Ye Wuqian slowly describes his plan. At first, Wan ye still listened to his face without any expression, but later on, he slowly became dignified.

At last, when ye Wuqian finished speaking, Wan Ye looked at ye Wuque with surprise and asked, "how sure are you about this plan?"

With a smile, ye Wuwu can says, "if you can help me, at least 90 percent."

"Good!" Wanye suddenly got up on the stool, like a dormant tiger out of the cage, especially in his eyes shot a frightening light.

Seeing such a terrible momentum, ye Wuqi could not help sighing in secret that the tiger, who had been sleeping for a long time, had awakened and showed his ferocious claws and teeth.

"Ha ha, when I was wandering in the world, I would have risked my life to fight even if it was a one percent chance! Today, there is a word from brother Ye. What if I sacrifice my life to accompany a gentleman? " Wanye said boldly.

"In spite of this, there are always accidents in the world. Once there are some twists and turns, I can't guarantee that the green dragon guild will not be hurt. Wanye will not think about it any more?" Ye Wuwei asked meaningfully and looked at Wanye, who had already burst out to kill.

Ye Wuqi doesn't think that there will be any problems with the plan, but he needs to know whether Wanye has made up his mind or not, or suddenly stab himself in the back, it will be sad.

Wan Ye sneered and said, "at this juncture, do you still think I will regret it?"

Ye Wuqi smiles and understands that it's true that the Qinglong gang can meet the Mafia forces in Fenghai city and eliminate the red tiger gang. How can they regret it.

"Well, then I'll leave first, and I'll do as planned."

From Wanye's villa, ye Wuqian walks on the road. He doesn't know where to go.

The star gang has been handed over to blue star and others, so he doesn't need him not to return to the frenzied night, but to think about how to solve the current problems.

When ye Wuque was worried about where it should be, the mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Ye Wuqi took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Zhou Xiaojia's name was displayed on the screen. He felt very confused. What's wrong with Zhou Xiaojia when he called him?

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Ye Wuqi picked up the mobile phone and said, the tone is quite unfriendly.

After getting along with Zhou Xiaojia for such a long time, ye Wuqian finally understood a truth, that is, don't reason with women, let alone waste their mind, because all of them are useless.

Zhou Xiaojia angrily called out: "Stinky boy, where did you go?"

"Oh, who are you?" Ye Wuwu can not buy no said.

"Elder martial brother asked you to hurry to the villa, you have to help us dissolve the seal of ice sculpture!"

"Oh! I really forgot that the red fire Ganoderma lucidum was given to you. Why do I need it? "

Chihuo Ganoderma lucidum is a spiritual thing to eliminate the power of ice carving, so ye Wuxiang doesn't understand why Zhou Xiaojia still needs his own star Qi? But Zhou Xiaojia didn't come to find ye Wumian. He also wanted to find them.

When he was in the ancient tomb, Li Minghai promised him that he would help him practice martial arts in the future, so he could not give up this opportunity.

"Well, I'll go to your villa now and get the food ready for me."

After hanging up the call, ye Wuqian went to Li Minghai's villa and soon arrived at his destination.

Miraculously, as soon as ye Wuque arrived at the door of the villa, Zhou Xiaojia opened the door and appeared.

"Why! You're really on time. I've just arrived Ye Wuwei said.

Zhou Xiaojia pulled Ye Wuhai in, and then said anxiously, "there is still time to grind haw here. Come in quickly."

"Why are you in such a hurry? Is it your master who has any problems?" Seeing Zhou Xiaojia's nervous expression, ye Wuwu is suddenly a little strange in his heart.

Zhou Xiaojia called herself to come here in such a hurry. There must be something very important happening.

"You don't have to ask me more. You can talk to me first." Zhou Xiaojia took Ye wubu and walked to the basement with a cold expression on her face.

Ye Wuqi didn't ask Zhou Xiaojia what happened. He followed him into the basement.

When he got to the basement, ye Wuhai saw Li Minghai at a glance. At this time, Li Minghai was sitting in front of the ice sculpture, his eyes were grim looking at the ice sculpture.

"Why! Your master has been rescued? " Ye Wumian saw that the young lady in palace clothes, who was supposed to be frozen, had already broken the ice and stood gracefully with her eyes closed.

Zhou Xiaojia looked gloomy and said: "if it is so good."

"What's the matter with that?" Ye asked.

"Let elder martial brother tell you, I don't want to explain to you."

Ye Wumian rolled his eyes. What is it that you are too lazy to explain to me, as if your elder martial brother is willing to explain to me. Don't you know that your elder martial brother's temper is hundreds of times worse than you?"Well, let your elder martial brother explain to me why I came here?"

Li Minghai spent a lot of time to let himself come over, so he must be of some use.

At this time, Li Minghai turned to Ye Wuwei and said, "because of the red fire Ganoderma lucidum, master's ice seal has been lifted. However, because the master has been sealed for too long, the strength of his soul can not be condensed, so far he can not wake up."


"In order to make master wake up as soon as possible, I hope you can hand over the zhenhunzhu."

Speaking of here, Li Minghai's eyes suddenly become very cold, staring at Ye Wuwei.

"I don't have any soul beads." Ye Wuque searched his own body and found no trace of zhenhunzhu. He asked him how to hand over the zhenhunzhu.

Returning from the ancient tomb, ye Wuqian has been in a coma. If zhenhunzhu is on his body, it will be obtained by Li Minghai and Zhou Xiaojia. How can he stay here.

Ye Wuqi finds that Li Minghai and Zhou Xiaojia are becoming more and more unreasonable. They are not putting themselves in an embarrassing position.

"I know you don't have a soul ball."

Li Minghai unexpectedly said this sentence, but it makes Ye Wuxiang quite unhappy. Since you know that I don't have zhenhunzhu, you still let me pay a hair!

Ye Wuqi thinks that Li Minghai is embarrassing himself, and says: "shit, since you all know that I don't have zhenhunzhu on me, then you still want me to hand over zhenhunzhu. Are you too sad and what's wrong with your head?"

Zhou Xiaojia slapped ye Wuhuo's shoulder and almost fell.

Ye Wumian showed his anger. He turned around and glared at Zhou Xiaojia and said, "why did you attack me?"

"Hum! If you don't dare to keep your mouth shut, we want the power of your soul. " Zhou Xiaojia said without being angry.

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