Not to mention that everyone has not noticed the cultivation of the Red Devils, but now Ouyang invincible reminds us that all talents have noticed this.

"Half step Dixian!" There was another sound of surprise. No one had ever thought that the red devil would be a half step Dixian, what's more, the ghost tomb gate would have a feud with a strong one!

Half step Dixian is too far away in the world. Who has this kind of cultivation is not very rare in the world. All of them practice in seclusion in order to be able to step into the realm of Dixian as soon as possible.

There is a huge gap between half step Dixian and Dixian. One can call it immortal, and the other still belongs to the category of mortals.

"No, even the old monster of half step Dixian has appeared. How can we get the treasure?"

"You're stupid. I'm a half step fairy. I wish you could live. You want to rob the treasure with others. Don't your brain burn out?"

At the moment, many people began to have the idea that if the ghost tomb gate can kill the red devil, it is not a bad thing, maybe it can be called a good thing.

The power of the ghost tomb gate is very powerful, but the strength of the people who enter the ancient tomb is not more than that of the people present. Moreover, the ghost tomb gate still has the ancestral gate outside. Even if the monk runs away, there is still a temple, so they don't believe how the ghost tomb gate will deal with them.

But half step Dixian is different, not to mention the ordinary secular world, even if it is the cultivation sect, perhaps also dare not offend. Compared with the ghost tomb gate, there is no doubt that the red devil is more threatening.

Before that, they were still shouting at the ghost tomb door for bullying others. They were immediately overwhelmed by fear. More people hoped that the ghost tomb door would continue to solve the red devil, the strong man of half step Dixian.

"I still underestimated Ouyang invincible. I thought he would be frightened by the formation. Who knows, after he said this, everyone dare not say much." Ye Wuqi didn't begin to despise Ouyang invincible. If you don't have any ability to face such a scene, it's very difficult to cope with it.

Tietou nodded with approval and said: "in the end, it's the leader successor who has been cultivated since childhood. Even if there are defects in character, the ability can't be questioned."

Ye Wuqi has little interest in Ouyang's invincible ability. As long as you don't hinder yourself from grabbing back the red fire Ganoderma lucidum, regardless of who you are, and the more Ouyang invincible has the means, the more powerful he will be in restraining the Red Devils.

"Let's just stand by and watch the play." Ye Wuqi has the idea of staying out of the way. He really doesn't want to get involved in these things.

Ouyang invincible and the Red Devils are already tit for tat. Everyone has the idea of killing each other, but everyone has their own scruples. If you want to fight head-on, it will not work.

After Ouyang invincible shocked the scene, Ji Nan put in a sentence and said, "since everyone agrees to do it according to the rules, it is very reasonable for the ghost tomb gate to seek justice for its disciples."

"Sun..." The faces of the people at the bottom changed. Maybe what they didn't expect was that Ji Nan's attitude would change so quickly. Just now, she was still trying to make a confession for the ghost tomb door, which really made everyone speechless.

However, ye Wuwei did not think about it. To know how such a character as eiginan could not be targeted, he must have some unexpected ideas.

The eyes of Ouyang invincible and the Red Devils are all transferred to Ji Nan, who is always on the scene. According to the truth, their gratitude and resentment have nothing to do with Ji Nan, but the boy has been talking a lot and obviously wants them to kill each other.

Ji Nan saw that everyone's attention was focused on her. Instead of showing worry and fear, Ji Nan was smiling. She was like a good friend of the two people. She was just doing a mediation thing.

"But if you want all the people of the ghost tomb gate to deal with this elder, it will damage the prestige of the ghost tomb gate, so..." Ji Nan said here, and then stopped, looking around at the people around, mistakenly thought that there was something difficult.

The red devil said impatiently, "if you have anything to say, anyway, if the ghost tomb door is really shameless and besieged me, I'm not worried at all. I'm just a mercenary. I won't take part in anything except accepting the task. If I die in an ancient tomb if I don't finish the task, then my employer should try to find out

The voice of the red devil is not to declare to the ghost tomb door that it is not easy to pinch the soft persimmon behind him, especially to move a little power. However, if you can move a half step Dixian force, the strength will certainly not be bad, at least it will be more powerful than the ghost tomb gate.

The ghost tomb door is not sure that they can hire a strong man who is a half step immortal to work for him. In fact, the strength of those who have reached this level is far beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. Generally speaking, most of them will practice in seclusion or seek some opportunities, but they can step into a higher realm.

If the forces behind the Red Devils are really strong enough to embarrass the ghost tomb gate, then the ghost tomb gate dare not fight with the red devil!

When Ouyang Wudi heard the red devil's warning, he hesitated in his heart. As other people imagined, it was quite irrational to fight against the master of half step Dixian and even the forces stronger than the cultivation sect for the sake of fame.In other words, ye Wuxiang would not have met the Red Devils, unless Lin Menger was his own woman, otherwise, he would not have been willing to show up.

Ji Nan chuckled and said, "this elder, you don't have to be so angry. I think Ouyang Wudi is also a more rational person. He definitely won't do anything too rash. Ouyang brothers should have no opinions?"

Ouyang Wudi snorted coldly and ignored Ji Nan's question. He didn't like this man at all. However, the situation is a little special now. It's better to let Ji Nan do it. He just wants to see what the young master of this aristocratic family has!

Ji nan to Ouyang invincible indifference response, but also did not show anger.

The red devils were a little impatient and said, "in the end, if you have any nonsense, just say it quickly. Don't delay me here. If you want to stop me, I don't mind solving you together."

Ji Nan shook her head and pondered for a long time. She just said, "master, Ouyang brother, you have misunderstood me. I just want to help you resolve the gratitude and resentment. Don't treat me as a monster! For the sake of fairness, you can choose one to represent the two sides in a life and death duel. No matter how the result is, everyone's gratitude and resentment will be written off. At least in the ancient tomb, which is a dangerous place, it's better not to act impulsively. "

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