"Do you mean that my kung fu is far behind you?" Qu baiqiu looked at ye Wuwu wrongly.

Ye no fault nods.

"Elder martial sister Bai Qiu, you went up the mountain before me for many years, didn't you?" Ye Wumian turned his back and said, "why can't you deal with such a few small ones now? What's the reason?"

Qu baiqiu didn't speak for a long time. She felt that the fact was true. Her martial arts had not been used for many days and was about to rust. Now many times, if ye Wuwu hadn't shown up, she might have suffered a lot.

"I'm sorry. I have to trouble you to help me every time. I'm really sorry..." Qu baiqiu is now deeply aware of his own mistakes: "I will later..."

"No, girls. It's enough to protect yourself!" Ye Wuqian seemed to know what she was going to say next, and interrupted her directly: "but with your current strength, it seems that you can't even protect yourself!"

"Mm-hmm Qu baiqiu is really embarrassed.

While the two of them were still discussing, they suddenly heard a voice coming from behind.

"Damn it, you talk about wool there, don't you take me seriously?" It was obviously fan Tong's voice.

Ye Wuxiang looks back. When he found that the other side's face began to gradually become frightened, he directly laughed and asked in a very serious tone, "what's the matter with you?"

"Boy, do you know our Xuanye Gang?" Seeing that there were only two people in each other, fan Tong didn't take them seriously: "if you dare to offend the people of Xuanye Gang, don't you want to mix up in Chuzhou City?"

"Oh? What do you mean Ye Wuqi pretends not to understand. He walked up to fan Tong and held out his hand.

The other side was startled. He may have thought that ye Wuqian wanted to beat him, and instinctively stepped back several steps, which can make ye Wuque a little surprised.

He just wanted to see the hat on his head.

"What are you afraid of?" Ye Wuque smiles carelessly, which makes fan Tong's body shake unconsciously.

He looked back and saw that the boys around him had been lying in the mud for a long time, and no one could get up. Looking at their painful appearance, they must have been hurt. What really shocked him was the foot.

The foot strength of Ye Wuliu seems to be powerful to a certain extent. Just as far as he could see, all the people swept by Ye wubu's feet flew far away, and he could clearly hear the sound of broken bones.

It is clear and pleasant to the ear, which is very painful.

"All of you are still there Although he was scared to death, fan Tong still roared at the younger brothers.

After several yells, no one could get up. All of them were struggling in pain, and it was difficult to answer fan Tong's words.

"Brother barrel, I, my ribs seem to be broken, OK, it hurts..."

"Brother, I, I seem to be..."

"Big brother, we can't move..."

Each voice was as low as a fly. At least fan Tong heard it several times before he understood it.

"You, what have you done?" Seeing ye Wuqian still walking towards him step by step, fan Tong was almost scared to death.

"What else can I do?" He had already got close to fan Tong and looked at him in four eyes: "what are you bullying my girlfriend for?"

"No, it's not..." Fan Tong felt his hands begin to shake. He wanted to shoot at the guy in front of him, but he was afraid that he would become the same as those poor minions, and that would not be worth the loss.

After all, he is a big brother. If you lose face in front of so many younger brothers, it's hard to save face.

"Xuanye Gang? What the hell is that again Ye Wuqi now seems to have no good feelings for these gangs: "your gangs do all these things?"

"No, no, no, no, no..." Fan Tong has already begun to dare not speak much. He saw ye Wuque's fist began to clench slowly. When he crossed the top of his head, he was shocked by "cluttering"!

"Damn it!" Fan Tong decided to start first. He scolded him directly. He quickly took out a spring knife from his arms and thrust it towards Ye Wuxiang's abdomen!

Fan Tong was stunned at the sound of "miso", and the knife was directly changed into two.

"Well, how could this be possible?" When he was still there puzzled, he was directly come over by Ye wubu, and suddenly the bitter water flew out, and the whole person flew out.

With a loud bang, fan Tong's body directly hit the truck at the beginning. His head was bloody and he lay quietly in a pile of mud under the truck. I don't know if he is dead."Big brother, big brother!" The boys were obviously scared. Although fan Tong is usually coquettish, he still has a little strength. After all, he has a lot of fighting, and his hands and feet are much more agile. Among these people, they are good at both hands and feet, but they can't carry Ye Wuwei's foot, which shows the terrible degree of each other.

A group of people want to get up from the ground, but the body bone is really unable to support, and the ground is full of mud, can not get up at all.

"Bai Qiu, let's go!" Ye Wuque looked at them scornfully, and suddenly spat, and directly pulled Qu baiqiu toward the front.

"No wonder those people dare not come here. It turns out that this road has been occupied by them." Sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle, Qu baiqiu was very dissatisfied and said to Ye Wuwei, "how can these people be everywhere? How can they live?"

"Those are not the problems we should consider now!" Ye Wuqian said a word to the song baiqiu, and didn't say anything more directly.

"Boy, who the hell are you, dare you leave your name?" Seeing that ye Wuqian had already started to step on the gas pedal and was ready to walk, fan Zong staggered from the ground and said to Ye Wuqian, "you dare to offend us, you won't live long!"

"Remember, my name is ye Wuque!" It seems that he didn't pay attention to the other party's threat at all. Ye Wuqian directly flew a stone on the ground with his feet and hit fan Tong's forehead!

"Pa" once, instantly fell to the ground!

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