If the iron head can be seen clearly, then there should be no big problem for two dogs. After all, iron head and two dogs are Xuanwu, and their cultivation levels are not much different, so there should be no big difference.

Ye Wuqi took Lin Menger's hand and said, "hold my hand, don't let go."

"Ah Lin Menger exclaimed in surprise, and then his face turned red, like a ripe apple.

Ye Wuque doesn't know that he was originally a kind move, which set off waves in Lin meng'er's heart, just like a storm.

"Well? Lin meng'er, did you hear me Ye Wuque saw that Lin Menger had not answered for a long time, so he opened his mouth and asked.

Lin meng'er lowered her head shyly, as if her shoes were beautiful. She kept staring at her shoes and said timidly, "I I hear you

"Remember, don't let go of my hand. Let's go on." Ye Wuqi did not have any idea, took Lin Menger's hand, and went on to the depths of the colorful poisonous miasma forest.

Lin Menger slightly recovered a trace of you = sober, did not just hear ye Wumian's words, so shy, but her mood is still like a deer, careful liver jump very fast.

At this time, what Lin Menger thought in my heart was that I would never let go of your hand and hold your hand all my life.

Unfortunately, ye Wuxiang can't hear Lin Menger's words from the bottom of his heart. Otherwise, he will think that he has harmed a simple girl, and he will also feel upset. After all, before finding Qu baiqiu, he really does not want to have any real relationship with other women.

As ye Wuqian and others continued to deepen, they began to realize the strangeness in the colorful miasma forest. There seemed to be many creatures lurking in the forest to spy on them, but only peeped, and did not appear to attack them. However, this situation still makes Ye Wuqian feel very uneasy, because it means that in addition to the toxic miasma, there are other dangerous threats in the colorful miasma forest, which they do not want to see.

Iron head and two dogs walk at the end, they all feel that there are many pairs of eyes staring at them behind their back, which makes them feel restless.

"Mr. nameless, there seems to be a lot of mysterious power in it. How should we deal with it?" Two dogs asked.

"I have noticed that, but now we can't leave the colorful poisonous miasma forest immediately, so we can only stand still and respond to all changes without change." Ye Wuwei only said that, to be honest, even he was afraid of the hidden power in the dark, but he had come to this step, and he could not give up.

Therefore, ye Wuqian can only watch and walk step by step, hoping that the existence of those threats will not target them. In this way, they can safely get through the colorful poisonous miasma forest and reach the center of the ancient tomb.

All of a sudden, ye Wuqi remembered one thing and immediately asked tietou: "tietou, besides finding protective clothing and masks in the backpack of the black widow mercenary regiment, did you see anything special?"

From the perspective of the preparation of the black widow mercenary corps, the colorful poisonous miasma forest should be the target of the black widow, that is to say, the black widow has some special task in it.

"I'm going to have a look at this. Er Gou, do you also look behind to see what's in it?" Iron head tells two dogs to take off the backpack and look for the things in the backpack.

Iron head turned over his backpack, but he didn't find anything. He just wanted to report with ye Wuque, but he heard two dogs around him saying: "Mr. nameless, I found a strange book."

Ye Wuqian smell speech, immediately turned back to two dogs in front of, at the same time iron head also came.

"What book, show me!" Ye Wuqian opened the book and quickly finished reading the information inside. It turned out that the black widow mercenary group had accepted a task to look for a corpse in a multicolored miasma forest in the ancient tomb.

In addition to the reward task, there is also a map, which describes in detail the topography of the multicolored miasma forest and the possible dangers inside.

"Oh, no, the reward for this reward task is as high as 10 million US dollars. It should be an S-level task." Two dogs exclaimed in shock.

Let two dogs shout like this, ye Wuqian noticed that there was a number at the bottom of the book, and there was a sign of money, which was ten million dollars!

Ye Wuxiang felt incredible when he saw this figure. He was just looking for a corpse, and there was a reward of 10 million US dollars. You know, this is equivalent to more than 60 million Chinese dollars. It is not necessary to have such a number just for the income of the help for one year.

Who on earth is so generous that only one corpse is needed for $10 million? What's so special about this body that people are willing to pay 10 million dollars?

A series of questions make ye Wuqian feel very confused, but soon he is relieved that others like to waste money and ignore their own affairs! The top priority is to use the information of the black widow mercenary regiment and leave the colorful miasma forest as soon as possible.

Ye Wuqian has a premonition that if he continues to stay in the five colored poisonous miasma forest, something unexpected will happen. In order not to delay the next thing, he must leave the colorful poisonous miasma forest immediately."Don't worry about the black widow mercenary regiment. We'd better try to find out how we can get out of this place quickly." Ye Wuqian said to iron head that the colorful poisonous miasma forest is not suitable for a long time.

"Yes, we must leave the five colored poisonous miasma forest immediately. I always feel that those mysterious creatures hiding in the dark will attack us soon!" he said with approval

Ye Wuhua nodded slightly, then continued to look at the information of the black widow in his hand. He pointed to one of them and said, "look here, it is very clear that there are a group of night demons in the colorful poisonous miasma forest. As soon as the night falls, they will emerge from the colorful poisonous miasma forest and attack all creatures."


Ye Wuqi and others took a breath of air, but their short description made them expect such a situation. Countless monsters were crawling out of the forest, countless of them were biting people!

"My God, isn't that terrible? Let's go as soon as possible. Now it's dusk, and it's going to be dark soon. If it's just like what's said in it, then we'll be in bad shape."

People in a strange environment, it is easy to have panic, which is a very normal emotion. No matter how powerful you are, fear of the unknown is the biggest weakness of human beings.

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