Ye Wuque gets Xiong Yang's promise and immediately shows a bright smile in spring and bends over to help Xiong Yang.

"We don't know each other, brother Xiong. You don't have to worry about any discomfort in the future. I won't send you to work. You just need to protect my safety and answer my doubts."

One minute ago, the two men were still fighting for each other. At this moment, ye Wuwei gave a voice to brother Xiong on the left and brother Xiong on the right. The speed of face change is amazing.

At least Xiong Yang feels uneasy. He is so deep in the city. Maybe you will be in danger if you follow him for a year.

Xiong Yang suffered a full blow from ye Wuwei, but he didn't have a serious injury. It's amazing.

Ye Wumian said that he wanted to send him to the hospital to check one or two. However, he flatly refused. Instead, he took out a bottle from a cloth pocket he carried on his body, poured out a pill and swallowed it. He also gave ye Wuque one.


Ye Wuque held the pill in his hand. He didn't dare to swallow it at will. Who knows if it is poisonous. If he dies in such a muddle headed way, it will be miserable.

After swallowing the pill, Xiong Yang sat down on the ground, closed his eyes, and began to use his power to heal the wounds in his body.

"Why! What kind of elixir is it that has such effect? Just now he is still a dead dog. How can he be vigorous now Ye Wuque clearly sees Xiong Yang's face getting better. Even the doctor doesn't have to see it. It's really amazing.

After a while, Xiong Yang vomited out a mouthful of turbid Qi, and his face recovered a bit of blood. But he turned to look around and found Ye Wuqi hesitated to stand beside him with the pill in his hand. He couldn't help cursing angrily: "Stinky boy, do you think I'm a treacherous villain, afraid that this pill will poison you?"

Ye Wumian naturally has this idea. I don't know you very well. Who knows if you are a treacherous villain. After all, you are the elder martial brother of lame brave. It is the so-called red that is close to the ink and black to the ink.

"No, how can you misunderstand me like this? I think this pill is so magical that I want to keep it for future use in case of emergency." Ye Wuwei answers in disguise.

After hearing the speech, Xiong Yang pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "yes, these pills are all made by Shifu. I don't know how many precious herbs have been consumed. Even Shifu is not willing to take them. If your injury is not too serious, give it back to me. "

" ha ha... " Ye Wuqian is not a fool. Seeing Xiong Yang reach out to take back the pills, how can he give them back to him? He is not a good man. "Oh, I say brother Xiong Yang, you have come all the way to Fenghai city. You must have not found a suitable place to live in, or come to my home."

Ye Wuqi intentionally shifts the topic, so that Xiong Yang can no longer trace that pill.


According to Xiong Yang, he has been living in the mountains and forests in the central part of China, rarely going out of the world. After receiving a letter for help from lame Yong, he came out of the mountain to protect the honor of his school.

"Why! What school are you from? I learned from meishanju, and my master is Wang Zhan. I don't know which master you inherited from? " Ye Wuqi pretended to be curious. In addition to Meishan residence, he rarely met people from other sects in the world.

But Xiong Yang touched his head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you what the teacher said. Master knows that he will punish me."

Ye Wuqian does not know the truth or falsehood of Xiong's words, but he should not continue to ask questions. He only asks other key questions.

Xiong Yang is powerful. He may have lived in the mountains and forests for a long time. He seldom contacts with the outside world. Therefore, he seems to be relatively honest. He answers all the questions that are not related to his sect. It seems that he is determined to follow ye Wuwu for a year.

"By the way, I remember what you said about the bright and the dark. What do you mean?" Ye Wuque asked the most important question in his heart. Without Wang Zhan around, there were many problems in practice that could not be learned.

Xiong Yang was surprised and looked at ye Wuque and said, "the theory of strength, didn't your master teach you?"

Ye Wumian complained to himself that if Wang Zhan had taught himself, he would not have to worry. Now he has to consult other sects.

"Well, my master went out on business. After he taught me the skills of cultivation, he disappeared. So I didn't know anything about many practices."

Xiong Yang is not sure about the half true and half false explanation of Ye Wuxiang. Now it is in the hands of others. No matter how reluctant he is, he has to answer. In any case, it is some common sense, and only a wonderful flower like ye Wuque will not know.

"The theory of strength is a division of strength..." Xiongyang comes slowly.

People who practice internal skills mainly focus on the internal cultivation, which is different from the pursuit of power.

Strength is the division of the use of strength encountered by the martial arts of the inner family. According to its characteristics, it can be divided into three types, namely, the bright force, the hidden force and the transforming force.

Mingjin is the easiest to understand. For example, if you punch a tree, the stronger one can break the tree, and the lighter one is to make a hole. The human body can clearly see the traces caused by strength, which is Mingjin.

The second level is the dark power. This kind of power needs a certain amount of time and accumulation before it can be understood. It's also a punch on the tree, but there may be no signs of damage outside, but after cutting the tree with a knife, the trunk inside must have turned into powder.Mingjin is the strongest power that can be achieved by external skills, which does not mean that people who practice external skills are necessarily weaker than those who practice internal skills. When a foreign martial arts practitioner develops a certain strength, he will achieve the ability to reduce ten associations with one strength. He does not pay attention to any power destruction, but directly defeats with the strongest strength.

"No wonder I said that I resisted your attack clearly, but I was seriously injured in my body. It turns out that you used dark power." Ye Wuqi is full of enlightenment. Xiong Yang's power is a higher level of dark power, which can certainly suppress him everywhere.

Xiong Yang glanced at ye Wuwu with a sad look on his face. The God is too unfair. The stinky boy didn't even know what the dark strength was and what the bright strength was. He was able to defeat himself.

If ye Wuqian tells Xiong Yang now that he understands this dark power only when he fights with him, I wonder if he will be so angry that he vomites blood and dies.

Realizing the difference between the bright and the dark, ye Wuqian yearns for the more powerful Huajin, and asks, "brother Xiong, what is Huajin like? Is it more terrifying than the power of dark power? "

Xiong Yang frowned and shook his head. He sighed and replied, "I'm just at the beginning of the dark power. I'm still far away from Huajin. I don't know how to tell the power of shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods."

Ye Wuxiang was relieved when he heard his words. In his heart, Xiong Yang was right. He was so hard to understand even the dark power. What's more, with the accumulation of cultivation, he will step into that realm sooner or later.

"Thank you, Brother Bear."

With Xiong Yang following him for a year, ye Wuqian can not only have a strong bodyguard, but also learn to practice through him, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Xiong Yang began to look at the house ye Wumian lived in. Although his family was simple and crude, compared with his residence on the mountain, it was a fairyland on earth.

Ye Wuqian saw him looking around, thinking there was something wrong, so he asked, "Brother Bear, what are you looking for?"

"Gu Gu..."

Xiong Yang's tummy drum sounds so loud that he is particularly clear in the empty room. He is embarrassed to touch his head and says in embarrassment: "I didn't eat since I arrived in Fenghai city yesterday. Is there anything to eat here?"

Ye Wuqian has a long mouth and a cold sweat on his head

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