Next, the ghost tomb door was the first access to the chamber of secrets. It was not the humility of other forces, but the lessons learned at the entrance of the ancient tomb on the cliff let everyone remember it. Therefore, everyone was afraid that the first one who entered the chamber would encounter the mechanism that must die.

To be the first to enter the chamber of secrets, no one is willing to die so simply, to be a Death Squadron for others and to make wedding dresses for others. I believe no one will do this.

Ye Wuque is mixed in the outside of the ghost tomb door. When the ghost Tomb Door enters the secret room, he also follows in.

In addition, there are two very happy people, that is iron head and two dogs, both of them can be said to have nothing to do with the ghost tomb door.

He said that he had a friendship with Lin Menger, but he didn't regard them as friends at all. If it wasn't for them to follow Ye Wuxiang, Lin Menger would not let them follow him.

Ye Wuqian has at least one pure Yang body, which is of great help to Ouyang Wudi, so he can occupy a position in the ghost tomb gate. Therefore, iron head and two dogs are really taking advantage.

In addition to the fact that a small number of forces own the core of ancient tombs, that is, the underground palace, many people are still relatively unfamiliar with the situation in the underground palace. For example, ye Wuque holds in his hand the information given by Uncle Ying. The information in it is just about the place outside the underground palace, and he knows nothing about the situation in the underground palace.

The direction of the ghost tomb gate is very clear, and no one is allowed to follow them. Once someone wants to fish in troubled waters behind them, the disciples of the ghost tomb gate will immediately appear and drive those people away.

Ye Wuqian knows that the most important thing in the ghost tomb gate this time is zhenhunzhu, so the ghost tomb gate should be the place to look for zhenhunzhu.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll have little hope of getting Chihuo Ganoderma lucidum and Juyuan pill by the way." Ye Wuqi secretly regretted, but when he saw that Lin Menger took out a thick material, he immediately had a renewed hope.

Ye Wuqi walked to Lin Menger's side and said in a soft voice, "Lin Menger, is the information in your hand a detailed description of the underground palace?"

Since he got into the ghost tomb gate, ye Wuqian knew that this ancient tomb was the residence owned by the founder of the ghost tomb gate. Therefore, the person who knows the most about the underground palace is undoubtedly the ghost tomb gate. There is a good resource around you, but there is no lack of leaves. This is not a waste.

When Lin Menger heard the speech, he nodded shyly, and then answered Ye Wuqi: "yes, this is when we set out, elder martial brother Ouyang specially sent it to every ghost tomb disciple, saying that we would be free to explore after we all arrived at a place safely."

"Oh, that's what it looks like. Can you show it to me?" Ye Wumian took the opportunity to ask. For one thing, if he had the information of ghost tomb gate, he could quickly find the location of Ganoderma lucidum and juyuandan.

"Ah, this can't work. The elder martial brother said that people outside the ghost Tomb Door could not provide it. If you gave it to elder martial brother Ouyang, he would certainly severely punish me." Lin Menger's temperament is simple, but he is not stupid to the extreme, so when ye Wuqian said that he wanted to see the information of the ghost tomb door, his tone was very firm and refused.

Ye Wuqi sighs helplessly. If he can't get this information, he will get nothing even if he follows Ouyang Wudi, and he will waste his time in vain.

"What's the matter with you, brother anonymous? This is the order of elder martial brother Ouyang. We are all disciples of the ghost tomb gate. We must not violate it, otherwise we will be punished by the rules. " Lin Menger is a typical dead brain. He will abide by all the regulations of ghost tomb gate to the death and never disobey it. At this moment, he still admires the strict management of these sects. It is really valuable that so many people can have such a strong cohesive force.

But now such a cohesive force leaves Wuque helpless, but also let him secretly angry teeth itch.

heard Lin Meng as like as two peas, and thought that there was not much chance. He knew that he had seen a two dog in front of him holding a piece of information. It was exactly the same as Lin Meng's hands.

Ye Wuxiang was shocked and said, "how could they get it? No, I'm going to have a look. Since I can't get the information about the underground palace from the silly girl Lin meng'er, it's the same with the two dogs. "

Unexpectedly, Ergou used some means to get the information of the underground palace from the disciples of the ghost tomb gate, which made Ye Wuqian dissatisfied. He tried his best to get it out of Lin meng'er's hands. However, Ergou could, which made him feel shameless.

"Two dogs, stop!" Ye Wuqi came to the two dogs behind, and then he snapped and stopped the two dogs who wanted to go!

"That son of a bitch barks at me. Does he want to fight? Eh, it turns out to be Mr. nameless!" When two dogs turned around and saw the leaves behind, they immediately bowed down and showed flattery. He was a man of understanding. If there was no such relationship as ye Wuque, it would be wishful thinking for them to sneak into the ghost tomb gate, not to mention to be able to enter the underground palace first.

Iron head then said to two dogs, "Mr. nameless, do you have anything to tell us? If there is any trouble, just look for us. We will try our best to do it well. "Ye Wuqian saw that he didn't use to get the information about the ghost tomb door, so it was not good to ask Ergou how he got it, so he said with a cold face: "in fact, it's not a big deal. Er Gou, are you holding the information about the ghost Tomb Door?"

Two dogs opened his eyes in a daze, showing a puzzled look, because he just got this information, did not expect Ye Wuxiang to know, in his heart, ye Wuqian's magic power was very much admired. In his eyes, ye Wuque is beyond the status of the boss iron head.

The second dog took out the information in his hand and thought that ye Wuqian knew what he had done. He touched his head and said with embarrassment: "Mr. nameless, you must not mind. I'm just curious. That's why I did it. Don't mention it to the person at the door of the ghost tomb, or I'll be beaten to death by the person at the door of the ghost tomb."

"I don't care how you got it, give it to me now!" Ye Wumian was very pleased, and then said coldly. He just asked a little. He didn't expect that two dogs would not fight against themselves. It is estimated that the two dogs got this thing by some inferior and abusive means.

For two dogs is how to get this information, ye Wuqian is not much interested, but asked two dogs to give him the information.

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