"Bang!" The hammer smashed heavily on the window of Bugatti Weihang, and then you heard the click sound. There were cracks in the left window of Bugatti Weihang.

Seeing such a scene, Yang Su Su Su's face changed greatly. She knew clearly that the window could withstand bullets, but now it was smashed by his hammer. How much strength does it take?

But before she had time to react, the other side had already hit the second hammer, the third hammer

When the other side hit the fifth hammer, the glass, which was said to be able to withstand sniper bullets, was smashed and the whole piece fell down.

At this time, Yang Su Su had already been scared silly, and the man in black directly took out a painted black pistol and aimed it directly at Yang Su Su's head.

"Open the door!" Facing the black muzzle, Yang Su Su thoroughly understood that the other side was looking for her. Now that the windows were smashed, she lost the best protection. Where could she resist, she could only open the door obediently.

At this time, the car behind has also followed, but the man did not pay any attention to the meaning, but casually pulled the trigger to the front of a sports car!

"Bang!" The front wheels of that charter car burst out directly. Even though the sports car had begun to slow down, the tire burst suddenly, and the whole body lost its balance. The whole car rolled over. Where did the sports cars in the back dare to continue to move forward, they started to brake urgently one by one.

Without looking at these dandies any more, the man grabbed Yang Su Su out of the car and walked to his Humvee with her hair in his hand.

Yang Su Su was in pain, but she did not dare to shout. Her eyes were full of panic. She did not understand how she could provoke such evil stars.

At this time, ye Xiao and others also found the abnormality on this side, but they were too far away to see exactly what happened?

On the contrary, Zhao Xiaoyuan did not know where to find a telescope. When he saw a man in black smashing Bugatti's body with a hammer, he exclaimed: "no, that man seems to be dealing with Miss Su Su!" At first, ye Xiao said that it was a traffic accident, but he was not too worried about Bugatti Weihang's perfect performance. But when he heard such words, he was shocked and grabbed the telescope in Zhao Xiaoyuan's hand. He saw the scene of the man holding Yang Su Su Su, and his face suddenly changed.

This is kidnapping?

Without any hesitation, he threw away the telescope and ran to his Audi A5.

"Xiao Ye, use my car, my car is faster!" A guy who wants to please Ye Xiao sees that ye Xiao seems to want to chase after him and quickly throws out his key. His car is a silver blue Lamborghini RAVENTON, which is really much better than the Audi A5. However, ye Xiao doesn't pay any attention to it. His body has already rushed into the Audi car and directly starts the car.

Then, like a runaway horse, Audi ran out directly. Just after entering the straight road, ye Xiao had already pressed a button. The trunk of the Audi car began to turn over, and the whole body began to move downward, revealing two rows of chimneys. Seeing such a scene, except Zhao Xiaoyuan, who knew all this, everyone, including Xiao Feng, was shocked Terrified.

Nima's, is this transformers? How can this car be refitted to this extent? Twelve chimneys? How strong is this motor?

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the Audi car turned into a shadow. In an instant, it ran out. It was almost time for breathing. It had disappeared in front of everyone.

Those who initially ridiculed Ye Xiao's only driving an Audi were totally stupid.

"Idiot, Xiaoye used this car to win over Bugatti who was driven by feishao..." Seeing people's startled expression, Zhao Xiaoyuan's mouth showed a wisp of disdain when he thought of a guy who asked Ye Xiao to drive his car.

What he didn't know was that ye Xiao's car had been replaced with another one, and the performance of this car was even stronger than that of the previous one.

The white Audi rushed to the scene of the accident at the fastest speed, but it was too far away after all. When the Audi arrived at the scene, the black Hummer had already rushed out through the hole.

Audi's territory is far lower than that of hummers, but at this juncture, ye Xiao can't care about other things, and directly drives Audi out of a pile of bricks and stones.

The whale Bay Racecourse was originally built in the eastern suburb of Kyoto. It was not very busy around. Ye Xiao just drove out of the racetrack and came to a vertical road. He just saw the Hummer disappear at the end. Without any hesitation, he rushed straight up.

Although she only met Yang Susu once, she was Shao Bingqian's sister. If something happened to her in front of her, Shao Bingqian would never forgive herself. However, what makes Ye Xiao feel puzzled is, who is going to kidnap Yang Susu? And it was such a savage kidnapping that I didn't care how much sensation it would cause.

On the Humvee, Yang Su Su, who has gradually calmed down from her fear, also has such doubts. Her parents are not very rich. The other party should not kidnap him for money, but he has not offended anyone, and the other party has no reason to kidnap himself?"Where are you taking me?" Yang Su Su asked in a low voice as he saw the man beside him focusing on driving.

The man looks at Yang Su Su Su in surprise. Obviously, he didn't expect that the little girl would calm down so quickly, but he didn't mean to open his mouth. Is it necessary for the kidnapper to tell the hostage where to go?

It was at this time that he suddenly saw a white Audi from the rearview mirror and ran after it at full speed.

"I didn't expect that some of your companions would dare to catch up! Is it your boyfriend A sneer appeared in the corner of the man's mouth, and he didn't care about the Audi behind him.

"Boyfriends?" Yang Su Su was also stunned. In her opinion, if something happened to her, Zhao Xiaoyuan and others would surely panic. They would inform Shangguan Fei at the first time, but they could never risk catching up. Looking at the rearview mirror, she saw a white Audi getting closer and closer.

At the sight of this model, Yang Su Su's face was pleasantly surprised. It turned out to be ye Xiao's car? Did he know he was kidnapped? So come and save yourself? But how did he know he was kidnapped? Is it so timely?

"Ha ha, it seems that it's really your boyfriend, but it's a pity that you'll never see him again!" Seeing the joy on Yang Su Su Su's face, the man smiles, and his smile is more cruel.

Yang Su Su's face changed slightly when he heard this sentence. How could he not be seen?

In Yang Su Su Su's puzzled eyes, the man directly presses a button printed with a black skull head, and suddenly a click sounds.

"Whoosh..." A flash of fire shot out of the back seat of the Hummer. Yang Su Su's face changed dramatically when he saw the two sparks from the rearview mirror Is that rocket?

Don't mention Yang Su Su Su. Even ye Xiao's face changed dramatically. He didn't expect that the Hummer was equipped with rocket launcher, and the other side launched it so openly. Is that bold?

In the face of the roaring shells, ye Xiaogen couldn't avoid it. He had to pull the brake suddenly, the steering wheel turned sharply, and the whole car body tilted up. He also directly pressed a button. The skylight of Audi opened instantly, and his body directly ejected out.

"Boom..." There was a loud noise and a flash of fire

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