Ouyang Wudi wants to stop elder Xiao from saying it. In the face of people like Ye Wuqian, how can you show all the cards? Then you will only let Ye Wuqian find a chance to advance!

As expected, Ouyang Wudi did not expect. After hearing that he was such an important person, ye Wuqian immediately changed his face and said, "ouch, since I am such an important person, I have to cherish my life more."

"What do you mean by that?" Mr. Xiao asked.

"In order to get zhenhunzhu, you have to pay a price. At least you should give me some good things, so that I won't get nothing!" Ye Wuqian said, shaking his head and shaking his head, a profiteer's face who wants to bargain.

Ye Wuqian is also right to do so. After all, entering the underground palace is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die. First of all, ye Wuque has no relationship with the ghost tomb gate. It is not necessary to contribute to the survival of the ghost tomb gate. Moreover, he is threatened by Ouyang Wudi, which makes him feel angry.

In addition, it is worth saying that ye Wuqian knows how to get enough benefits for himself.

Ouyang Wudi looks more and more ugly. If it wasn't for Xiao Changlao's garrulous words, he would not have to pay any price to force Ye Wuqian into the underground palace and help them get zhenhunzhu. Now, he has nothing to do!

Ouyang Wudi, who originally thought that he was eating fixed leaves, instead, he put them together for ye Wuqi, and his natural spirit was hard to calm down! Because Mr. Xiao is the elder of ghost tomb gate, Ouyang Wudi dare not blame him easily. If he annoys other clan elders, it will be very difficult for him to accept the position of leader of ghost tomb gate in the future!

"Well, if you want anything, you can ask for it now, but I want to warn you not to try to make a big mouth out of the lion. I'm not the one who allows you to make a price at will." Ouyang Wudi, in order to get the zhenhunzhu, has to compromise, temporarily agree to Ye Wuqian's request.

"Well, in fact, I don't have much demand. After entering the underground palace, you must have a way to get the treasures inside. Then, there should be no problem for me to share some of them?" Ye Wuwei tentatively said that he wanted to see how much of Ouyang invincible's bottom line was.

Ouyang Wudi is very angry, so he didn't think about it. If he had done it before, he would have heard that ye Wuxiang was testing his bottom line.

"You can ask for everything except zhenhunzhu, but I'll only give you two things. Don't think about anything beyond the scope!" Ouyang invincible that cold voice says, it is obvious that leaves do not lack air!

"It's better than not." Ye Wuque shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

If you can let Ye Wuqian choose two things, this is still a good condition. Other forces entering the underground palace may not be able to get two kinds of treasures like Ye Wuqian, but more of them will get nothing.

Ye Wuqian wants to talk about the two treasures after he sees the treasures in the ghost tomb gate. After all, what he wants now, the ghost tomb door may not get his hands.

"Well, deal with it. I'll choose between the two treasures I want when you get them at the gate of the ghost tomb." Ye Wuwei said with a smile, then pointed to the altar and said, "but what evil purpose are you bringing me to this cult like place? If you make me a ritual sacrifice, I won't agree to it! "

The old man in white suddenly glared at Ye Wuqian and said angrily, "you ignorant little man, don't be rude. These two wastes are afraid of you. It doesn't mean that I will give you face. If you talk nonsense like this again, I will be rude to you!"

The old man in white robe is very angry, and even Ouyang Wudi and elder Xiao don't give face. No wonder they scold Ye Wuqian loudly.

Next to the holy woman in white, whispered a few words in the ear of the old man in white, and then the old man in white was not so angry.

"You misunderstood. The reason why we brought you here is to activate your pure Yang body. Only by making your pure Yang real body work can we break the seal of zhenhunzhu!" Xiao elder persuades to say.

"Well, I'll trust you for once. Now what's next? Do you want me to go into the altar? " Ye Wuqi asked, his expression was quite calm.

Ouyang Wudi pointed to the altar in the distance, and then said coldly, "now you go to the altar, and the old priest will start the ceremony, so as to activate your pure Yang body. Remember that you can't leave the altar under any circumstances, otherwise you will lose all your previous achievements!"

Ye Wuque really can't understand what the so-called pure Yang body is. Is there any difference between human constitution and human constitution?

Now ye Wuque has come to this stage, he can only follow Ouyang Wudi's command and walk slowly to the altar.

Ye Wuxiang looks at the situation in the altar and finds that there is an array on the ground of the altar, which is carved with various strange patterns and characters. It can be seen that ye Wuque is dizzy.

"This altar is really weird. What will they want to do later?" Ye Wuque is a little nervous. He is a little expectant and a little afraid of the coming unknown situation!At this time, the old priest appeared in front of the altar, staring at Ouyang invincible in the middle, with incomparable indifference, and said to the woman in white: "ah you, now we start the ceremony."

"Yes, master!" "Ah you," said the woman in white respectfully.

Next, the white robed old man began to pinch the formula with both hands, and kept chanting strange incantations in his mouth, which made people listen to him. His disciple, Ayu, placed many bright gems in many grooves on the altar floor!

These gemstones are placed into the groove, immediately burst into a brilliant light!

He felt the light from the altar, and it was very comfortable to shine on him. It seemed that he was bathed in the holy light of Western God and washed away the filth in his body!

"Ah! It's so comfortable! Where can I go to the sauna in the future? It's not more pleasant here. No, if I have a chance, I must ask the old man to help me to make such an altar, and then I can enjoy the holy light bath anytime and anywhere Ye Wuque has a wonderful fantasy. It is estimated that only ye Wuque would think of this. If the old man in white robe knew that ye Wuque compared the holy light of the altar to a sauna, he would be furious!

After bathing with the holy light, ye Wuqian gradually realized that these holy lights originally poured into his body and stimulated his potential.

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