Zuo min's three moves in a row are not only insidious, but also fierce. For example, a stab of his finger is equivalent to using a sharp iron stick to smash Ye Wuxiang's defense completely, and then give him the most ferocious bombardment, all of which hit ye Wuque's body!

Foreign martial arts pay attention to killing by one blow, especially hitting people's vital points. So if ye Wuque can stab Zuo min's finger at the key point, even if Ouyang invincible wants to stop it, ye Wuque will immediately die on the spot!

At such a critical juncture, ordinary people will be flustered, leading to no reasonable way to deal with it. However, ye Wuxiang is quite calm and knows that there is no possibility of retreat. Even if he retreats, it will not help, because Zuo min's attack is courageous and has already occupied the first opportunity. Therefore, ye Wuqian must think of a better way, or he will have to explain it here today.

In any case, Zuo min's momentum has completely defeated ye Wuque. Under the ebb and flow, ye Wuque is in absolute absolute inferiority. The people who watch the war know very well that Zuo Min has lost the battle.

Seeing Zuo min's shame, iron head used Xuan level's strength, and immediately roared at Ouyang invincible: "Hello! Isn't it said that both sides can only use the cultivation of yellow level realm? Now your people have actually used the power of the metaphysical realm and cheated. It can be said that Mr. nameless won, and you still don't stop the contest? "

"Yes, yes, don't think that you can bully people because you are cultivation sects. We are not fools. If you see clearly, please stop your people. You can't be so shameless. If you can't beat it, you will break the rules!" Two dogs agree with the curse!

Ouyang Wudi trembled with anger. He wanted to find an excuse to teach Ye Wuqian a lesson. Who knows that such an accident would happen in the infallible plan. Ye Wuqi's strength is beyond his imagination, which leads to the present situation.

Originally, Ouyang Wudi was ready to stop the contest under iron head's questioning. After all, they were practitioners, so they could not be so brazen. However, er Gou's words made him stop and did not continue to stop the contest.

"I don't think the nameless brother has used all his strength. Let's take a look again. Don't worry. There won't be any accident with me." Ouyang invincible is simply the bold and shameless deduction incisively and vividly!

"Lying trough, that bastard is really shameless. No, I'll help Mr. nameless!" Two dogs want to rush to the open space to help ye Wuwu, but they don't expect to be pulled back by the iron head.

Iron head angrily scolded: "it's not that you're such an idiot talking nonsense. It's clear that Ouyang invincible is ready to stop the competition under my questioning. This is good. Let you make a few sarcasm. He didn't stop the contest because of his face!"

"No, I didn't hurt Mr. nameless? Two dogs said chagrined, secretly complaining that he had done you wrong, "so boss, what should we do now to help Mr. nameless?"

"You don't have to do anything. Just stand by and watch the play. You have to believe in the strength of Mr. nameless. If you can't even solve a metaphysical warrior, it's too shameless. Besides, Mr. nameless may not want us to intervene!" Said the iron head.

Two dogs had to leave these problems behind and wait for the development of the next situation. As for Lin meng'er, his eyes were still tightly closed, but his ears could hear everything clearly, so he was so miserable. But he didn't want the other side to lose the contest.

Women's entanglement is so ridiculous, but it also expresses their inner struggle and pitiful psychology.

At this time, Zuo min's attack will be like a storm, the sea will surge and surge to ye Wuque, in order to be able to kill ye Wuque in it.

We can't resist hard, but we can't retreat. We have to say, in this competition, ye Wuque is in a desperate situation!

Watching the ghost tomb gate disciples, almost everyone's heart was raised in the throat! In the open space, except for the two illusions in the center constantly collided and collided, the rest of the place showed a strange calm, so quiet that people's breath could be heard clearly.

"Ah! It's so exciting. If only I were one of them The idea in everyone's heart is the same, whether they accept or not, that is, ye Wuqian has completely conquered all the people in the ghost tomb gate with his own strength!

Ouyang Wudi sees Ye Wuqian start to retreat step by step, and Zuo min's Xuan level cultivation begins to show its effect. It doesn't take long for Zuo min to defeat ye Wuque!

Iron head and two dogs are staring at the open space in front of them. They don't think ye Wuqian will lose as others do, because ye Wuqian hasn't made the strongest move yet!

It was so shocking to tietou and Ergou that they were convinced that ye Wuqian was deliberately hiding his cultivation. The actual cultivation must be above the half step Dixian.

"Mr. nameless, use that move quickly. Let these people have an eye opener and see your power." Two dogs in the heart secretly cry, as if waiting for ye Wuque's most extreme mieshen finger, shocked the audience, so that he can also take this long face!

Ye Wuque on the field has reached the moment of life and death. Suddenly, he stood in the distance, calmly staring at zomin, who rushed from the distance, neither retreated nor resisted. He just concentrated his whole mind on his elixir field."Come on, it's just a little bit closer. If I gather a little more, I can exert my strongest strength." Ye Wuqi murmured in his heart, waiting for the moment when the true Qi in the elixir field completely condenses.


Ye wuhui's hair even fluttered without wind, and his body gave out a strange breath. All the people in the audience could clearly hear the sound of a fierce beast breathing!

Lin Menger closed her eyes, so she was the first to sense the changes in Ye Wuxu's body, and she had seen Ye Wuxu perform twice before. Therefore, the sound of the genuine Qi in Ye Wuxu's body came into her ears, and a scene of all rivers returning to the sea immediately appeared!

Ye Wuqi slowly closed his eyes, and the whole person became quite calm, as if it were a sculpture standing still. Zuo min in the distance witnessed this scene, and was immediately shocked. He couldn't understand which one ye Wuque was making. Did he give up resistance?

"Boy, don't you want to give up? But it's not right. The boy's momentum is more and more intense, and it's obviously very strong. What's the matter? " Because ye Wuxiang's strange behavior makes Zuo min suspicious, but now the momentum is on Zuo min's side, it's hard to stop him from attacking.

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