"It's a great injustice. How could I harm your elder martial brother? Besides, the medicine in the research room has not been used publicly. It must have nothing to do with me." Xie Ziming explained.

The elder martial brothers and Xie Ziming do not know each other at all, and because of Xie Ziming's character, he should not use medicine rashly. Once he is found out, his own fate will not be that he stays aloof from the world and concentrate on his own research.

However, in order to stabilize Wang Zhan's mood, ye Wuqian could not plead for Xie Ziming, otherwise he would be implicated by Wang Zhan. Instead, he said to Wang Zhan, "master, besides the potions, did you find anything strange on the scene, and then why did you suspect Xie Ziming?"

When Xie Ziming saw this scene, he felt a sigh of relief in his heart. Hearing Ye Wuqian's words, he obviously wanted to help himself, so he didn't need to talk more.

Fortunately, if ye Wuqian didn't believe in himself and asked the old man questions, he would have to hang up here no matter how fast he reacted. If you really hang here, ye Wuwu is at most sorry, and certainly won't plead for the outsider.

"Yes, you don't know. They died miserably. In addition to the potions left on the scene, there are also some traces of fighting, such as those who have cultivated their powerful martial arts. " Wang Zhan said, the expression is still very painful, it can be seen that several disciples of his blow is still relatively large.

If there is someone who practices some kind of powerful martial arts, it must have nothing to do with Xie Ziming. It's all because the potions he developed are only suitable for ordinary people, and there are also great side effects.

However, it can be seen from Wang Zhan's words that the people who killed his disciples were not only those who took medicine, but also those who had good Kung Fu.

Ye Wuqi shook his head and said, "master, the murderer should have nothing to do with Xie Ziming. They are the researchers I support, so everything they refine is under my control, and they will never commit murder."

"Traitor, do you want to let go of these murderers who killed your senior brothers? If so, I will kill you today!" Wang Zhan said fiercely.

"Master, don't be so impulsive. Believe my judgment. I said that the murderer was not Xie Ziming, so it would not be him. The elder martial brothers are so kind to me, I will never let go of those killers. "

Wang Zhan was so angry that he said: "the most likely person who killed Uncle Xiong is right in front of you. If you really want to revenge for your senior brothers, you should kill him!"

Xie Ziming felt powerless for his misfortune. He did not have any intersection with Ye Wuqian's senior brothers, so he fell into such a dangerous situation for no reason.

Ye Wuque said faintly: "master, you give me a little time, I believe we will find out the real culprit. If I don't find it by then, he will let you handle it."

When Wang Zhan heard the speech, his expression was stiff and did not speak. He looked directly at ye Wuque and Xie Ziming. From his eyes, we can see that he did not let go of his killing heart.

"All right, since you said that, I'll give you some time. If you still can't find the killer, don't blame my men for being merciless."

Speaking of this, Wang Zhan did not say a word, he rushed out of the alley, disappeared in the vast darkness, instantly there was no trace!

Seeing that scene, ye Wuqian felt a little shocked. He thought that he was a master of martial arts. Even if he was a master of Xuan level martial arts, he could not see clearly.

"Hoo..." Xie Ziming breathed a sigh when he saw Wang Zhan leave.

On the contrary, ye Wuxiang is very ugly. His eyes reveal sadness and anger. The senior brothers' death looks so sudden. In fact, he has a strong intention to kill Xie Ziming when he heard Wang Zhan's words just now.

If we had not known Xie Ziming for some time, ye Wuqian would not have let Xie Ziming go. He was also like Wang Zhan and went crazy to deal with Xie Ziming.

"Boss Ye Wuxiang, thank you very much. If I didn't have you, I would die here today." Xie Ziming hung his arms, massaging his hands, and said with lingering fear.

What had happened just now was so sudden that he felt terrible and frightened when he had been only concentrating on his research. At that time, he really thought that he would die at the hands of Wang Zhan.

"Shut up! Tell me honestly, have you ever handed out the medicine? " As soon as ye Wuque's voice was cold, he turned his back to Xie Ziming and said, "if I don't let master kill you, it doesn't mean I'll let go of the killers who murdered my senior brothers! If I find out that the death of my senior brothers is related to you, I will kill you myself! "

When speaking of the last sentence, ye Wuqi's tone became very cold, just like the ice in the abyss, extremely sharp.

"Mr. Ye, please believe me. How can I think of murderers? That's not the way to kill myself." Xie Ziming is just a scientific researcher. He is not interested in the realm of martial arts. He only hopes to develop a medicine to help the world.From the very beginning, ye Wuqian knew Xie Ziming as a typical science maniac. He was addicted to his own research and never cared about other things. Therefore, he did not recognize Xie Ziming as the killer.

"Ouch, it's so painful. Will my hand break?" Xie Ziming is an ordinary person, so the sharp pain in his hands is very serious. He was covered by the shadow of death just now, and he didn't feel much. Now his tight heart relaxed, he experienced the bone piercing pain.

"I'll treat you." Ye Wumian walks past, carries the star rhyme, puts his hand on Xie Ziming's wound, and then bursts out a light blue light to wrap Xie Ziming's arm.

The light blue light penetrated into Xie Ziming's hands, treating his almost broken arm.

"Ah Xie Ziming's eyes widened inconceivably, looking at his injured part, he was miraculously improved. His twisted arm recovered quickly.

As a rational scientist, he should not believe what happened in front of him. Only a few rays of light would cure a very serious injury.

In Xie Ziming's idea, it should not be believed. Moreover, it takes a long time for the injury on his hand to be treated by the doctor in time. However, under the treatment of Ye Wuque, he recovered in a few minutes.

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