Xiao pan obeyed Liu Yong's command and started the first stage of the program, clicking a button on the desktop.

The already dim light in the interrogation room suddenly went out, and the empty interrogation room suddenly became pitch black.

"How can it be like this? These tortoise grandsons want to use the method of spiritual destruction to defeat my will, and then force me to tell the truth." Ye Wuqian, you have known about the knowledge of extorting confessions in this respect. You can't guess the situation when you can't see five fingers.

According to the spy's narrative, one of the most widely used methods of extorting confessions is mental destruction.

One of the ways is to lock the prisoner in a dark corner where he can't see anything, except his own voice.

Human beings are creatures afraid of the dark, especially silent. In addition to being a person with a strong spirit, human beings can't hold on to it. Finally, the spirit will burst and become insane.

For others, it is a tormented environment, but for ye Wuxiang, it is just a place to practice.

Because there is a camera monitoring, so ye Wuxiang did not act rashly. If he broke free of the lock, he would be found out. Therefore, he had to close his eyes and use the star formula.

Ye Wumian's cultivation remained in his early days, but when he stayed here for a long time, he always felt that there was a strong obstacle in front of him, which would not let him go further.

"Blue star said that I met a heart demon, which made it difficult to improve my cultivation. It was because of this heart demon that I went crazy in maple leaf mahjong hall to hurt the people of the poisonous snake sect."

When people are in a quiet situation, they either collapse or start thinking.

What are you thinking about?

This is different from person to person. While operating the mind method of the star rhyme, ye Wuqian recalls his experiences in the recent period of time, including his own changes.

"I'm upset because my cultivation has been unable to improve. What's more, the things in the guild have made me extremely cruel. I'm usually OK. Once the critical moment comes, the heart demons will emerge to control my mind and make me do all kinds of cruel things..."

In the interrogation room, the temperature began to drop slowly. It turned out that Liu Yong asked Xiao pan to lower the air conditioner. In the dark and cold environment, human beings would become very vulnerable.

Ye Wumian's mind and spirit are all concentrated on the star rhyme. As it belongs to the underground enclosed room, the aura of heaven and earth is very rare, and the power of stars can not be felt.

It is in this way that he can pay more attention to the situation in his body than before. He has never looked inside before. His heart is focused on absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. He thinks that if the true Qi of the stars in Dantian is strengthened, he can break through the original state.

The dark situation, the cold situation, led to the appearance of Ye Wumian heart demon again.

In the monitoring room, Liu Yong has been watching Ye Wuqian's changes. Originally, ye Wuqian closed his eyes and looked calm. At that time, he thought Ye Wuqian was making a mystery. No one could be so calm in such an environment.

In fact, as he expected, ye Wuqi suddenly became very strange, perhaps ferocious.

"Ha ha, stinky boy, I thought you were a man with a strong will. It turned out that you were just a pussy. I was really disappointed." Liu Yong said contemptuously that at this time, he didn't want ye Wuque to collapse too soon and torture the boy for a while.

Pan is also aware of the painful situation in the interrogation room. In the past, he had no scruples in dealing with those repeat offenders. In any case, he had committed unforgivable things. It was very appropriate to learn a lesson and torment him. But now he used a lot of cruel people to torture him.

"Uncle Liu, isn't it too inhumane for us to do this? It's better to put the degree down a little. It's not easy for us to have any trouble."

"You don't care about anything. Just go on like this. I must torture this stinky boy to death today."

's appearance as like as two peas, and his face changed, he found Liu uncle very strange. He was no longer the policeman who had known the evil enemy before. Now he is just like the arrested criminal.

Similar to the madness in the monitoring room, ye Wuqian's heart has always appeared. At that time, Yang long was stabbed by a knife. He was staring at himself with a pair of deep and horrible eyes.

"Ye Wuqian, why don't you listen to me and attack the people of the poisonous snake sect? Do you know how dangerous that will bring to the star Gang?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know. At that time, my mind was full of violent ideas. I just wanted to eliminate everything in front of me. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me..."

Ye Wuqi thinks that he is facing Yang long, and he is trapped in endless remorse.

"You don't have to explain any more. For personal interests, you even ignore the life and death of the star gang. I no longer recognize you as my boss. The staff of the star gang will no longer respect you as the boss. Give me my life back!"

After Yang long finished speaking, he thrust his hand into his chest, dug out his heart and placed it in front of Ye Wuwei.With ye Wuwu's strong will, he could not carry such a bloody picture, and the whole person screamed in horror.

"Ah! Don't blame me. Please forgive me. Don't come here

Ye Wumian in the interrogation room screams ferociously. Liu Yong in the monitoring room laughs with great joy. No one has ever been able to escape punishment in his hands. How could he expect that the boy in front of him is in good condition, and how can a person with blood in his hand get away with it.

If ye Wuqian knew Liu Yong's inner thoughts at this time, he would ask angrily. Go to your sister, do you know if you are an old boy. I can only slap the face and not kill people.

Even if ye knows, he has no time to pay attention to other people's misunderstandings, because his situation is very dangerous.

The heart demon is a kind of illusory existence. After hearing the story of blue star, ye Wuqian still thinks that he is joking. This is not a martial arts novel. How can there be such a thing as a heart demon.

Before ye Wuqian's eyes, Yang long came slowly, stretching out his hands as if to revenge and strangle Ye Wuqian.

Ye Wuque felt guilty in his heart, so he didn't stop him, and fear gradually occupied his mind, approaching the edge of his mental breakdown.

At this time, ye Wuqian has been determined that he will be strangled. Suddenly, a flash of light breaks out in front of him. A figure appears and hugs Yang long, preventing him from advancing.

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