"Shit, this guy doesn't have a headache, does he? How far to shoot? "

"Damn it, it's just a waste of a great opportunity..." Many people began to curse, and even the audience behind the backboard had done a good job of dodging

"Pa..." This time, the basketball did not fly out of the basket, but hit the backboard, and then directly bounced off, and was caught by the sports department

"Ye Xiao, come on, ye Xiao, come on..." Ouyang Qianqian, Huang lingyao, Tan Xiaoxiao, Li Shiqin and others began to shout loudly once again, and the whole audience was filled with enthusiastic cheers

The players in the economics and management department did not stand in the same place as they did just now, but they came back to defense at full speed. However, their strength was a little poor after all, and they were successfully scored by the sports department

Once again, he launched an attack, but this time, he was cut off and scored successfully before reaching Ye Xiao's hand

Fifty four to fifty

The Department of physical education began to increase the score

The management department continued to serve. This time, ye Xiao went to the sideline and asked for it. The No. 7 hesitated for a moment and passed the basketball to Ye Xiao

After ye Xiao took the ball, he didn't take half a step at all, so he threw it at the rebound

"Pa..." Once again, the basketball hit the backboard and ejected, which was obtained by the sports department. It was a wonderful counterattack

Fifty six to fifty

The score is getting bigger and bigger, but the cheers from the economic management department are getting louder and louder, and I don't know if they are affected by the cheering. Once they get the ball, all the players in the Department of economics and management, no matter who they are, always try their best to pass the ball to Ye Xiao

The score has become 70-0. Since ye Xiao came on the stage, the Department of economic management has never scored a point. Instead, people from the sports department have been constantly increasing the score

But even so, the scene of refueling still did not stop, and even Ouyang Qianqian and other people's voices were hoarse, but they were still shouting heartily

I don't know why. Feeling the atmosphere of the scene, Xiao Feng's eyes are filled with tears, which are moving tears. From the track of Ye Xiao's shots, he is surprised to find that ye Xiao's shooting techniques are changing every time

At this time, basketball came to Ye Xiao's hand again. At the moment, his body was still standing in the half court, looking at the motionless rebounds in the distance, and a confident smile appeared in the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth

"Well, brothers, it's time to fight back..." As soon as the voice dropped, ye Xiaodan held the basketball and threw it out

"Brush..." A sound, basketball in the air to draw a track, straight toward the rebound

At the moment when the basketball was released, ye Xiao's body rushed forward at full speed. His speed was so fast that people could only see the shadows

"Why doesn't that idiot give up? Did he really think that the goddess of fortune would be so kind to him? Do you want to get in like this? " Sports Department of the people once again impolitely taunted, but ye Xiao did not pay attention to these, just desperately toward the rebound

"Pa..." A sound, the basketball in the eyes of the people expected to severely hit the backboard, and then directly play up

Li Kai, who has been not far from the backboard, sneers. He moves at his feet and wants to take the basketball again

When he was more than two meters tall, he pushed hard. His body had already ejected and reached for the basketball. But just as he was about to catch the basketball, a figure flew directly past his eyes

Yes, he flew past, and he had already jumped up, but that figure actually flew past his eyes. He could only see the waist of each other

How could that be possible? How can a person jump so high?

In Li Kai's extremely surprised expression, ye Xiao grabs the basketball that rebounds back, and his body flies straight to the backboard

At this moment, all the people grew up their mouths completely and looked at Ye Xiao like a flying man in horror one by one

"Pa..." Ye Xiao grabs the basketball with one hand and slams it into the basket. Seeing the basketball falling into the frame, the scene becomes silent. Everyone is staring at all this

Can you play basketball like this?

One person, gave all five people? This How does it feel like you're making a movie?

"Ye Xiao, come on, be successful in Management..." Only after a moment of silence, Ouyang Qianqian has jumped up. With her voice, the silent scene has been thoroughly ignited. Especially the fans of the Department of economics and management are calling Ye Xiao's name one by one

Many girls have seen many stars in their eyes. They are constantly circling the scene of Ye Xiao's powerful dunk. It's too man, it's just too domineering

Even the management department players are excited, even now it is the fourth quarter, even if it is still 18 points behind, but do not know why, they feel that they will winOne by one, they came back to defense quickly, and the people in the sports department came back from the shock. Anyway, they are still 18 points ahead. They really don't believe that the economic management department can turn defeat into victory by one person

The attack of the sports department is also fast. A few breathing time has come to the backboard of the economic management department. Yinchuanfeng takes the ball and passes two players with his superb skills. When he is about to get up and shoot, ye Xiao has come to him. Yinchuanfeng does not hesitate to choose the pass

Li Kai, who received the ball, was about to lay up and score. However, the economic management department No. 7, who came back to defend for the first time, had already stopped him. Li Kai had no choice but to continue to pass the ball. But at this moment, Chen Tan Shang, who had always been very low-key, suddenly shot the basketball with one hand

"Attack..." Ye Xiao roared, no longer staring at Yinchuan wind, ran forward at full speed

"Come on, come back..." Yinchuan wind roared, but also turned and ran towards the back line

Chen Dan Shang quickly dribbles to the half court, has been stopped by the opponent's players, directly passed the ball to Ye Xiao

Looking at the basket far away, ye Xiao throws the basketball out again

"Still? Li Kai, Zhang long, block the forbidden area and don't let him break through... " Seeing ye Xiao want to do the same again, Yinchuan fengleng snorted and yelled directly at his players. As long as ye Xiao is blocked from entering the forbidden area, he really doesn't believe Ye Xiao can grab the rebound

However, to his disappointment, ye Xiao didn't mean to rush forward at all. After the basketball was taken off, he turned and walked backward. Did he give up?

"Shua..." It is at this time, came the sound of basketball into the net, Yinchuan wind's eyes are staring out?

Can't you? Did the goal come in? How could that be possible? Is it still at half-time? Is luck coming again? Is this just a coincidence?

But why did he just turn around? Don't say that yinchuanfeng was surprised. Most of the people on the scene were shocked. No one wants to believe that all this is true

Half court, full court, half court shot, basketball did not stop at all, directly fell into the box, this is too incredible? Only sitting on the bench, looking at all this, Xiao Feng's mouth showed a faint smile

"This guy is just a pervert. After more than ten shots, he has found the right time for basketball. Boys, get ready to celebrate. We are sure to win..." Xiao Feng said excitedly

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