Ye Wuqi's situation can not tolerate him not to persist. Who knows what will happen? Everyone takes his own life seriously.

Even the old man's tone was so serious that he could not control the situation at this time.

"Motherfucker, damned old man, this is not playing with my life. I'm not afraid that I will die, and then no one will fight for you."

No matter how to curse Ye Wuqian, it's useless. Now it's only relying on his own ability. He won't die easily.

The old man's eyes are the X-ray machine in the hospital, which can penetrate the human body and see clearly the situation of the leaves in the body.

Ye Wuke is like a storm of level 12, with chaotic power, which has pounded his meridians again and again, and some of them have even been broken.

Once a part of the body is destroyed by the force, it will be like the Yellow River burst. If it is out of control, it will sweep the whole body in an instant. At that time, I am afraid that the old man could not save ye Wumian's life.


Ye Wuqi couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and the situation in his body was like his pale face, which could not be kept at any time.

At this time, the old man suddenly puffed up all his muscles and turned into iron bumps, watered like bronze statues, which were extremely strong and hard to break.

"Come on

The old man snorted coldly, and then he gathered the true Qi of Dantian which had been cultivated for many years into ye Wuque's body, and continued to guide the true Qi of the mixture of two forces of meridians.

With this powerful force entering, the true Qi on the edge of explosion is calming down and no longer rampant!

Ye Wuwu's face, pale as snow, recovered a little blood color, not so serious.

The violent force in his body was under control, and the old man showed a happy smile, but soon he had a dignified expression.

More and more Aura converged from heaven and earth, but it turned into a flowing Star River, which poured into the sky from the leaves of the sky. The scene was very spectacular.

Ye Wuqi's experience is the most profound. The meridians and blood vessels constantly absorb the aura, and the damaged parts heal slowly. There is a feeling very appropriate, that is, pain and happiness.

"Why! Why is it that the work trajectory seems to be controlled by people, and the main route is not changed, so many small real Qi flows are divided into the movement in the body? "

If the main line of the star rhyme has not changed, there is no distinction between refining heaven and earth's aura into the power of stars.

The only difference is that ye Wuqian feels vaguely. In addition to the speed of the growth of the real Qi of the stars in the elixir field, he didn't play the greatest effect of these skills because he didn't have a deep understanding of the internal mental skills of the star rhyme before.

now with the guidance of the old man, the star rhyme can burst out stronger cultivation effect, so ye Wuqian's The speed of cultivation is also very happy.

"It's really not easy for this old guy to think of this way to improve my cultivation. If I go on like this, I should be able to reach the metaphysical level soon." Ye Wuqi is excited and has a beautiful vision. The door of Xuanwu will be opened in front of him.

The time lasted for nearly eight hours, and ye Wumian ran for 18 weeks. This is a very good achievement. No matter how hard he practiced before, he could not continue until the 12th week. At that time, he thought that he had reached the limit and could not practice any more, which would have very serious consequences for his body.

It has been improved for six weeks, and its intensity is far more than that of the previous practice. It also makes full use of it.


As ye Wuqi breathes out a breath of black air, the red sun rises in the sky, and the light shines on the earth. Ye Wuqian's body seems to be plated with a layer of yellow golden light.

The old man stopped working, and the colorful aura around Ye Wuqian's body dissipated.

Ye Wuqi excitedly turned around and called to the old man: "master, thank you so much. My strength has been stagnant for many days, and now I have made a breakthrough. What's the matter with you, master?"

When ye Wuqian turned his head, he saw that the old man's face was ugly, and he had a white hair and a childlike face. It seemed that he had been aging for several decades and was about to enter the tomb.

Ye Wuqi stepped forward to hold the old man who was about to fall, and asked with concern, "elder, what happened to you?"

The old man grinned bitterly, shook his hand, and then slowly stood up, and said in a weak voice, "it's OK. It's just that this pair of old bones hasn't moved for a long time. He has moved so much Qi for a moment, and it's just a little unbearable. In other words, your boy's qualification is far beyond my imagination. In a short time, you have already touched the bottleneck of the innate realm. Over time, you will surely become a strong one. "

Although the old man said it lightly, ye Wuqian knew that things would never be as simple as the old man said. There must be something in it.

Using the true Qi of the elixir field can make people lose so much. Ye Wuqi will never believe that there is no harm. He is moved to think that the old man has paid so much energy for him.

The old man looked up at the rising sun. It was so bright and vigorous.The old man was very dissatisfied with being supported by others. He pushed aside Ye Wuqian, forced himself to hold on, and gasped heavily for a long time. He said, "Stinky boy, I don't need you to help me. After one night's practice, you have a huge amount of energy in your body. Now go and digest it

"Digestion?" Ye Wuqian felt his head. It was not eating. When he was full, he had to digest it. The aura absorbed was refined into the real Qi of the stars. This was not digestion. "Master, I don't quite understand what you mean. Please explain it clearly."

The old man rolled his eyes and felt helpless for the dull boy in front of him. He said, "I said that if you improve your cultivation, you need to use this power. Only in this way can you thoroughly digest the true Qi from cultivation. Have you not been taught by your former master? "

"Well..." Ye Wuque really wanted to say that was the case. When Wang Zhan lived in Meishan, he seldom taught him in person, and asked other senior brothers and sisters to come. Otherwise, ye Wuque would not have known nothing about the common sense of cultivation.

"Well, I don't care how your master teaches you. Now you are half of my apprentice. Then you only need to follow my instructions." The old man had only one goal in mind, that is, to raise Ye Wuqian's cultivation as soon as possible, otherwise he would not be able to fight back to his disciples.

Ye Wuque is just a primary school student, everything is hazy, can only follow the instructions of the old man.

The old man brought ye Wumian to the suburbs for his purpose. On the one hand, cultivation would not attract other people's attention. On the other hand, there were quite a lot of things for ye Wuque to toss about.

"You stand there!" The old man pointed to a clearing with some weeds on it.

Without any hesitation, ye Wuqi went straight to the open space, looked up at the old man and said, "master, do you have any training plan?"

"Hee hee, you'll find out later."

The old man sneered and disappeared.

Ye Wuque is Zhang Er can't touch his head. What does the nervous old man want to do?


Ye Wuque's ear heard a burst of air burst, his mind moved, and immediately looked around, and was surprised to find many stones flying in the air.

Ordinary stone, ye Wuque, naturally does not need to be afraid. Even if the stone hits the body, it will not hurt his body at all. However, the stones blasted in the air are different now. The harsh sound and the cracking sound of the air are very frightening.

"If I get hit by these high-speed flying stones, even if I'm copper and iron, I can't bear it."

Ye Wuwu dares not to hold the big one. He carries the real Qi of the stars in the elixir field, and his body suddenly erupts a powerful momentum.


A stone attacked Ye Wuwei in front of him, he reacted very fast, almost in the stone close to the eyelashes before grasping, a hard pinch, it became powder. Rao is so, ye Wuqi still feels pain in the palm, the strength of the stone to be stronger, then it will penetrate his palm.

In fact, this is a little similar to the distance from the bird impact aircraft, that is, the high-speed flying things have incomparable power. Once the two are not equal before, then the destructive force caused by collision is also very large.

Ye Wuqi is not a plane in the air, but the stone is far faster than the plane's speed, so even he dare not easily resist the rocks flying around.

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