"Ring bell..."

With the shaking of the leaves, the copper bell issued bursts of clear bell, at first glance, or very beautiful sound.

But ye Wuque's actions made many people confused. They couldn't understand why ye Wuque wanted to ring the bronze bell to the python? This is not a dog, not even a pet. Even if it is a pleasant bell, it is impossible to calm down the ferocity?

All people think that ye Wuqian is not insane, otherwise why do such stupid things.

Among them, the Red Devils almost burst out laughing and said: "this boy should not have a problem with his brain? If you want to tame a ferocious beast with a copper bell, wait until it is torn to pieces

In fact, ye Wuque was also very excited at this time. At the beginning of hearing Li Minghai's story, he thought that this practice was simply an idiot's behavior. However, he could only believe what Li Minghai said.

"My dear, don't be so angry. Just be quiet." Leaf without lack of trembling said.

“……” All the people on the scene are sweating wildly, and they are like thunder!!

At this time, the boa constrictor suddenly rushed to Ye Wuwei!

Seeing that the boa constrictor rushed to ye Wuque, everyone naturally thought that ye Wuque's act of ringing the copper bell was useless, which is the biggest proof.

Many people also hope that ye Wuque can defeat the boa beast. How could they expect such a result? Some people even secretly curse ye Wuque for madness, which will cause them to suffer from more angry Python beasts.

But just as everyone was about to escape, they were surprised to find that the boa constrictor stopped in front of Ye Wuqian, and fell on the ground and stroked ye Wumian's feet with his face.

"Ah! What's going on? " Many people were surprised to see the incredible sight in the distance. No one thought that the python would be so obedient. It was a bit like a pet.

Seeing this scene, the red devil was even more surprised to open his mouth. Even he did not expect why the ferocious Python would become so docile.

I believe that many people would not think that what they saw would be the truth if they did not see it with their own eyes. At this moment, everyone had a doubt about what ye Wuxiang had done to make a giant python beast submit to his feet. However, in retrospect, ye Wuque did not do anything other than ring the copper bell.

"There's something strange about that boy's brass bell!" The Red Devils made a judgment in his mind, and he thought he would never guess wrong.

"Ah ah..." When others were surprised by the boa constrictor, ye Wuqian's feet were soft. Although Li Minghai said that there would be no accident, he felt flustered when he really faced such a disgusting boa constrictor.

Now the python beast worships ye Wuque's feet. Ye Wuque is both surprised and afraid. However, he soon recovers from it. What else is more important than his own life? Fortunately, Li Minghai did not cheat him. As long as he takes out the copper bell and rings it, the python will obey him.

Ye Wuque first calmed down the excited mood, and then shook a few copper bells.

"Ring bell..."

With the ring of the bell, the boa beast gradually calmed down, and then ye Wuxiang was finally a little stable. A fierce beast without aggression is no different from a pet. Imagine that the tamed tigers and lions are not the same.

Ye Wuqi remembers what Li Minghai said. After taming the beast with copper bells, he should continue to interact with the beast, so as to establish a relationship between the beast and him.

So ye Wuque took a deep breath, and then stretched out his hand and stroked the head of the boa constrictor.


Python fierce beast is like a pet kitten, even squinting eyes, comfortable issued a whine sound, it seems that ye Wuqi's touch makes it very useful!

Ye Wuqi had never thought of a ferocious beast with such a cruel nature that it would have such a gentle side, and then gently stroked the boa constrictor.

After a while, the python became Ye Wuqian's pet completely, and he was very obedient. Of course, ye Wuque was most satisfied with the python. Naturally, the python fierce beast would not attack itself. He had goose bumps all over his body when he thought of the terrible appearance of the python, but now he didn't have to worry.

The red devil was curious, so he sneaked up to Ye Wuqian's side and asked, "boy, how did you tame this fierce Python?"

"Hee hee, mountain people have their own tricks, so you don't have to worry about it. Now that the threat of Python and fierce beast has been solved, we should quickly follow those people at the ghost tomb gate, and we must not let them go first and take away all the treasures in the ancient tomb!" Ye Wuque perfunctorily made a few remarks, then shifted the topic.

The red devil was just trying to ask. He expected ye Wuque would not answer honestly, but what happened? He had already guessed what ye Wuque was doing to control the boa python. Seeing that a fierce beast with such a powerful strength was taken over by Ye Wuque, the red devil would lie if he said no jealousy, so he was ready to snatch the copper bell from ye Wuque's hand.If the Red Devils are right, it is the copper bell that makes the serpent tame. Then whoever gets the bell will obey the orders of the serpent.

Red devil heart wants to have such a powerful animal pet, can be said to be like a tiger with wings, then there will be someone to stop itself.

"Boy, the copper bell in your hand is so special. Can you lend it to me?" The red devil said politely, but he was already ready to snatch the copper bell.

Due to the distance is too close, plus the strength of the two people has a big gap, so the red devils can easily win.

The red devil's face was full of sinister smile. He really longed for the python beast to become his pet. At that time, he could gallop in the ancient tomb, and no one could stop him from becoming a strong man.

Seeing that the red devil was about to snatch the copper bell, suddenly a man appeared, slapping the red devil in the face.


The red devil flew far away like a small stone and fell unconscious on the ground.

Ye Wuqi did not have time to pay attention to the situation of the red devil, but tightly grasped the copper bell in his hand. Thinking of the scene just now, he was frightened. Fortunately, he was not robbed by the red devil, otherwise he would be miserable.

Who was the one who helped just now?

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