With the Red Devils "volunteering" to lead the way, ye Wuqian and his party are very comfortable following the rear, always paying attention to the surrounding environment. In case of any sudden situation, everyone can be ready to take advantage of the underground organs.

"Well, what's the situation now?" Ye Wuque yelled to the red devil in the distance.

Inside immediately, the red devil's unwilling voice came out: "everything is normal!"

After hearing the red devil's reply, ye Wuqi immediately turned to Li Minghai and said, "there is no accident yet. We can continue to move forward."

All people in the emerald gate, the mind is inexplicable twitch for a moment, as if some forces are staring at.

Ye Wuqian's position is in the middle, but there are red devils in front of him. He doesn't have to worry about the most direct attack from the underground palace organs. His mentality is very good.

The red devil who led the way in front of him was not so calm. At the moment when he passed through the Jade Gate, his eyes were as if he were blind. His eyes were dark and he could not see anything. He mistakenly thought that he had entered a cave. But when he saw the light again, he realized that he had just passed through the jade gate.

The red devil looked back at the Jade Gate and opened his eyes in horror.

At this time, ye Wuqian, who had been following the red devil, happened to come to the red devil's side. As soon as he came, he saw the red devil frozen in place and looked at the place behind him without blinking.

Ye Wuxiang saw that the red devil didn't move. He couldn't help but say, "damn things, why don't you go? Do you want that little witch to beat you hard before you are willing to?"

With Zhou Xiaojia's support, ye Wuqian has more confidence to speak. After all, he has to play some tricks to deal with the Red Devils, but Zhou Xiaojia is completely suppressed, and the red devils can't make any waves at all!

However, the red devil did not pay attention to ye Wuque's anger, but pointed to ye Wuque's back and said, "look there!"

Ye Wuqi noticed that the red devil's expression was very wrong, which seemed to have been greatly affected. However, he was very curious about what it was, so he turned his head and looked at it. He doesn't worry that the red devils will attack him behind his back, unless the Red Devils don't want to die.

Unexpectedly, when the leaf does not lack to turn head to go, immediately is startled to lose color, for a long time is speechless.

At the same time, Li Minghai and others came in one by one. They all saw ye Wuque and the red devil. They were standing in the same place, but they were still. They were very puzzled!

Zhou Xiaojia came over and patted ye Wumian's shoulder with a fierce voice and roared: "Stinky boy, do you have a problem with your brain? Why are you standing here still? I'm not asking you to urge the red devil to lead the way, but I'm taking him to be lazy together?"

Ye Wuqi shook his head blankly and pointed to the place behind him. He said, "the jade gate is missing, and the entrance is also missing!"

All the people heard Ye Wuwei's words. They all looked at the Jade Gate at the same time. They were surprised to find that the Jade Gate had disappeared.

"How can this happen? The Jade Gate has disappeared. How can we get out of here?" Many people are extremely afraid to say, but no wonder they will be so afraid, in this strange place, the exit is everyone would like to know.

Even if there is an important threat ahead, then they all have an exit to escape, but now even the exit has disappeared, that is to force them to move forward and never turn back.

Zhou Xiaojia didn't show any fear and worry when he saw the scene behind him. It seemed that it was normal for the Jade Gate to disappear, which was not a fuss.

"That jade gate should have disappeared. There is basically only one way to enter the ancient tomb of this kind of cultivator. It is impossible to leave after taking a risk." Zhou Xiaojia said lightly.

"What do you mean? Is it true that the cultivators wanted to bury all grave robbers in ancient tombs, so they didn't leave any way back?" Ye Wuxiang asked suspiciously.

Zhou Xiaojia shook his head and said, "it can't be said that. In fact, the reason why the mendists let their relics stay is not to destroy everything, but to meet people who are destined to continue to give full play to their relics."

"Oh, so these are all used to test the predestined person. If you have no predestination with the monk, you will not only lose the treasure, but also take your own life, right?" Ye Wuqi said sarcastically.

It was originally thought that the practitioners who did not eat the fireworks among human beings would surpass the ordinary people's ideological realm, but did not expect that these so-called worldly experts were not much different from ordinary people.

Since we want to inherit our relics, we have to create so many formations. The purpose is not to show our identity. Even if we are dead, we still need face. It's really speechless.

Ye Wuqi has no respect for such proud and arrogant predecessors. When a person dies, everything is over. No matter how brilliant you are in life, you will still be like ordinary people in that moment.The disappearance of the Jade Gate, soon, everyone accepted this point, and now their idea is more firm.

Unless they get to the core of the underground palace, get the treasures, and then find the exit from it, then they can get out of the predicament. Otherwise, they will be like the fate of the people who came here before.

The red devil who led the way in front of him suddenly called out again and said, "attention, there's something wrong with the front!"

Zhou Xiaojia and ye Wuqi were the first to arrive. They were standing on both sides of the red devil, and their eyes were looking forward to the front. They were surprised to find a garden mansion!

From a distance, the mansion has the style of Jiangnan garden architecture. It is not only ancient, but also full of clouds and fog, as if it is a fairyland.

"The place where these practitioners live is quite emotional. They make the residence like a palace in the sky. It is estimated that people's mood will be much better if they live here." Ye Wuqi exclaimed.

From the perspective of this mansion, this is the core of the whole underground palace and even the ancient tomb, and it is also the destination that everyone wants to reach.

Ye Wumian asked Zhou Xiaojia: "is this the place where the cultivators live, and there are treasures hidden in it?"

Zhou Xiaojia nodded and said, "it should be here, but we need to be more careful. No one knows if there will be any terrible traps waiting for us."

"If you want anything, don't be afraid to get it Ye Wuque disagrees, but does not refute Zhou Xiaojia.

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