Ye Wumian won the territory of lame Yong soon. He was ready to wait for lame Yong's counterattack and squeeze more territory of lame Yong. Who would have known that other forces would intervene.

Boss Zeng is cold-blooded. He is just a businessman. It is important to make money by being friendly. If someone comes to make trouble in two or three days, the bar business will not need to be done.

"Well, Mr. Ye, please drive them away quickly. All the guests here today have been scared away, but I have suffered a heavy loss."

Yang long said: "don't worry, boss Zeng, with us here, they can't come up with anything. Besides, we're trying to make trouble with more people."

After hearing this, boss Zeng almost fell to the ground without being shocked. How could anyone want to be harassed every day? Are these boys all violent and want to fight and kill all day long. He prayed in his heart that it would be a place for people to drink and play, not a arena for fighting.

Ye Wu agrees with Yang long very much that he will seize the territory of lame Yong. No matter it is lame Yong or other surrounding forces, he will never let go.

"Boss Zeng, you stand on the side to drink a little wine, look at the beautiful women, let's meet each other for a while."

Ye Wuque put his hands in the bag and walked slowly to the front of a group of vicious little thugs.

A young ruffian with short red hair gave orders to a few of his subordinates: "smash me. There is no protection fee that I can't afford, so that the fat man's memory will increase."

A few of the unruly men were quite obedient. They took up the chairs and smashed the decorations on the dance pool. Several pieces of glass were broken and splashed all over the sky.

Boss Zeng saw it in his eyes and hurt in his heart. These seemingly ordinary decorations cost a lot, but they were smashed into this way for no reason, and the money was wasted.

"Hello, a few friends, is there something wrong with our bar? Do you need to be so angry that we can be ruined?"

"I'm doing something. Who the hell talks?" Red chicken shook his cold eyes and turned to look at the man who had just interrupted. He saw a boy with a high school look in his pocket and staring at him with a smile on his face.

Eh! This boy is a little strange. How do you feel like meeting the leader of the red tiger Gang? No, it's more powerful than the leader of the red tiger gang.

Although red chicken is a small leader of the three ring poisonous snake gang in Fenghai City, he has many hands, which is much better than the ordinary red tiger gang and green dragon small leader. Ye Wuque stands in front of him, and at the bottom of his heart there is a fear of seeing the notorious gang boss.

However, he was a small force general. Ye Wuqian did not pay attention to it. He said faintly, "I'm a new person here. It seems that you don't conform to the rules of the river and lake if you come to my place to make trouble."

"Well, at best, it's just a little boy. When I come out, he's still sucking." Red chicken has been on the road for so many years, but his courage and means are not boastful. Seeing that the boss of the other party comes out, he stops the action of his subordinates, points to Ye Wuqian and asks, "are you the smelly boy who runs away the lame and brave?"

Until now, the red rooster still can't believe that the lame brave, who is famous for his ferocity and skill, will be defeated by an unknown boy. Many forces have received this news for a long time, but most of them still stand still. They suspect that it is the plot of lame bravery and deliberately set traps to plot against them.

Ye Wuque touched his nose and beat the news of lame Yong, and soon there was more trouble.

Fenghai city is basically a cake that has been divided. Each force wants to annex the territory of other forces. However, it is also worried that several forces will unite. Therefore, the power of the whole road is in a state of relative balance. No one wants to break it, let alone break it.

The first bird must die! This is a view shared by all forces.

A few days ago, the site of the Third Ring Road in Fenghai city changed a lot. The lame Yong, who had always been inferior and more than enough, was defeated by an emerging force on the road. Undoubtedly, a shell exploded in the lake, setting off a hundred feet of spray.

"Yes, I'm just a little better than lame Yong, and he's been around for a long time. It's probably the turn of the newcomer to take over." Ye Wuque's eyes do not look at the red chicken, chin slightly raised, there is a sense of contempt.

