"Master Chu, here, brothers are in position. As long as we leave the purple house, we will be able to rush out!" In the corridor, Ba Tian's arm is hurt by the sky.

"Well!" Chu batian nodded and didn't say much. He believed in the strength of the deceptive tigers. Unless the other side sent out troops, it would be impossible to stop this heavily armed team. For a long time, he was unwilling to use this team. After all, once it was used, he would break the rules, and he would not want to hang out in the Imperial City, but now he has reached his life When, naturally will not scruple so much.

In the final analysis, this team is used to protect his life, and it is also his last card. As a former hero, how can he be willing to be a puppet of others and always leave one or two ways for himself.

This time, although Decepticons did not bring the whole team, they brought the strongest seven people, including him. With these seven people, Chu batiens did not think that anyone could stop him.

At this time, in a building less than three kilometers away from ZiZhai, a man in black was lying on the rooftop. In front of him was a huge sniper gun. This specially modified sniper gun has a range of up to 3000 meters, which is a first-class long-range offensive weapon.

The man's name is Xie Zihao. He is the most outstanding sniper in the deceptive tiger station. His eyes are fixed on the sighting device and constantly check the surrounding situation. When he sees groups of men in Chinese tunic constantly pouring into the purple house, the man's face becomes very ugly. He knows that his old man is surrounded by people, but he doesn't move. He is waiting for orders and waiting for himself The captain's order.

When Chu batian recalled them, it was just in case. He didn't expect that this time he really needed their strength.

Soon, Xie Zihao received the message from Decepticons and asked them to do their best. Xie Zihao did not ask any more questions. Instead, he aimed the sighting device at a passageway behind the purple house, where his captain would escape. All he had to do was destroy all the people who dare to intercept his captain and Master Chu, and then look for an opportunity to leave.

He believed that he was there, and no one could get close to Chu and the captain.

Xie Zihao is waiting quietly, waiting for the appearance of Decepticons!

In addition to Xie Zihao, near the entrance of the passageway, the three men present a triangle and hide around the entrance. Once the Lord Chu comes out, they will rush to protect him as soon as possible. They will use their own bodies to protect his safety.

This is the task that tyrants give them, and they are ready to sacrifice for Lord Chu at any time.

Less than 500 meters away from them, a woman in black is lurking in a tree. She is also part of the deception tigers. She is the only woman among the seven people who came here. Her name is Chen Xin. She is a mixed blood child of Russian origin.

She has been lurking here for more than two hours. Just now, a group of people in black walked through her feet and entered the purple house, but she did not move. She was also waiting for the order of tyrant, when the message of tiger retreat came from the earphone After that, she looked forward to the front. Once the Lord Chu came out, she would clear the enemy in front for him at the first time. But now it seems that there is no movement around. He can safely come out from the exit and leave along this road.

In an alley two kilometers away from Chen Xin, there is a long military Hummer. On the Hummer, a big man in camouflage is sitting in the driver's seat. He just sits quietly without any impatience! His name is Zhang Junqiang. He is a veteran. Three years ago, his old mother suffered from a serious illness. He has retired from the army. His income is not high, so he can't pay the high medical expenses. The hospital has not spared him because he was a soldier. When he can't afford to pay, he directly drives her seriously ill mother out of the hospital.

Later, tyrant appeared, not only gave him a lot of money, but also sent his mother to the best local hospital for treatment.

Finally, he saved his mother's life. From then on, he sold his life to Decepticons!

At this time, he is also waiting for the order of deception tiger. As long as the tiger calls, no matter how many people come to the other party, he will rush up to rescue Master Chu at the first time.

While Zhang Junqiang was waiting quietly, the voice of a tyrant suddenly came from his ears, which was the order of action. Without any hesitation, Zhang started the motor directly, and the lengthened Humvee made a roaring sound, just like a wild beast, rushing out of the alley!

"Boom!" But at this time, the same is a modified Hummer rushed out from the side of the street, directly hit the body of the lengthened Hummer, the huge impact force even directly knocked over the whole lengthened Hummer!

Zhang Junqiang's face changed dramatically. He didn't expect that a car would rush to him at this time. He thought of the man who might be waiting for him in ZiZhai. Zhang Junqiang didn't care about his head and blood. He jumped out of the Hummer that had fallen to the ground. However, the vehicle on the opposite side had not overturned. He had to take the first time Take the car.However, as he got out, the door of the Humvee opened, and a giant Han with a height of more than two meters jumped out of the car. Seeing Zhang Junqiang, who was dissatisfied with blood on his forehead, a ferocious smile appeared on the big man's face. He felt the strong breath from the other side. Without any hesitation, Zhang Junqiang would take out his hand and shoot the big man, but he didn't know anything in his hand When there was a huge iron bar, he fell down on Zhang Junqiang!

Zhang Junqiang's heart pounded. Even though his head was dizzy at this time, he also knew that if this stick hit his head, his head would burst like a watermelon. He had an elderly mother, and he had Master Chu to rescue him. He could not die!

The body rolled and avoided the stick. However, I don't know whether it was due to the car crash and hand bone injury. This is a very simple action, but it is so hard to do at this time. The desert eagle in the hand can't hold it, and it falls down straight.

At this time, the big man has also thrown away the iron bar, the whole rushed up, a grasp of Zhang Junqiang's neck, directly twisted it up!

Zhang Junqiang himself is a veteran with strong fighting power. Otherwise, Decepticons will not look at him. But when he is caught by a big man, he feels in the hands of the big man. He has no resistance at all. That feeling is like he has become a chicken!

"Remember, my name is Kanu!" The big man uttered a ferocious smile at the corner of his mouth, and then he directly knocked Zhang Junqiang's head towards the Hummer which had been overturned to the ground!

Zhang junu's name came from his eyes? Polar bear Kanu? Can the underworld enter the underworld? God, what kind of people did Lord Chu offend this time? Even Kanu is out?

Moreover, such a strong man is not to deal with Master Chu, but only to deal with a driver like himself. So who is dealing with him?

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