"Oh, I'm scared to death. It's good that I reacted quickly just now, otherwise I would be miserable now." Jinsheng looked frightened and wiped his forehead with cold sweat.

Ye Wumian just walked into the bar and didn't see Jinsheng's performance. Otherwise, they all had to be applauded. What an emperor!

It's a waste of talent to stop filming with Jinsheng's acting skills.

Just now, the blonde was a little suspicious and asked Jinsheng, "do you say that little boy just now is your boss?"

Ye Wuqian is really too young. Judging from his appearance, he is probably a high school student, and he looks white and clean. No one will believe that he is the boss of the underworld.

Jinsheng made a gesture of hissing. His eyes looked at both sides carefully. Then he said in a low voice: "you don't want to live. If it is heard by others, several black men will catch you on the road tonight. At that time, you are crying heaven and earth."

"Ah! Isn't that scary? " The blonde was terrified. Although she was fascinated by the black people's powerful ability, she was still a little afraid to let several black people go together.

A man nearby echoed: "I think it's very possible. Just think about it. What a terrible person lame Yong is. Even such a person can be beaten away. It's necessary to be cruel and ruthless. It is said that the lame man has done all kinds of evil things before. He is not as vicious as he is. Can you seize this territory

"Yes People around echoed in exclamation.

Jinsheng gives a look of approval to the young man who interrupts. In fact, all this is arranged. The young man is deliberately inserted into the crowd. Once Jinsheng says something, he can echo it.

Through the mutual cooperation of Jinsheng and the extremely temporary actors, ye Wuqian's name was played in Fenghai city in the form of singing double spring.

Ye Wuqi, who enters the bar, walks in a dark path inside, and is jammed like a city center.

"Is there something wrong with these people's minds, and they are so crowded when they run all the way to this place to play? Is it so important to have a little money?" Ye Wuxiang scolded in his heart and walked slowly for about a few minutes. Finally, he came to the dance floor in the middle of the bar.


The deafening sound of heavy metal music came from the bar. Many men and women dressed in avant-garde clothes were shaking their bodies crazily. Many of them were drinking with high concentration of alcohol.

Ye Wuqian had been yearning for this a few years ago, but he had little interest in it in recent years. Looking back on the past, he realized how stupid a dandy he was.

"Boss ye, I finally wait for you to come."

There is a hand out in the crowd, a grasp of Ye Wuxiang's arm, because the music is too loud, coupled with the noisy people nearby, ye Wuque can't hear the man's voice at all.

Under Ye Wuxiang's instinctive reaction, his backhand twists. No matter who you are, he suddenly reaches out and grabs Laozi without giving you some color to see. In the future, he will not point a gun at himself.

"Ouch A sharp sound of heart piercing through the sound of heavy metal music, the surrounding people are scattered, revealing the mysterious man.

Ye Wuqi saw who the visitor was and exclaimed, "Why are you here?"

"Boss ye, I just came to say hello to you. Please let go of my hand." The man who came was boss Zeng, who was short and fat. His face was red with pain and his veins were bursting.

At this time, ye Wuqian realized that he was about to break boss Zeng's arm. He quickly let go of his hand and said, "I'm sorry, who let you come out suddenly. Ordinary people close to me would have been killed. This time, it's good for you. Don't do this in the future."

Boss Zeng scolded me from the bottom of his heart. Clearly, it was you who broke Lao Tzu's hand. Now it's Lao Tzu's fault. Is there any royal law in the world?

Of course, no matter how angry the boss Zeng was, he didn't dare to show it in front of Ye Wuqian.

"Boss ye, it's all my fault. Please come here. I have something important to tell you."

Ye Wuque looked at the four sides with a strange look in his eyes. He scared all the people around him to step back, and then helped boss Zeng to the office.

The office has a good sound insulation effect, even if the outside is noisy, still can not affect the inside.

Seeing that boss Zeng's expression was extremely painful, ye Wuque felt guilty. He felt that he was really too impulsive just now. He started without danger. He had to control his own strength in the future.

After practicing the star formula, ye Wuqian's strength and strength have been improved a lot. It seems that he has no strength, but he can easily hurt others.

"It's OK. I didn't mean it just now. It's hard to control my strength. You'd better stay away from me in the future."

How could he have expected that ye Wuqian's unintentional remark would have made boss Zeng shudder, thinking that ye Wuqian's anger had not been eliminated, so he begged: "don't do it. It's all my fault. I hope you don't blame yourself."

Ye Wuqi didn't pull the tail with boss Zeng, nodded, and no longer tangled with the problem. He turned to another question: "today, the business of the bar is much better, but there is no need to make the scene so hot. Where can we have so much money to play around with these people?"If it's just labor costs, it's certainly not a lot of money, but those drinks and other snacks will cost hundreds of thousands of yuan for each person to consume.

Boss Zeng thought Ye Wuqian was worried about something. It turned out to be a small problem. At first, he was distressed to pay someone to set up a fire farm. But now he is so sorry that his intestines are blue. Why didn't he think of this method before.

"Mr. Ye, please don't worry about it. We can say that we are making a lot of money today."

"What is the meaning of this?" asked Ye

"Mr. Ye, we just invited more than 20 people to play at the beginning. Who knows these people call out a group of friends, which is even more popular than the railway station." Mr. Zeng said happily that in addition to the so-called labor costs, he also made a lot of money, almost the turnover of the previous week.

Ye Wuwei never thought that this strategy would have such a powerful effect. Without the help of blue star, the bar would still have to shoot flies.

Although Ye Wuqian does not know how much money he has made, but from the expression of boss Zeng, it is definitely not a small sum.

"By the way, where is Yang long? I need to talk to him about something?" Ye asked.

Boss Zeng volunteered to find Yang long, and then ran away in a panic.

Ye Wuwei looked at the embarrassed figure, wry smile and touched his chin, and said in secret that he was so terrible that he saw himself as if he had seen a ghost. He was scared to try his best to escape. However, the business of the bar has improved so much, which means that he has begun to have some influence on this road. In the future, he will be able to expand his power, seize more profitable sites and establish an initial foundation of power.

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