The first level of competition, a total of 15 points, now all to the hands of Ye Wumian. In other words, in the first level, all the other people are losers except ye Wuwei.

There is one third of the hourglass. Ye Wuqian stands in front of the people. His eyes are like the sun in the cold sun. It's extremely hot, but it's cold.

Will there be any challenges

There have been a lot of people's hearts, ye Wuque represents 15 points. As long as you win him, you may not have to fight for the first place in the last two passes, and both of them have a great chance to win the final victory.

However, ye Wuqian showed too much strength, and even the four Lu Lu people could not resist. The rest of them could not defeat him. The only way to win was to stand aside and watch the man in the center with his arrogance.

"Well, now only I have scores. No one can challenge me except me. If you don't challenge, I'll go." Ye Wuqian jokingly said that in his opinion, it is natural to defeat these people.

When the referee saw that no one came up to challenge him, and ye Wuwu had just been able to do so, he was the only one who had points. If he wanted to challenge, he could only challenge him.

"Master LAN, what do you think we should do now?" The referee throws the question to blue scene and murmurs in his heart that his daughter belongs to you. You can do whatever you want.

Lan Jing's face is gloomy. He is going to let his children challenge Ye Wuqian and teach him a good lesson. Who would have thought that ye Wuqian would shine brilliantly behind him and roared in his heart: "it's all rice bowls. He claims to be young talents from all major families. He can't make a fool of himself. I'm so angry!"

Little did not know his mouth in the bucket, was he wanted to recruit, as a son-in-law, but was brutally trampled on the face, but helpless.

"Well, then announce the result. We will enter the second level immediately." Blue scene began to plan the next level of the problem, do everything possible to prevent ye Wumian from winning.

The referee felt relaxed, and the stubborn blue master finally bowed his head, so he didn't need to be embarrassed and announced the result of the first level: "the winner of the first level competition is ye Wuque, a total of 15 points, the others have no score."

"Won? Did you really win? " LAN Xing couldn't talk to herself for a long time. At that time, she came to Ye Wuqian. One of the reasons was that she had a boyfriend to fend off the urge of her parents. On the other hand, she liked Ye Wuqian, hoping that he could strive for the happiness of the two.

Now, blue star, who has no hope, is unable to express her inner feelings to the winner of the first level, as if someone was scratching her heart with a feather, which made her feel confused and confused.

At this time, ye Wuwu's advantage is very obvious, and the latter two passes can't have a big problem. Finally, he holds the beauty home.

"Well, I can't imagine that acting in a play will be so tiring. I have to pay for it in the future." Ye Wumian mumbled, went to the corner to wait for the next two passes, the people beside him were far away from him, "Damn, is Laozi so frightening?"

With a large number of enemies, and the means are clean and neat, directly knock out the opponent, leaving no room for counterattack.

Of course, from the view of the blue fish, who dare not to see the blue fish.

Ye Wuque doesn't care to pay attention to other people's conjectures. He looks inside his body. The channels and acupoints have been opened up a lot. The true Qi in the elixir field is less, about one tenth of the original. However, the pan moving light is pure and restrained, and the power contained in it is more than that of the original.

Cultivation is like building a house. The most important part is the foundation. Only if the foundation is stable enough, the building will be solid and can be built higher.

Now ye Wuxu has laid a good foundation in his body. After hard practice, he can once again replenish the true Qi in the elixir field.

"Xuan level warrior!" Ye Wuque clenched his fist and must reach this level after a year, when I will find Qu baiqiu.

Although ye Wuque doesn't know how to practice until Qu baiqiu, he firmly believes that if he continues to practice in accordance with this trend, his accomplishments will naturally become natural.

"The second level is set by Mrs. LAN."

Ye Wuxiang hears the speech and draws his mind back from deep thought. Now it is not a long-term thing to think about. The current thing should be solved as soon as possible.

The first level was passed without fear and danger, and ye Wuque won a complete victory, but he did not show an excited look.

Lan Jing blocked the frame up three times and four times. At that time, he raised the standard to five times, which was murder. In full view of the public, blue Jing dare to make Yin moves, the next second level, will definitely make changes for ye Wuwei.

Jiang Yan has a bad impression on Ye Wuxiang, mainly because she thinks he is a local ruffian and thinks his daughter has been deceived by him. However, in order not to make her sad, she has made a neutral dilemma.

Lan Jing worried that Jiang Yan would be partial to ye Wuwu, so he advised: "madam, this is a matter of life for our daughter. Don't think about it carefully before you can come up with a topic. Do you know?"

Jiang Yan responded calmly, lowered her eyebrows and pondered for a long time, and then said: "the first level is martial arts competition. Then the second level is to learn from the talents. If you want to be the son-in-law of our blue family, you should be a man of letters and martial arts. Both are indispensable. What do you think of this, sirThe blue star nearby took Jiang Yan's hand anxiously and said, "Mom, why don't you help me?"

Lan Jing grinned. Madame secretly stood on the same front as herself. She was a street thug with great martial arts. Maybe it was not surprising that she could pass the exam in terms of talent and learning.

It is because of this that blue star will blame Jiang Yan for not helping her, so that a night to see the bar people compare talent, that is self humiliation.

The rest of the people knew nothing about the origin of Ye Wuqian, and they did not know that ye Wuqian was a street boy. Otherwise, they would laugh happily now.

Jiang Yan said sullenly: "star son, don't talk nonsense. You have never had a tutor. Your mother doesn't care about you. But if you find someone to accompany you for a lifetime, you can't be as careless as you are. Someone has to take care of you."


"Don't be coquettish. Mom has already decided. If your sweetheart can't pass the test, I won't admit it." Jiang Yan flatly refused blue star's plea.

Seeing this scene, Lan Jing can't help but be happy. If Jiang Yan's help is available, ye Wuqian won't be so easy to enter Lan's house. He says with a smile, "madam, you are worthy of being a good mother of Xinger. We can't let her act arbitrarily. Since the wife values talent and learning, then use this as the second written test."

Ye Wumian's ears are very smart. When he heard LAN Xing's mother say that he wanted to have a competition, he was immediately stunned, saying that fighting, killing and fighting were all right. However, when it came to talent and learning, he had a headache. At that time, Zhang Yiyun sent him to meishanju to learn martial arts. There were also reasons why he didn't want to go to school.

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