This is an important place in Kyoto, and the control of firearms is hundreds of times more strict than that of other places. Even with Chu batian's identity and status, he dare not hide guns in the purple house, which is the reason why the purple house has always prohibited carrying weapons.

Even if he wanted to leave Ye Xiao's life here today, Chu batian didn't put guns on his brothers. After all, no one could tell what ye Xiao would do. He knew clearly that the relationship between Ye Xiao and shangguanfei was very good. In case Ye Xiao didn't dare to come alone, he informed shangguanfei, and finally sent the police, they would be completely passive.

Of course, Chu batian is not a fool. It can't be that he didn't prepare at all. The team led by deception tiger came back from the outside. It was a troop armed to the teeth and the most elite force in Chu batian's hands. All their weapons and ammunition came from Russia. It can be said that most of Chu batian's savings over the years have been spent on it.

This station rarely goes to Beijing. After all, Kyoto is an important area of the imperial city. Apart from the army and police, few other forces dare to bring fire into Kyoto. This is not to flaunt one's strength, but to seek death.

This is also an unspoken rule that all the underworld forces in Kyoto must abide by. If any underworld gang, no matter how powerful it is, will be suppressed by the government at the first time. In a word, the government will not allow anything beyond its control in Kyoto.

Over time, this has also become a default rule of the Kyoto underworld.

No matter what kind of gangs, you can have your own armed forces, but this force is best far away from Kyoto. You hide somewhere outside Kyoto. No one pays attention to you, but you must not violate this bottom line.

This time, the appearance of Ye Xiao made Chu batian feel the crisis. He recalled the Decepticons at the first time. However, he did not recall all the deception teams, but only recalled some of the most elite people. Besides, except for tyrant himself, all members of his team lurked near the purple house.

Chu batian was not willing to use such a force until he had to. Today, the tiger rashly attacked Ye Xiao with rockets on the road. He severely scolded him, and the military Humvee was destroyed at the first time.

Chu batian just doesn't want others to grasp his handle, otherwise he doesn't need others to do it at all. Those big men behind him will wipe it out at the first time.

Except for the members of the deceptive tiger team who were completely separated from the organization, none of Chu batian's side wore guns. But what Chu didn't expect was that Zhao Yuanji had got a pistol, and what's more, Zhao Yuanji would point the muzzle at himself.

But his skill is extremely good, and it is not Zhao Yuanji can match, but a flash, has snatched the pistol in the hand, to Ye Xiao pulled the trigger!

"Bang!" When he attacked Zhao Yuanji, ye Xiao's body had already flashed to one side. Then he made a turning point and rushed toward Chu batian.

Chu batian's shooting speed is very fast, but ye Xiao and he are not far away. When he is ready to fire a second shot, ye Xiao has already come to him. With a shake of his right hand, a cold light shoots out and only shoots at Chu batian's heart. Chu batian has to shake his body to avoid the knife.

At this time, ye Xiao has come to him. He sweeps his leg and sweeps to Chu batian's wrist. When Chu batian is careless, his wrist is swept and his pistol is kicked away.

He's completely lost his shot!

Seeing ye Xiao attack Chu batian, a cold light flashed in the tiger's eyes. One hand shook, and a black lacquered dagger appeared in his hand, and he rushed at Ye Xiao directly.

He didn't carry guns with him. All his weapons were outside, but he didn't care at all. He was the strongest soldier around Chu batian. He was extremely skillful in constantly wandering the border over the years. Even those special soldiers, he was confident to kill them at one stroke.

What's more, is Ye Xiao such a gangster?

To tell you the truth, he really didn't take ye Xiao seriously. Of course, if he knew that it was Ye Xiao who pursued him this afternoon, he would not have such an idea.

Being able to escape in such a situation is extremely skillful. However, deception tiger obviously has no chance to fight ye Xiao. At the moment of his action, Bai choufei's body has already fled out. As soon as he comes in, he says he wants to be a peacemaker. If he doesn't do it, it will be earth shaking.

Bai Chou Fei's body soared into the air, just like an eagle flying high and straight to the tiger's body, and then directly clawed at the tiger's head.

The deceptive tiger sneered. Although the power of this open and close move is huge, there are also many loopholes. If you don't have weapons, you may suffer great losses. However, if you have weapons in your hands and attack yourself with this kind of move, you are looking for death.

The dagger in the hand trembles, and then he grabs and stabs baichoufei's hand directly. He wants to pierce the palm of the other party.

But at this time, Bai choufei's right hand shook slightly. An iron chain appeared in his hand. It seemed that the iron chain came alive. It even entangled the dagger in the tiger's hand.Then Bai choufei pulled hard, trying to take the dagger from the tiger's hand, but the tiger was also a character who often wandered on the edge of life and death. How could he easily take away the dagger.

His right hand clenched the dagger, and his body had already used the strength of Bai choufei to sweep towards Bai choufei. Then he clenched his left fist and hit him with a hard blow.

In the face of a blow from Decepticons, Bai choufei also clenched his left fist and directly met the tiger's fist.

"Bang..." The two men's fists hit each other heavily. Then Bai choufei and Decepticon simultaneously feel a huge force coming from them. Their bodies are both moving backward for a while.

Tyrant's eyes showed a look of horror, obviously did not expect this aristocratic son will have such a strong strength, even can resist his own blow.

But don't give him too much time. Bai choufei has stepped forward with one foot, and another punch is attacking the Decepticon. Facing the roaring blow of Bai choufei, Ba Hu grinned grimly and smashed at Bai choufei at full speed.

This blow, he exhausted all the strength of the whole body, is bound to kill Bai choufei with a blow, at least to smash his fist bone.

"Bang..." There was another loud noise, and the bones of both men creaked. However, Decepticon believed that his fist could break the bones of Bai Chou Fei.

But at this time, he suddenly felt a stronger force coming from the opponent's fist, which directly offset his huge force. What's more, there is a more powerful force to use!

Inch strength!

Decepticon is frightened. This guy can use inch force? And it's still double inch strength, no, it's triple. When he feels his fist bone begin to ache, the last stronger force bursts out in an instant!

"Click!" With a crisp sound, Decepticon's finger bones were smashed directly, and a penetrating pain came. The tiger's heart trembled violently, and he was hit hard in the first battle.

Seeing that Bai choufei wants to continue to attack him, Decepticons dare not be careless. As soon as his dagger in his hand flickers, he cuts at Bai choufei, forcing him to retreat backward. That is to say, this retreat gives the tyrant time to survive

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