"It doesn't matter, beautiful lady, I can teach you slowly..." Lin Shizhan has the most charming smile on his face, but there is a cold light in his eyes

Suddenly, Lin Shizhan grabs the palm of her hand. Ouyang Qianqian's eyebrows wrinkle, and her face shows a look of disgust. She is almost ready to attack on the spot. However, thinking that this is a birthday party for Xiaoxiao, if something happens in a short time, it will only make Xiaoxiao embarrassed.

Can she be so selfish and just dance? Just be careful

"OK..." Ouyang Qianqian gently nodded and let Lin Shizhan take his little hand to the center of the dance floor.

"Handsome boy, can you tell me your name?" In the middle of the dance floor, the beauty led Ye Xiao to dance step by step. With no idea whether it was intentional or unintentional, the whole body was almost attached to Ye Xiao's body, so that ye Xiao could clearly feel the heat of her body. If there were not so many people here, or ye Xiao's willpower was too strong, a little guy must have stood tall and upright at the moment.

"Ye Xiao..." Ye Xiao's voice is softer than it was just now. How can you say that you are still holding someone else? If it's too cold, isn't it too evil?

"Cluck, my name is yuan Xiaodie. You can call me Xiaodie..." Hearing Ye Xiao's name, yuan Xiaodie seems very happy

"Well..." Ye Xiao gently nodded, we just met by chance, even if we knew the name?

"Brother Ye Xiao, do I look good?" Seeing that ye Xiao seems not interested in herself, yuan Xiaodie puts her body close to Ye Xiao again.

"Good looking..." Ye Xiao nodded and didn't understand why she asked such a question.

"Can you stay with me that night?" In the face of Ye Xiao's indifference, yuan Xiaodie has some helplessness, but at the thought of Childe Lin's arrangement, she continues to say!

Yeah? Xiaoye just knows her own name? Shit, are you so casual?

"Sorry, I have something else to do this evening..." Ye Xiaozi thinks that he is not a casual person, but any woman can go on him. Of course, once he gets up casually, he is definitely not a man, but a werewolf

"Oh..." The girl didn't seem to be lost. She just whispered, and then she started chatting with Ye Xiao about other things, as if she had never said anything like that.

At this time, Huang lingyao, who is dancing with Ma Tianyue, frowns more and more, because she finds that one hand of Ma Tianyue has begun to get restless.

This makes her very disgusted, but dare not attack, can only be enough to constantly twist the body, not to let Ma Tianyue.

But she seems to forget that for men, the more things they can't get, the more precious they are. This has aroused Ma Tianyue's interest

Although Huang lingyao is very realistic and often travels among many men, she deeply understands that every man likes a clean girl in his heart.

Especially for those noble men, they don't want their women to be second-hand goods.

She is bent on looking for a strong dependence, so before finding it, she can't let other men easily get themselves.

No one has ever touched it. There is no wall without air leakage in the world. Huang lingyao is deeply aware of this truth.

Now his target Ye Xiao is not far away. What would he think if ye Xiao saw this man's action on himself?

Playing back and playing, Huang lingyao knows how to protect herself. Seeing that Ma Tianyue's big hand is about to attack, her body suddenly retreats, and then covers her forehead with one hand, making a very tired look.

"I'm sorry, I'm not comfortable. I can't dance with you any more..." Say, want to walk toward one side, but be seized by Ma Tianyue however.

"Now this dance music has not been played yet. If you go down now, I will not have face? Do you want to go down after that? " Although Ma Tianyue is a discussion, but there is no tone of discussion.

At the same time, one of his hands has already put his arm around Huang lingyao.

"I'm really sorry. I'm really tired. Please understand..." Huang lingyao didn't want to let him succeed. At the moment, she twisted her body to avoid Ma Tianyue's magic hand. She also broke free of Ma Tianyue's pull and was about to leave the dance floor.

"Pa..." Who knows that Ma Tianyue was so angry that she slapped Huang lingyao. Huang lingyao is just a weak woman. How can she avoid such a slap, she is now fanned to one side, with five clear fingerprints on her face.

At the same time, on the other side of the dance floor, there was also a crisp clapping sound, but this time it was not a woman who was beaten, but a man. It was Lin Shizhan who danced with Ouyang Qianqian, and it was Ouyang Qianqian who hit him.

Different from Huang lingyao's euphemism, Ouyang Qianqian, who was already unhappy, broke out completely and directly slapped her in the past.

The huge noise almost sounded at the same time, which immediately attracted all the attention of the public. When she saw Huang lingyao being fanned by a slap, Ouyang Qianqian finished slapping and turned to leave, ye Xiao was stunned. What's the matter?"Dare you hit me?" At this time, Lin Shizhan was furious, and he had to rush forward to teach Ouyang Qianqian a lesson, but a handsome figure had stopped her in front of her.

It was Xiao Feng, not only Xiao Feng, who was not far away from Ouyang Qianqian. Even Chen danshang and Da Pang quickly gathered around from the dance floor after seeing this scene.

The movement here naturally startled Tan Xiaoxiao. When she saw Ouyang Qianqian actually started to hit people, the whole person was stunned for a moment. She quickly got up from her seat and walked this way.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Lin's mouth, and it was the first time that he came here

"Tianyue, what's going on? Why are you so ungracious? What about hitting women? " Lin heartless just arrived, he said to Ma Tianyue who was standing in the same place. His expression was very dissatisfied, as if Ma Tianyue had done a lot of wrong things.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry, but it's not that I have no manners..." Ma Tianyue points to Huang lingyao who falls on the ground and says indignantly.

"Oh? What's going on? " Lin heartless a Leng, made a pair of attentive appearance.

"Brother Lin, you know, I have a wife. I love my wife very much. Today is my sister-in-law's birthday. We came to live for my sister-in-law. We knew that these friends were sister-in-law's friends. Just now I saw that they were not accompanied, so I invited them to dance. Who knows that she invited me to open a room after the dance. Naturally, I would not agree, so I told her that I had Wife, but But do you know what she said Ma Tianyue said with an angry face, as if he had been wronged a lot.

"What did you say?" Lin ruthlessly asked.

"And how could you find such an excuse to refuse her You say, can I not be angry? "

"I didn't..." At this time, Huang lingyao was crying

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