"Xiao Lin, tell me, what happened?" Ye felt that his current responsibility was very important. The only thing he can be sure of now is that her father, as well as Huang Jie, may have met with an accident.

Xiao Lin still didn't want to say, just shook her head.

At this time, Liu Kai can't see it anymore. He said to Ye Wuwei, "brother ye, I'll tell you. It's the people of the red dragon gang who did it."

"Red Dragon Gang?" Ye Wuqi felt very curious: "why did you do it with them again? What does that have to do with Xiao Lin and them? "

"Ye Ge, because there is a bully in Xiaolin's school who teases her, and then Xiao Lin's father goes to school for theory and is killed by them!" In a word, when it comes to the present, ye Wuqi has already felt quite chilling.

What kind of bully is this? He has been arrogant to the present.

"Xiao Lin, are you all right? Are you ok?" This is what ye is concerned about now.

"No, Xiao Lin is OK, but my father and Huang Jie's brother are all right..." At the mention of these sad things, Xiao Lin seems to want to cry again.

As expected, this is the girl looks too beautiful to cause trouble!

"And then Ye Wuqian wants to know how Huang Jie and his wife lost their lives.

"Later, after long Ge knew about this, he took our brother to revenge, but unexpectedly, we were caught in their trap and lost a lot of brothers, and we still haven't taken that guy!" Speaking of this, Liu Kai has already clenched his fist with hatred.

There is no lack of leaves.

"Tell me, what's the name of that bully and what's the relationship with the red dragon Gang?" Ye Wuqi felt that the anger of his chest was about to be burned.

As expected, Fenghai city is in chaos. Killing people in broad daylight has not been arrested, but Yang long and they have to take people to revenge. This can already explain that Fenghai city is about to end.

"Er, that animal seems to be Zhao erhu's son, called Zhao Xiaohu!" As expected, there is no lack of leaves. As expected, the other party has countless ties with the red dragon gang.

Ye Wuqi suddenly smiles.

"Good, good, good..." He didn't expect that because of the benevolence of his previous thoughts, he would have caused such serious consequences. He was really regretful.

"Brother ye, it's my fault, it's my fault..." Yang long seems to have gone with Ye Wuhu: "if a long didn't show his courage for a while, and organized Ye Ge to kill Zhao erhu, I'm afraid it would not have happened now!"

Ye Wuqi did not speak. Seeing the dishes on the table, he took a few mouthfuls with his chopsticks.

"Why don't you call the police?" Ye Wuqi put down his chopsticks and suddenly asked such a question.

"Call the police?" They looked at each other and shook their heads. It's as if this approach doesn't work in the world of people like them.

Ye Wuqi felt very speechless. He continued to pick up chopsticks and continue to eat.

"Ye Ge, you have seen before that the police station can't control these people. At best, they just convict a few of the other's minions or give them a little warning. If it is so effective, we won't have to do it ourselves! " Speaking of this, Liu Kai on one side also said with hatred: "but those animals are really crazy. NIMA dares to make such a big thing in school. They are really crazy!"

"Ah Kai, you don't know the nature of those people until today?" Yang long on one side suddenly laughed. He also followed Ye Wuwei, picking up the food on the table and eating it.

"Sorry, it's all my fault, it's all my fault..." When ye Wuque and Yang long repent, Xiao Lin on one side starts to cry again, which makes ye Wuque both puzzled.

They are all set to look at Xiao Lin.

"Xiao Lin, what's wrong with you?" Ye Wuqian asked her.

Xiao Lin was still sobbing there, sobbing hard. She seemed to cry too much. She took out a piece of toilet paper from her pocket and wiped it.

"If Xiao Lin can avoid that person, don't buy things with him, and don't let him see it, so many things will not happen!" Xiao Lin was really upset.

Ye Wuque sneered.

"Ha ha, it's none of your business. Don't blame yourself too much!" Ye Wuqian's heart is really turbulent now. To be honest, he really wants to see what kind of role Zhao Xiaohu is: "if a person can only escape from other people's life in society, then she has no value of existence."

Speaking of this, ye Wuqi picked up the wine bottle in Xiaolin's hand and poured a cup of wine into his own cup.

"Ye Ge, that's right Yang long on one side agreed with his opinion: "Xiao Lin, you are very kind, so kind that others can bully you casually. But as long as I am Yang long, who dares to trouble you, I will call him a bad death! "As expected, Yang long firmly remembers Ye Wuqian's words at that time. He is still protecting Xiaolin with great efforts, which makes ye Wuque feel very happy.

"Yes, yes, why should we avoid them? We also have people with weapons. What are we afraid of?" Liu Kai on one side is also very excited. When he spoke, he raised his hand directly.

Around those little brothers, they all began to respond in unison.

"Drink first, eat first!" Now ye Wuwu has calmed down a lot. In spite of the ups and downs in his heart, he was calm in front of the public.

Naturally, everyone agrees.

"Ye Ge also eats, ye Ge also eats!" Speaking of this, everyone began to pour their own wine and eat their own vegetables. Only Yang long was there, frowning and wondering what he was thinking.

"What's the matter, Aron?" Ye Wuqi noticed his abnormality: "why don't you drink?"

"Ah? Oh Good, good After ye Wuque said this, Yang long immediately realized his gaffe. He quickly put away the sad look on his face and said to Ye Wuqian with a serious tone: "Ye Ge eats, ye Ge eats!"

The crowd drank freely. At the banquet, they chatted for a long time, talking about topics they had never said before, or something about each other after they left.

The meal lasted quite a long time. By the time everyone had finished eating, it was more than seven o'clock in the evening.

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