"No, you're wrong. I haven't been learning for a long time..." Ye Wuqi looked at her with a smile and said: "practice makes perfect. It doesn't seem to suit me."

Xiao Ni became speechless in an instant.

"Well, are you showing off yourself?" Xiao Ni looks very unhappy. She turned her head and began to hum.

"Well, since it's all right, we should go back!" Ye Wuqi thought of Qu baiqiu, and suddenly got worried: "Liu Ziyan, that boy, I'm really afraid that he will do something to Bai Qiu."

"Sister Bai Qiu?" Hear ye Wuque such a say, small Ni moment also was scared. She quickly picked up her own plastic bag on the ground and put all the other herbs scattered on the ground together and threw them into the bag.

The two of them quickly headed for the way they came.

However, they seem to have been worried about it, because now at the cave entrance, Qu baiqiu and Liu Ziyan are talking very happily.

"Miss Bai Qiu, you are very appreciated, really!" Liu Ziyan said seriously to her: "I never know a girl's thinking, can also rise to your level!"

Qu baiqiu smiles.

"Mr. Liu, are you exaggerating Qiu or damaging me?" Qu baiqiu looked at him with a smile and said, "to tell you the truth, in addition to no shortage, it's really hard for me to find a boy who can share so many common topics with me."

Liu Ziyan also embarrassed smile.

"How can a beautiful girl like Miss Bai Qiu want to get close to her He seemed to be joking, but at the same time he thought of something. He said in embarrassment: "miss baiqiu, don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand..."

"What can I misunderstand?" Qu baiqiu didn't understand what he was trying to say.

Ye Wuque and Xiao Ni have come back. When ye Wuqian saw Qu baiqiu and Liu Ziyan talking happily at the entrance of the cave, he was not only no longer worried, but also a little jealous.

"Bai Qiu, what are you doing?" Ye Wumian walked directly forward and roared at Qu baiqiu.

Both of them quickly turned back, some of them staring at Ye Wuwei.

"Yes, you are back!" Qu baiqiu seems very happy. She came up and saw ye Wumian's hand carrying several bags of Tianshan guides. She was surprised and asked, "is this the Tianshan guide?"

"Mm-hmm!" Ye no fault nods. But he seems to care more about Qu baiqiu and Liu Ziyan: "what happened to you just now?"

"Well, what happened?" Qu baiqiu didn't understand the meaning of Ye Wuqian's words. She looked at Liu Ziyan behind her, and then looked at ye Wuque. She asked in some doubt, "Wuque, what are you talking about?"

"It's OK!" Ye Wuque smiles. In the next moment, he said to Liu Ziyan, "do you still want to duel with me?"

Liu Ziyan nodded.

"It's natural. I would not admit a duel without winning or losing!" A word came out of his mouth and seemed so excited.

Ye Wuxiang understood. In the next moment, he turned to Qu baiqiu and said to Liu Ziyan, "let's go down the mountain before it's dark."

Everyone was stunned.

"No need, wait for tomorrow. It's already afternoon. According to our actions yesterday, we'll go back to nunci nunnery. I'm afraid we'll take the night road." Qu baiqiu reminds him in the back.

Ye Wumian turns around.

"What's wrong with the night walk? Are we there? What are you afraid of?" Ye Wuqian looks at Qu baiqiu seriously.

Qu baiqiu said nothing more.

"What do you mean, sister Bai Qiu is clearly worried that we are in danger. Why do you say that?" One side of the small Ni heard the words of leaf without lack, immediately was not happy, said to the leaf without lack: "you misunderstand Bai Qiu elder sister!"

Ye Wuque nods with a sneer.

"Good, good..." He took the Tianshan Mountain in his own hands and showed it to Xiao Ni. Then he asked her, "tell me how to eat it. I'll go down the mountain myself!"

People are confused, do not know which song he is singing, only ye Wuque understands. He just saw that Liu Ziyan and Qu baiqiu seemed to be chatting and laughing. He was jealous and deliberately fooling around here.

Anyway, he has always had a childish temper.

"Well, I won't tell you!" Xiao Ni turns around and murmurs discontentedly.

"You Ye Wuqi was obviously annoyed, but he didn't say anything more. When he was angry in his heart, he suddenly felt a burst of heat and moisture in his chest. At the same time, it was like a fire baking, and his whole body began to burn.

"Yes, what's wrong with you?" It seems to have been aware of the wrong strength of Ye Wuque. Qu baiqiu quickly came over and helped Ye Wuqi, who was trembling in his body: "Wu Mei, what's the matter with you? Are you ok?"

"I, I..." Ye Wuque seems to be ready to say something, but that kind of feeling is extremely uncomfortable. Before he could say another word, he had collapsed to the ground.The other three were taken aback.

Ye Wuqi felt his own saliva overflowing from his mouth, but he couldn't move. The whole body was paralyzed.

"No lack, what's wrong with you, no lack!" In a trance, ye Wuqian heard the voice of the three of them coming from his side, but he had begun to slowly lose consciousness.

He was in the dream again.

It's the same scene last time. It's the same person.

"I didn't expect that you really believe in this dream. You really came to Tianlan mountain, ha ha!" The middle-aged man was still very serious, but his manner of speaking was much better than that of last time. His face was still invisible, but he could clearly feel the coldness and sternness of the other side. Although I feel familiar, I can get a strange feeling.

Ye Wuque wants to open his eyes and see carefully. However, his own corner of the eye seems to be covered by something. He can't open it.

"You, who are you, and what do you have to do with me?" Ye Wuqi cried out loud, but the other side did not want to answer his meaning at all.

"You don't care who I am. We can only communicate in this way now. I wish you a speedy success As he spoke, he did not speak any more. He immediately turned back and walked towards the periphery of the forest.

Ye Wuque stood in the same place. This time he didn't catch up with him, and he didn't shout any more. He quietly watched the other party leave.

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