"Well, well Well, then The waiter's younger brother ate a closed door, at that time some dejected walked back.

At this time, Hu Linfeng is still making amends to those childe brothers.

"Mr. Zuo, I'm sorry. I was afraid that these odds and ends would disturb everyone's dinner just now, so I asked people to clean up..." When he spoke, Hu Linfeng still looked humble and said to Zuo Yufei, "don't mind, don't mind..."

Hu Linfeng also prepared to say what, suddenly was a chicken leg thrown out, just hit the face. He didn't even have time to wipe his face. He looked up and found it was left Yufei who threw it out.

"What the hell are you talking about? Your mother is a matchmaker, isn't she? Fuck, get out of here. Don't disturb me From Zuo Yufei's tone of voice, we can see that he didn't pay attention to Hu Linfeng. Although the other party is already a successful general manager of the hotel in the eyes of others, it is not worth mentioning in front of Zuo Yufei.

"Hahaha, Feige is powerful, Feige is powerful, ha ha!" Seeing Zuo Yufei hanging like this, all the young masters around him burst into laughter.

Hu Linfeng obviously has no face. Ye Wuqi saw that his fists were clenched in the dark, but only for a few seconds. Just a few seconds later, he seemed to take a deep breath, let go of his fist, and at the same time took the toilet paper from a table beside him and began to wipe his face.

"In this case, you can eat and drink well. If you have something to do, you can go to Hu." Speaking of this, Hu's tone is a little more normal. He looked at the group, shook his head, turned and walked into the inner room.

Several other waiters are ready to walk in.

"Wait!" When Wang Shilin was about to clean up and go into the house, she was suddenly stopped by Zuo Yufei.

Wang Shilin looked back at the doubt.

"What do you mean, Nell?" This left to fly tone is still so annoying. At that time, he stood up and said in a loud voice to Wang Shilin, who was still holding a broom: "come on, you are a pretty girl. Come and drink with my brothers!"

"Ah, drink?" Wang Shilin was obviously frightened. She quickly shook her head and said to them, "I will not I can't drink

"Ah, shyness At the same time, a young man who had been nearest to her stood up and walked to her. He took her hand and sat down on the table: "come and have a few drinks. What are you afraid of?"

The crowd continued to laugh.

That gentleman elder brother sees Wang Shi Lin still holding broom in the hand, immediately snatches over to throw.

"Come on, drink!" Someone had already taken the cup, filled it, and handed it to Wang Shilin.

"No, I can't, I can't..." Wang Shilin wanted to struggle, but she was held down by the left and right childe brothers, and insisted that she drink a cup.

She drank the glass of wine.

"Cough, cough, cough..." It seemed to be choked, and Wang Shilin coughed.

At this time, several guests came outside.

"Waiter, how many dishes..." At first, those guests were still very arrogant. They didn't want to see the people at that table. In an instant, like a mouse seeing a cat, they quickly turned around and left the shop.

Ye Wuxiang is really ridiculous. This left Yu Fei seems to have some skills, ha, can make people can't dodge him when they see him. The degree of bully can be seen.

"Come on, girl, have another drink!" As he spoke, a young man next to him hugged her directly and put the second glass of wine in front of her again.

"No, no, I really don't, I really don't want to..." It seems to have realized that the other party's hand is moving towards his chest position. Wang Shilin quickly pushes him away and gets up quickly.

Ye Wuque sneers.

"Ha ha ha, little girl, what are you running for? My brothers call you to accompany me. I think highly of you!" While saying this, Zuo Yufei beckons to those childish brothers and catches Wang Shilin who has left the table.

As expected, those childish brothers started to get off the table and came towards Wang Shilin.

But they met someone face to face.

This man is exactly a leaf. At this time, he sneered and said to them at the same time, "I'll drink with you, OK?"

"You Who is this boy? " Suddenly saw leaves without lack of time, people this just found that there is a person inside the house.

It may be that they have ignored the existence of the leaf.

"I, my name is ye Wuque!" Ye Wuque was also honest, and said to them at that time: "what's the problem?"

"No leaf? Which, I don't know! " The two of them looked at each other, and neither of them had much cold for him.

At this time, Wang Shilin has been hiding in front of Ye Wuque. I don't know why, she felt that the person in front of her had a good sense of security. No, it was to make her feel safe."Little girl, you go in first. I'll give it here." Ye Wuqi smiles at Wang Shilin, and then says friendly, "there's nothing to say with these people!"

"Sir, this is not good..." At that time, Wang Shilin was a little scared and said to Ye Wuqian: "if I leave my post without permission, the manager will find me in trouble!"

Ye Wuqian knows that she is talking about Hu Linfeng.

"It's OK. When the time comes, you can put all the responsibility on me. My name is ye Wuque!" While talking, ye Wuwei said to her, "you can only encourage their arrogance here!"

"Boy, who the hell are you talking about?" Hearing what ye Wuque said, those people immediately all came down from the table, including Zuo Yufei.

They all came to Ye Wuwei.

"Boy, where the hell did you come from and dare to disturb my brothers?" While speaking, Zuo Yufei yelled at ye Wuque: "boy, do you know who Laozi is?"

Ye Wuhuo fixed a look at him.

"Don't you call that shit Ye Wuqi is really hate them such bullying guys. After hearing him say so, he immediately yelled at them: "so what?"

"What?" Those people didn't expect that Zuo Yufei, who was regarded as a God in their eyes, and left elder brother, who was not provoked by anyone in Fenghai City, would not enter into the eyes of this boy?

Ye Wuwei stares at them with a sarcastic face.

"I said, this girl doesn't want to drink with you. That's OK. Don't force people to drink!" At the same time, ye Wuqian said to Wang Shilin: "you go first!"

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