They went back to their own places.

"Fifth younger martial brother, are you back?" Just when Tang Doudou and Tang Doudou were still impatient on the rooftop, the sudden appearance of Ye Wuque undoubtedly relieved them.

Ye wuhui nods.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I'm too willful and reckless..." Ye Wuqi said he was ashamed.

One by one, you look at me, I look at you, do not talk much, because they are still angry after all.

"Younger martial sister, are you still angry?" Ye Wumian came to her and saw her frown and curled her mouth. He quickly changed his tone and said to her, "it's Wumian. Don't be angry, don't be angry. Look at your beautiful face. If you are angry, you won't be beautiful, right?"

He looked like a clever man. It seems that he knows the girl's mind, which makes Tang Doudou want to get angry.

"I said, you little younger martial brother, why are you so disobedient? We certainly won't harm you. Why do you do such a thing?" While preaching to him, Tang Doudou also asked him, "have you seen the master?"

Ye wuhui nods.

"Did master blame you?" Tang Doudou continues to ask him.

Ye Wumei shakes his head.

"It turns out that some elder martial brothers came down the mountain, and they all had great things to do?" Ye Wuque smiles and says to Tang Doudou at the same time, "it's me who's holding you back!"

"What's the drag?" He Yushan, who had been silent and silent, came forward.

"Er Elder martial brother... " Ye Wuqi obviously also felt sorry for him. He did not dare to look at him: "if you were not responsible for guarding my safety, you would have started to carry out the task long ago."

People all smile, very kind of feeling.

"No need, what are you thinking about? Why do we have a relationship?" This sentence or Tang Doudou said. Now she is obviously more kind-hearted than before, but with a little mischievous look: "according to reason, the thing I dislike most is that you are too good at defending yourself. Hum, people don't know what to say!"

Everyone laughed.

"Nothing!" It seems that several of them have already known the whole thing. He Yushan said to ye Wumian, "we can all wait for you!"

Ye Wuqi nods with joy.

"You guys, are you all right? What will you do if the Xuanye Gang comes?" Ye Wuxiang is really worried about this problem.

"It's OK. We have our own way. It's just that you have a very dangerous physique and mind. Pay more attention to it. Our master will come to take your medicine in time." Tang Doudou, after all, is the most lively of the five. He speaks in an orderly way.

"I see. Thank you very much..." Ye Wuqi took a deep breath and bowed apologetically to several of them and said, "I am sorry for you..."

"Ha ha ha, when did these five younger martial brothers talk so politely? Really!" Tang Doudou actually didn't put Ye Wuqian's action on them in his heart, instead, he laughed at him.

At this moment, leaf is undoubtedly the most warm time. In addition to his mother, Qu baiqiu and Zhang Yiyun, I think they are very kind to themselves. When they have committed such "unforgivable" crimes against them, they can actually smile, which is absolutely not something that ordinary minds can show.

Lying quietly on the bed, ye Wuqian thought about many things.

Now his mind is clear, so what he thinks now is also very far-reaching.

Think of their own before the state of madness, ye Wuque feel some shame. I don't know if the toxin Wang Sheng gave himself can be solved. I hope so.

After all, he believed in his master, Wang Zhan.

All afternoon he had nothing to eat and nothing to eat. In the evening, I just felt a little hungry, but I was fainted by a burst of pain.

At the last moment of his coma, he heard that the iron door in front of him was opened and pushed in.

"No shortage, how about it? Is it better?" When ye Wuqian wakes up again, he finds himself lying in Qu baiqiu's arms, which makes him very shocked.

Ye Wuqi gets up quickly from Qu baiqiu's arms.

"Bai Qiu, how did you come here?" Ye Wuxiang was shocked. He fixed a look, and found that the only one around him was Bai Qiu.

"Master asked me to come here!" Qu baiqiu's warm smile.

"Oh Ye Wuque kneaded his head and felt that his head was still a little hot and unbearable, just like being burned by fire.

Qu baiqiu let him go and stood up from the bed.

"All right, do you know that you've just become that again. It's terrible!" The expression on Qu baiqiu's face seemed so shocked and frightened."What, no!" Ye Wuqi doesn't remember this time. I didn't expect that this kind of thing could happen at such a time. It must be a shame to think about it.

Qu baiqiu nodded.

"Master said that the toxin in your body is caused by natural cold. It must not be so easy to adjust." Qu baiqiu seemed to be disappointed: "Shifu said that she could only help you to ease it. Maybe she really asked her..."

Ye Wuxiang looks shocked.

"What?" At that time, he was so angry that he clenched his fist tightly and said to Qu baiqiu with hatred: "hateful Wang Sheng!"

"No need, don't be excited, don't be excited..." When Qu baiqiu saw that ye Wuqian had become such a virtue, he was immediately frightened: "you should pay attention to your body, Wu bu..."

"I know..." Ye Wuqi put down his fist: "it's not too late for a gentleman to revenge..." As he spoke slowly, his voice became more calm.

With the sound of "bang Dang", someone pushed the door in again.

Take a closer look, it turns out that Wang Zhan led the little boy in.

"No, master..." Leaves want to stand up, but did not think of their own body some paralytic, completely can not stand up, but suddenly fell on the bed.

"Yes, are you all right?" Qu baiqiu was worried about his appearance and quickly helped him up from the bed.

Ye Wuqi coughed heavily for a while. In the next moment, he stretched out a hand and covered his face. He coughed violently again.

It was a mass of blood.

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