Wu Dongyang can let go of the two bodyguards who failed to do a good job, but he was not so good at talking about the murderer who wounded Wu Mingjiang.

In the political arena of Fenghai City, Wu Mingjiang is only under a few people. In addition, all black and white figures have to give him a little thin face, and even obey his orders.

"Did you find out who the killer was?"

"As far as my subordinates know, it was done by a gang leader who came out of Fenghai city recently. Hearing the news from the road, it seems that it is a boy named Ye Wuqian."

Wu Dongyang frowned. He has never heard of this new gangster. However, if he can rob a territory in Fenghai City, which is already a fixed force, he will not be an ordinary person. At least, he will be more capable than his unfilial son.

If he was just a gangster, he would not be afraid as a mayor's secretary and said, "well, it's called Ye Wuqian, right? Have you found out his background? Is there someone behind him? "

Why Wu Dongyang asked this question is the reason why he was cautious.

Fenghai city is different from other places. There are many places where people can make a lot of money. Therefore, there are all kinds of forces, big and small. No one can be big on one side. It is in a state of relative balance.

Therefore, some people think of ways to secretly support some emerging forces and let them seize territory and fight against other small forces. If you win, it means expanding your territory and expanding your power. If you don't succeed, it means that some useless young people will die in the streets. Such things often happen in Fenghai city.

"It should not be, because they have never seen contact with other forces, and they have had a fight with the Viper Gang recently. Now the two gangs are in a stalemate, and more serious fighting will break out at any time."

Wu Dongyang was relieved when he heard that there was no background. He was not a reckless person. If there was a strong force behind the other side, there was no need to cause so much trouble for a son.

If ye Wuque is just a hot headed stinky boy, it will be much easier to solve.

Wu Dongyang told one of his aides: "Du Qing, you go to tell the Viper gang that you must clean up each other in the next few days, or I will clean up both their gangs."

"Yes, secretary Wu." Du Qingping responded indifferently that he was Wu Dongyang's private staff unlike other aides. He also had a position in the government department, so he called Wu Dongyang secretary.

"Well, even our Wu family dare to provoke him. It seems that he will not die." Wu Dongyang exudes a murderous spirit, which can only be felt by his side. This is an atmosphere accumulated over the years.

Within a few minutes, the snake gang and the star gang will decide their fate. Even though the poisonous snake gang did not want to confront the star Gang, they have to do so now, because otherwise, the future will be more tragic.


Fenghai city east suburb, Jingde community in a villa.

Ye Wuqi and Xiong Yang looked at the table with five dishes on it, which were filled with black things like paste.

"Ye Wuwei, do you think it can be eaten?" Xiong Yang asked fearfully.

"I don't know. Why don't you give it a try first? Maybe it's just a bad look, but the taste is first-class." Ye Wuxiang urges Xiong yang to try the food on the table, and he is reasonable.

Unless Xiong Yang's head melon seeds are caught in the door, they will believe that ye Wuwu is missing. It's strange that this kind of appearance can be delicious. If it doesn't poison the dead, it's anituo Buddha.

Xiong Yang pinched his nose and shook his head fiercely. He said, "you try first. I'll try again later. After all, your boss, how can you be a younger brother?"

Ye Wuxiang is shocked at the speech, and stops his words for it. He can't imagine that Xiong Yang has become like this in a short time. The former Xiong Yang is not like this.

Good boy, he is very smart at the critical moment. It's not easy to take advantage of him in the future.

Since no one is willing to test the poison, ye Wuqian has to lower his head to smell the food on the table. After smelling it for a few times, he can't help but feel like vomiting.

Whoa, what the hell is this? Ye Wuqian had eaten stinky tofu before, but the food in front of him smelled worse than anything he had ever tasted.

Ye Wuxiang can't believe that the food in front of him will be delicious. The more stinky the stinky tofu, the more delicious it will be. Maybe there is a certain truth in it, but it may also be the poison that can eat the dead, so ye Wuqian believes it is the latter.

"Xiong Yang, no way. If we eat these things, we must have been poisoned and died. Please pour out these things."


Xiong Yang agreed with Ye Wuwei's suggestion once and for all. He immediately got up and poured all the things on the table into the garbage can.

Blue star appeared in the hall almost at the same time. Xiong Yang stood in the same place with two empty plates in his hand.

Ye Wumian stares at blue star's face for fear that their careful thinking will be discovered. If that happens, the unruly and willful lady will be furious again. They don't want to suffer from the torture of fatigue bombing.Xiong Yang didn't know what to do. It was not sitting or standing still.

All of a sudden, blue star burst into a brilliant smile and said triumphantly, "Xiong Yang, I can't believe you are a big fool. You know how to eat food. When the East on the table is finished, you have to pick up the plate and lick it."

"Ah Ye Wuqi and Xiong Yang exclaimed in unison, deeply impressed by the magical imagination of blue star.

Xiong Yang pour those hell food, can also be said by blue star is eating can't stop, is really admirable ah!

Ye Wuwei reacted at the first time and said in agreement: "yes, Bluestar, the food you cooked is so delicious, so Xiong Yang has a good time. It can be seen that he doesn't let go of the juice on the plate. Xiong Yang, do you think so? "

Xiong Yang understood ye Wuwu's meaning, so he nodded with a smirk and said: "yes, it's delicious. I've never eaten such a delicious food. It should be in fairyland. It's rare to taste it in the world."

"Wow! Good boy, I'm more boastful than I am, and I'm also fooling people. I learned from that bastard, and I've become so shameless. " Ye Wuqi can't help but despise Xiong Yang's ability to speak so well.

I don't know Xiong Yang told him that I came to school with you, a mean boy. What's Ye Wuqian's feeling?

Blue Star showed a embarrassed expression, for the first time, she was praised for her delicious food, which made her happy, but also got confidence.

Ye Wuqi and Xiong Yang both see the smiling face of blue star. They are all relieved. Fortunately, they are not detected by blue star. They will take a look at each other and show an evil smile at the same time.

"I just made a pot of soup. You like it so much. There's more here. Do you need me to go in and make some good dishes for you?"

Blue Star suddenly came out of a word, almost did not let ye Wuque and Xiong Yang fall to vomit blood.

"No, we're all full. We'll save it for tonight." Ye Wuqian how dare to let Blue Star harm the kitchen again, quickly called her, the most important is for their own life safety.

Blue star is not happy to Du small mouth, sad looking at ye Wuque and Xiong Yang, way: "this pot of soup is I cooked for several hours to make, you are full, do not taste it, after dinner drink a bowl of soup is good for the body, help digestion."

Don't be kidding. Ye Wuxiang has good eyesight. He can see that the so-called soup is a pot of black sewage, which is no different from the sewage in the stinky ditch.

"Well, let xiongyang have a taste. He's just finished his plate, but he's not full yet."

"What, I'm full."

Before Xiong Yang could explain, blue star had already filled a bowl in front of him.

Xiong Yang looked at the black water in the bowl and wanted to turn around and run away. But under the threat of Ye Wuxiang, he finally gulped down his head.

Blue star and ye Wuque are very satisfied with nodding, but only hurt Xiong Yang. He vomited for four days and four nights, and went to the toilet for countless times to have diarrhea.

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