warm sun in winter, which deeply warms the heart of Ye Wuwu.

At this moment, he really felt what was moving. However, it was only a moment, because in the next moment, ye Wuwei pushed her away.

"I'm going to be a psychopath, right?" There is no lack of leaves in autumn.

Qu baiqiu gently wipes tears, and then nods slowly.

I don't know why, after getting the result, ye Wuqi became unusually calm.

"Is there any cure?" Ye Wuqian knows that in this small hospital, there is no way to cure his "illness".

No wonder they only know that their body is empty, but can not find any reason. If you drag on like this, you may really become a psychopath.

"I don't know..." Qu baiqiu shook his head helplessly. However, she thought for a while, then turned to ye Wumian and said, "Wu Mei, do you want me to leave for a while?"

"What are you going to do?" Ye Wuqian asked her.

"It seems that master and brothers have arrived in Chuzhou already." When talking about this, Qu baiqiu looked at Ye Wuqian and said, "I think I can go to see him."

Ye Wuqi thinks of the old man who taught himself a lot when he lived in Meishan.

Since he came down from Meishan on that day, ye Wuqian has never seen Wang Zhan again, and he doesn't know what he has become.

"Chuzhou is not close to here, is it?" Ye Wuqi takes out his mobile phone. He inquired carefully, then shook his head.

It takes five hours by plane. It's far enough.

"No need, I'm fine. I'm good at Kung Fu. Don't worry about me!" Qu baiqiu knew what ye Wuqian was worried about, so she quickly comforted him.

"I'll go with you!" Speaking of this time, ye Wuxiang called out to the outside.

Yang long and others came in.

"What's up, brother ye?" Yang long asked ye Wuwu.

"It's OK. I want to tell you one thing!" Ye Wuqi's expression is very serious.

"What, Chuzhou City?" Yang long and other three people were scared: "Ye brother, you are not good body, why go to Chuzhou City for no reason?"

"Yes, yes, brother ye, you'd better stay in the hospital for a few days, and then leave when you're a little better, OK?" Liu Kai is also worried.

"No need!" Ye Wuqi actually stood up directly. In front of the crowd, he put his coat around and dressed neatly.

In the whole process, Qu baiqiu didn't stop him.

After finishing the discharge procedures, ye Wuqian gave a brief instruction to Yang long, then stopped a taxi and got on with Qu baiqiu.

"Yes, why are you doing this?" In the car, Qu baiqiu asked the leaves.

"Sometimes, things should be done with vigour, shouldn't they?" Ye Wuqi felt that his head was still dim now. He closed his eyes and spoke with some difficulty."No shortage..." Qu baiqiu felt a little sympathy for him. At the next moment, she made a phone call.

"Xiaogu, please take a leave for me. I can't go to class these days. Mid term exam? I may also miss Mm-hmm, that's it After saying that, the song Bai Qiu directly hung up the phone.

Ye Wuqian also made a phone call with Jinsheng.

Both are ready.

"Too soon?" Qu baiqiu didn't expect that he was still in the hospital. Now he had to go to the airport. He couldn't accept it.

"It's OK. Let's find Master Wang Zhan as soon as possible." When speaking, ye Wuqian rubbed his head unconsciously and said, "I'm afraid that time will drag on for a long time, and I will be hard to cure!"

"No shortage, in fact, this toxin is not so serious..." Qu baiqiu knows that ye Wuqian is now focused on revenge. He should not listen to what he says.

Sure enough, ye Wuxiang directly interrupted her.

"Bai Qiu, do you know what my consistent life style is?" There is no lack of leaves in autumn.

"No, I don't know..." To tell you the truth, Qu baiqiu really doesn't understand. She looked at the leaf without lack of doubt, full of doubt on her face.

Ye Wuqi actually laughed. The noise was loud and arrogant. The driver in the front seat looked back at him for several times.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!" When ye Wuqian said such a sentence, the corner of his mouth had begun to lift up slowly, with a cold smile.

"No..." Qu baiqiu is scared. At this time, she was struggling. It seemed that Wang Sheng's appearance was really the beginning of the whole tragedy. If it went on like this, it was estimated that they would not be at peace on both sides.

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