Fenghai university is a very special university. Many of the new students report only after one month of the beginning of the school. Therefore, the old students often have a long time of class before they see the freshmen enrollment report.

At the moment, the new semester of Fenghai university is still bustling and bustling. On the one hand, it is the time for new students to enter the University and old students to look for prey.

Some single elder martial brothers are waiting at the gate of the school, waiting for the appearance of the beautiful younger martial sister, and then they can be courteous. In that way, they can compete in front of others and win the favor of their younger martial sister. In that way, they can bid farewell to the single life of University.

Ye Wumian stood in front of the school gate, looked up at the gate of Fenghai University, and suddenly felt a kind of simple and heavy breath.

Fenghai university still has no change. Although ye Wuque is a college student, he has gone out of society and experienced something that many people have never experienced in their whole life.

Looking at the school entrance in and out of a slightly childish, full of youthful flavor of the face, ye Wuqi's face can not help but show a faint smile, he was one of these before, but now has no that mentality.

Feeling some of the around him looking at him or curious or surprised eyes, ye Wumian put aside all kinds of unspeakable complex mood, and walked towards the school.

Ye Wuqian seldom appears in school, especially in recent years. So many people think ye Wuqian is strange, but ye Wuque doesn't carry any luggage with him, so he will not be a freshman.

As a top-ranking university in China, in addition to academic achievements, it has just been selected as the top 50 garden blood chest zhongfenghai University, and it is still the top three. Therefore, the hardware facilities and greening of Fenghai university are also first-class level, which are not comparable to those of some colleges and universities.

The spacious and bright modern teaching buildings show that they are always at the cutting edge of the times, especially a 30 storey building in the center of the University. It is an excellent student design of the Architectural Department of Fenghai University, which is of great commemorative value.

In addition to the high-end ideas that are always at the forefront of the times, Fenghai university still retains the buildings of 100 years ago, never thinking of demolishing them, but as a witness of the school's history. Therefore, the school is also mixed with antique pavilions, which seems to be back to the "Fenghai University" a hundred years ago.

Sometimes tourists come to Fenghai University and walk among them, they will find that there are nine melodies in the circle, and experience the Chinese garden culture and the modern western architectural culture. These two seemingly contradictory cultural concepts are now perfectly combined in Fenghai University, and they collide with bright flowers and make people forget to return.

Even if Fenghai university is regarded as a scenic spot instead of its educational label, it is also worth visiting.

The simple and solemn auditorium, the fragrant lotus pond and the lovers on the grassland resound from the school road, just like stepping into a sacred palace.

Walking on the road of Fenghai University, you can feel the beauty of Fenghai University and the unique quiet atmosphere of the university campus. Ye Wuqi can't help but praise in his heart. Being able to enter Fenghai university is not a bad choice.

At that time, ye Wuqian was forced to enter Fenghai University. He didn't like reading at all. He had to stay in this ghost place. If it hadn't been for Qu baiqiu's company, he would have played truant a long time ago.

Now it seems that Fenghai university has given Ye Wuqian a last carefree time. In this, there is no need to worry about cheating, let alone fighting for life and death. Everything just needs a peaceful life.

Ye Wuque is enjoying the beautiful scenery on the school road and feeling the unique atmosphere of the campus. Suddenly, he feels a strong force rushing towards him.

Because too many things have happened in Fenghai city recently, ye Wuqian is not sure whether he will also be fatally threatened. Yang long was ambushed in a trip, so he was seriously injured.

Is it that Wanye is the first to attack the strong and send the master to plot against himself?

His brow can not help but a little frown, it is not his suspicious, to his level of people, sometimes need to think more, the slightest deviation will let him forever.

Ye Wuqian subconsciously leaned aside to get out of the way. Although he had paid some attention to the campus scenery, it did not mean that his vigilance to the surrounding area would be relaxed. Even in such a safe place as the night of frenzy, his vigilance was still not completely relaxed.

However, at the moment when ye Wuqian wanted to side, he hesitated a little, or stood back again.

All because ye Wuqi found that the visitor did not have any threat, or even had no accomplishments. He was just an ordinary person. Most importantly, there was a pond nearby. If he got out of the way, the other party would fall into the pond.

In addition, ye Wuqi also felt that the man who had hit him was not as light as the ordinary thief, afraid to be found, but was in a panic. He also heard the disordered heartbeat and breathing from the other party.


As soon as he stood back, he heard a thump, and a soft figure hit him straight."Are you all right?"

Ye Wuque lowers his head and looks at the figure in front of him. The impact of this intensity has no sense at all.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Tao Qian didn't think that she just lowered her head and thought about things. She ran into other people in a hurry. Moreover, the whole person was straight, almost head-on. The two groups of protrusions in front of her chest completely hit each other's chest. She could not help but be shy and sorry to raise her head. She said apologetically, but she just said half of it He opened his mouth wide at once.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but I can't find where to report? Are you a senior Tao Qian asked shyly.

Ye Wuque looks around strangely. He is a little suspicious. With the qualification of this schoolgirl, a lot of hungry ghosts will come to the door automatically. Why is there no one around to help?

"Which department are you from? I'll take you to report." Ye Wuqi smiles and never thinks that he will have a day when he is a senior.

"Thank you very much. I'm from the literature department." Tao Qian said shyly.

"Oh! It turns out that she is a student in the literature department. No wonder she has such temperament. As expected, many people who read books have a breath that no one else has. It's very good. " All of a sudden, ye Wuwu praises him.

At this time, the flower grade schoolgirls around ye Wumian attracted the attention of many people. Those who had been waiting for a rabbit at the school gate were stunned because they were staring at the school gate.

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