Red chicken thinks he is arrogant and despotic, but ye Wuwu is more drag than him.

"Lame Yong is really a waste. He used to want to be equal with my boss. You can teach him a lesson. Fenghai city can't get rid of all kinds of rubbish. Stinky boy, I think your strength is also good. Originally, I was ordered by the boss to take over the territory left by lame Yong. However, seeing that you are so capable, you pay us 100000 yuan protection fee every month for the poisonous tongue Gang, so we can let you watch the game here. " The red rooster is still a little afraid of Ye Wuwu. There may be some accidents in the front of the battle, so I'll try to find out.

When ye Wuxiang heard the words, he looked at Yang long and laughed, and said, "ha ha, you snake Gang wants me to give me 100000 yuan a month for protection. If the leaders of the red tiger gang and the green dragon Gang come to negotiate in person, maybe I will. But you are a little punk, and you should be careful and provincial."One month, ye Wuqian asks for Zeng Xiaoyu. Zeng Xiaoyu is only tens of thousands of yuan. However, some people are stationed in the bar every day. If there is a problem, they will immediately come forward to solve it. If the red chicken asks for 100000 yuan in a word, isn't it to ask them to paste it upside down?

Jinsheng couldn't bear his anger. He interrupted with a strange smile: "just a poisonous snake Gang wants us to give us 100000 yuan?"

He went up to the red chicken and put up a middle finger, "eat shit, you!"


Red chicken's men immediately take out the guy, angry about to kill Jinsheng.


Ye Wuqi suddenly knocked on the back of Jinsheng's skull and cursed, "who are you, boss? Can you interrupt at will? What's more, it's impolite for you to ask the boss to eat excrement. Please apologize to them. "

"Ah? Boss, I.... " Jinsheng touches the back of his head with grievances, like a child who has been blamed by his parents for doing something wrong.

Ye Wuwei said: "I what I, even I don't listen to my words, do you want me to interrupt your hand?"

When boss Zeng heard that Jin Sheng's hand was interrupted, his hair stood on end. He only interrupted once that day. Today, he interrupted again. What a terrible person!

Red chicken let Jinsheng that words angry also want to start, but ye Wuxiang all taught a lesson, he then raised his hand to stop the action of his men.

Jinsheng lowered his head and whispered, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you to eat shit. I'm sorry to you. I don't have a tutor."

Ye Wuqi nodded slightly, but he was not satisfied: "this friend, you see I taught my subordinates. I hope you don't mind just now."

"Nothing, nothing. My subordinates are like this. I'm always angry with these boys. Boy, I have to take care of my mouth in the future, but not every boss is as generous as I am. " The red rooster secretly says that ye Wuque has some means to discipline his brothers. It's not the boss who scolds his subordinates in front of outsiders. He has the courage to do it and doesn't make his subordinates feel cold.

He just said, "no, it's not accurate enough for him to shake his fingers. Jinsheng, how can you just tell the boss to eat shit? Look at what's in front of you. They're all a bunch of shitty dogs. You should say that they're all going to eat shit for the Viper gang. That's right. Come and say it again! "


Not only is Jinsheng stunned, but Yang long is stunned and unable to speak to himself.

What a fierce leaf. Even if you beat the red chicken's face, you can't beat the whole snake Gang's face. That's the rhythm of death.

Jin Shengxian is stunned, but ye Wuqian slaps him on the shoulder, and then he shouts to the red chicken and others with a strange smile: "I'm sorry, I didn't say you ate shit alone, but I wanted to say that you all ate excrement for the Viper Gang!"

Red chicken is holding the idea of blackmail to the frenzied night, unexpectedly let Ye Wuqian several people play, face suddenly red and white cross, eyes are about to spray fire, cold voice said: "hum! Well, you're not afraid of tigers when you're new. Don't think that you've robbed the territory of lame Yong, and you'll be the boss here. With the help of poisonous snakes, we can easily beat you back to their original shape. "

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