Ye Wuxiang didn't intend to let Wu Mingjiang go easily. The base man has his own villain, so he will be the villain today.

The two bodyguards dare not fight with ye Wuwu, but they can't avoid it. If something happens to Wu Mingjiang, they are in good condition. It is conceivable how they will be punished when they go back.

Ye Wuqi came to the two people and said contemptuously, "you are the same as Wu Mingjiang. I think you have done a lot of heartless things. Don't blame my merciless men."

The owner takes the dog to fight together, this is Ye Wuxiang's idea.

"Wait a minute." One of the bodyguards called Ye Wuque.

"What? Now I want to beg for mercy. When I did bad things for Wu Mingjiang before, why didn't you have a conscience and what you did, you had to accept the corresponding consequences. Even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, I will not let you go easily. " Ye Wuqian is not a soft hearted person, so for him, as long as it is not his will, he will be taught a lesson.

The bodyguard took a heavy breath, stabilized his mind, and said, "we have done so many bad things for Wu Mingjiang's scum, and have never thought that there will be any good end, but we have one requirement."

Ye Wuqi was slightly surprised. The two bodyguards were quite interesting. Even now, they were still in the mood to negotiate terms with themselves. However, he also wanted to hear what they had to say and said, "go ahead, what do you want?"

The two bodyguards looked at each other, exchanged a silent look in their eyes, and then said, "please scrap that bastard and confiscate the tools of crime. We have seen him harm too many girls, but we can collect money and eliminate disasters for others. If we do not comply with his instructions, it will be extremely tragic to wait for us."

"So you mean to say that everything has nothing to do with you. Is it Wu Mingjiang who forced you to do it?"

"No, we should get the end of helping the tyrant, but we want to see that bastard get retribution."

Ye Wuqi was silent for a while, and did not respond to their words.

The two bodyguards stood still. They knew they were not ye Wuqian's opponent, so they were waiting for a fierce fight.

"Let's go. There's nothing good you can do to correct your mistakes."

"What are you talking about?" Two bodyguards widened their eyes, obviously did not believe that ye Wuque would say such words.

Ye Wumian's eyes light a cold, flat said: "do you think I have free time to joke with you?"

The two bodyguards looked at ye Wuque's eyes, which was as clear as the mountain water, without any impurities. So what the man in front of him said was not a lie, it should be true, but both of them couldn't understand why ye Wuque was willing to let them go.

Pity, or look down on them?

No matter which one is, they feel humiliated. They used to be soldiers of the army. Although they have become tools for others for their livelihood, their inner self-esteem still exists, as the will of former soldiers.

"We don't need your compassion, we don't ask for your forgiveness. Come on, use all your strength to punish us." Said the two bodyguards with dignity.

Cut, these two people are really interesting. Mingming has done so many bad things for Wu Mingjiang. It's only at this time that they regret. Isn't that a joke?

The reason why Ye Wuqian let go of these two people is not to sympathize with them. There are many helpless people in the world, and you are not the only one, and with Ye Wuqian's heart, you will never be a saint.

"I want you to remember that this place is my territory and no one can stand in my way. I can do what I like because I feel happy

"Hehe, please punish us, if we are not good people who are prodigal. Because when you teach Wu Mingjiang a lesson, we must suffer more serious injuries, or we will go back and wait for us to die without a burial place. "

When ye Wuxiang heard this, he suddenly realized that this was the case. The two of them were responsible for protecting the safety of Wu Mingjiang. If Wu Mingjiang was seriously injured and they were not injured at all, we can imagine what would happen.

As a bodyguard, if you can't protect the people you need to protect, it's dereliction of duty. This crime is extremely serious in many big families.

Therefore, the two bodyguards have to ask Ye Wuxiang to punish them, and they must not be merciful, even if they are rude and terrible, in order to make others believe.

Such a wonderful request, ye Wuque naturally has to satisfy others, otherwise it will not be on the road.

"Since you can't help it, I'll try my best. In fact, I'm a very cultured person, and I don't like to use force." Ye Wuque clenched his fist, made a crackling sound, and slowly walked to the front of the two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards knew the situation they were about to face, so they both closed their eyes.

Ye Wuqian is not polite. He did it out of the request of others.

Bang Bang

Hu Sha, who was waiting behind, was shocked. Ye Wuqi was too powerful. Even two big men even stood up and let him fight back.Ye wubu has a good sense of propriety. On the surface, the two bodyguards are seriously injured, but there is no injury in the body. It only takes a few days to recover. He has done his utmost to do this, and the next two bodyguards have nothing to say.

The two bodyguards' Qi and blood were churning in their bodies. The pain was tearing their hearts and lungs, and they were rolling on the ground in pain.

Ye Wuqian looked at the two people's traumas, and their appearance should still be able to deceive many people,

No, Hu Sha looked at Ye Wuqian's eyes again, and her expression was extremely ugly and frightened.

For Hu Sha how to see himself, ye Wuqian has no interest. Instead of worrying about others, he should pay more attention to his own situation.

"If you two go back like this, I believe the Wu family will not embarrass you." Ye Wuqi put down a sentence. He was about to enter Wu Mingjiang's ward, but an idea suddenly appeared in his mind. He said, "you are all from the special forces, so there should be many veterans like you?"

One of the bodyguards nodded in silence and said, "yes, China's country has been prosperous in recent decades, and there is not much possibility of war. Therefore, every year, it will be disarmed to improve the overall quality of the soldiers."

Special forces are different from ordinary people. They have received strict training and obey orders. Therefore, these people are most suitable for training as backbone of their own forces, rather than accepting Street hooligans as their subordinates.

Recently, Fenghai city began to have signs of changes in the wind and cloud. It is very likely that major events will occur. In order to survive the star gang in such a crisis, it is necessary to have a deep enough foundation. However, ye Wuqian also knows that the star Gang is only established for two or three months. How can we talk about the details with other gangs? That's not humiliating.

If there is a group of soldiers who are forbidden, it will be of great help to their own affairs.

"Well, I'd like to discuss a matter with you. I think after today, you should not be able to stay in the Wu family. Otherwise, you can come and have fun with me. In the future, you will not be treated unfairly."

The two bodyguards didn't have any thoughts at this time to listen to ye Wumian's grand plan. Their bodies were in great pain. It happened that this place was a hospital. After ye Wuqian solved Wu Mingjiang in the ward, they could also go to see a doctor.

Ye Wumian took out a business card from his clothes, threw it on the ground, left a sentence, and then came to me if necessary, and then walked to Wu Mingjiang's ward.

Husha looked at the two seriously injured bodyguards on the ground, and then looked at Ye Wuqi's back. After all kinds of internal entanglement, she finally decided to follow up with that one.

Ye Wuque can sense that there is a person inside, and he is very short of breath. He can guess how frightened the person inside is at this time.

Dong Dong

Ye Wuqian knocked at the door of the ward and said with a smile, "is Mr. Wu there? I've come to see you for reminiscence. Open the door

Hu Sha was stunned by Ye Wuwei's words. How could anyone ask others to open the door like this? It should be right to kick the door directly.

Now ye Wuque's voice and expression are very much like the wolf's mother-in-law, constantly using language to bewitch Wu Mingjiang to open the door.

Wu Mingjiang is not a small sheep, even a small sheep will not be cheated, let alone the suspicious face of Ye Wuque.

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