But it was such a man that hundreds of ferocious people did not dare to act rashly. Those gangsters who were not afraid of the police were like good babies in front of him!

What kind of a person is this?

Is he the boss of this gang?

Shao Bingqian is at a loss and has some doubts. From the nature of the girl, this elegant and handsome young man can't stick with these gangsters. He is more like a kidnapped hostage, but the intuition from the police tells her that he is the boss of this group of people!

Very contradictory, very, very contradictory!

See him step by step toward their own, Shao Bingqian's heart rate unexpectedly inexplicably began to accelerate!

Nervous? Fear? Or excited?

Excited what? What are you afraid of? Nervous what?

Shao Bingqian did not understand, she wanted to say something, but when he came to his body, she could not say anything, just looked at him so stupidly!

What is he going to do?

Ye Xiao reaches out her right hand and touches Shao Bingqian's face. Shao Bingqian wants to escape, but her body seems to be frozen. She can't move. She can only watch the pale right hand fall on her face

Then he grabbed his chin

What is he going to do? What on earth does he want to do?

Shao Bingqian's heart beat again inexplicably accelerated, trying to struggle, but her body was still stiff

At this time, ye Xiao's head has been buried, and Shao Bingqian is not given the opportunity to react. His lips have been printed with Shao Bingqian's lips, which are white by the rain, and then feel touch with their own tongue!

Gently wound a circle, and quickly back out!


Yes, because the rain had already wet her clothes, coupled with the invisible pressure around her, Shao Bingqian felt as if she was in a cold purgatory. Everything around her was extremely cold. Until this moment, she felt that this kiss was the only warmth in the world!

For a moment, there was a blank in my mind. I forgot whether I should slap this guy. I just opened my eyes and stared at the young man in front of me, as if I wanted to see his face clearly!

"You are beautiful, your kiss is sweet, I like it!" Ye Xiao smile to Shao Bingqian finish such a sentence, turn to walk toward the other side!

Then a group of members of the flying car party followed him closely, their back was so bleak, bleak, but so shocking!

Hundreds of members of the party followed each other. No one looked at them again. They followed the young man one by one. Only the sound of water was heard!

Seeing the burning and crazy eyes of these people, Shao Bingqian has no doubt. Even if the teenager wants to go to hell, these people will follow closely without hesitation!

In the end, what kind of charm does he have? Can so many people go through fire and water for him?

Shao Bingqian is lost again

It's raining hard all the time. It's still raining. It's faint. It's mixed with red blood in the rain. When this large group of people walk in front of them, they find that there are hundreds of people lying on the street in front of them. They are not the people they just saw!

A lot of people are still howling in a low voice. There are a few people lying on the ground motionless. The blood in front of them has been washed away by the heavy rain. They don't know whether it is life or death!

"Why did he kiss me? Why did he kiss me Until this moment, Shao Bingqian suddenly woke up. She thought of her identity, her duties, and even more of her indifference when she was kissing. She even allowed him to kiss herself!

"He's saving you!" Zhang Jian came over step by step, his forehead was already sweating, mixed with the rain!

Shao Bingqian has always been his favorite younger martial sister. Otherwise, he would not have taken such a big risk to follow him. However, this son of a bitch kisses his younger martial sister in front of his own face. The funny thing is that he can't stop him!

The most important thing is to speak for him afterwards!

"Help me?" Shao Bingqian is a little puzzled, and this just thought of the situation just now. At that time, hundreds of gangsters surrounded two of them, and none of them looked with good intentions. At that time, as long as they had any changes, they might be torn to pieces by these crazy people!

At this time, she also understood why she couldn't move just now. She was shocked by their invisible atmosphere, the cold killing intention and the crazy obsession!

It's just a group of gangsters who have such a shocking momentum?


Although I don't believe it, Shao Bingqian has to believe it!

Until this moment, she also thoroughly understood why her own director was not willing to send out troops, why her colleagues were not willing to come out to arrest such a group of lunatics, which is simply a fool talking in dream!Thinking of that group of people's cold eyes just now, her heart is a throb of palpitation. The teenager doesn't need to say anything. He just needs to turn around and leave. Maybe, the remaining gangsters will tear themselves into pieces!

You are very beautiful, your kiss, also very sweet, I like!

A short sentence, but dissolve all people's intention to kill, this is what? Do you swear to be his woman?

Depend on

Although the heart is very dissatisfied, but Shao Bingqian also had to admit that Zhang Jian's words, he really is in saving himself, or in other words, he let himself go.

"What now?" Shao Bingqian's face is extremely ugly. As a people's police officer, she is forced to kiss him by a gangster, but she still wants to thank him for saving his life. What's that?

But don't know why, her heart unexpectedly some aftertaste, aftertaste that ice rain world only a little warm!

"Call an ambulance first, these bastards, better all die!" Zhang Jian cursed!

Shao Bingqian is also a face of indignation, it is indeed a group of bastards, underworld everyone fighting, finally let the police to help call an ambulance, this is nothing!

Ye Xiao doesn't care about how things will develop. Maybe someone dies, but what does that matter? There is a gang fight. Once there is no death, as long as it doesn't hurt ordinary citizens, the government will turn a blind eye. Even if it becomes big, there will be someone who will help to cover the crime. As a big guy, he doesn't have to worry about these things!

Let ye yubai arrange for the brothers to have a good rest, especially some of the injured brothers, and let them immediately send them to be treated, and he himself was put on a set of clean clothes and went home!

Yan elder sister has just made several phone calls, she will be very worried if she does not go back!

Thinking about what happened one day today, ye Xiao secretly felt funny. His life was really wonderful. In one day, there were so many things happened. First, Wang Qi became a teacher, then he taught Zhang Lianmeng a lesson. In the middle of the day, he offended Han Jianyu, experienced campus shooting, and finally worked with Qinglong Gang!

However, the leader of the Qinglong Gang is dead, and Wu Shuang, the second leader, is left behind. Although the woman's strength is superior, it is a pity that she is a woman and can't afford to turn a big wave. The Qinglong gang has collapsed!

Now the rest are Tianle gang and lianyue gang. They are the first to bear the brunt of the rise of the flying car party. How will they react?

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