Jinsheng pulls ye Wumian's sleeve, and ye Wuque instinctively pushes it.

"Why are you pulling my clothes? Do you want to go to the bathroom and let others take you there? I have no time to pay attention to you." Leaves without lack of impatience said.

"No, boss." Jinsheng still believes that ye Wuqian is bewitched by others. Ye Wuque would never do such inhuman research before, and then said, "boss, don't you see that all the research here is about human body?"

"I know, it was originally used to study the human body. If it hadn't been for this, I wouldn't have spent so much resources supporting any bastard to carry out this kind of research. I don't know how much it would cost." Ye Wuque felt very distressed when he talked about it. If he could, he hoped to spend as little money as possible.

When Jinsheng hears the speech, he can immediately stand in the spot and look at Ye Wuwei foolishly.

From ye Wuqian's words, it is obvious that ye Wuqian knew from the beginning that he was studying human body, otherwise he would not be so calm. However, this is totally different from what Jin Sheng knew about ye Wuque.

"Boss, how can you do such inhuman things?" Jinsheng said sadly, in his eyes, ye Wuqian should be a man of integrity.

"What do you mean by that?" Ye Wuqi was a little confused, said a word and then turned to look at the gangster in the room.

Jinsheng pointed to the people inside and said in a loud voice, "boss, you are doing some inhumane research now, don't you know? If you are found to have done these things, you will certainly become the public enemy of mankind

"Well..." Ye Wuqian hears the words and turns his eyes. When does Jinsheng become so just. However, ye Wuque still wants to explain to Jinsheng, otherwise he will become a villain.

Ye Wumian's face sank and said, "Jinsheng, I think you misunderstood me. I didn't do anything against human research. These are purposeful and beneficial to human beings."

"But isn't that Xie Ziming doing research with human body?"

"What kind of research on human body is against human beings? If so, would it not be that those doctors and scientists are heinous and evil people?"

Ye Wuque really does not know how to explain, as if how to explain is wrong, but also can not explain clearly.

"Let me tell you, in fact, this medicine can enhance the strength of the human body. Originally, I was going to do the experiment by myself. When the experiment is no problem, I will let you take the medicine. In that case, you can become a strong master of cultivation."

"Boss, will research have a strong pain and torture on people?"

Jinsheng heard that ye Wuqian wanted to do the experiment on his own. If he had not met these gangsters, the person lying on the bed of the research room would not be the damned gangster in front of him, but ye Wuque.

On hearing the speech, ye Wuxiang shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, but it should be very painful. I have been studied by Xie Ziming before, but I was lucky at that time."

Recalling the previous acceptance of Xie Ziming's potential stimulation project, ye felt that it happened yesterday, but it has been a long time. At that time, the potential also enhanced Ye Wuqi's strength, making his physique stronger and stimulating more potential.

Along with it, nature is enough to destroy a person's will. Ye Wuqian once thought that his life would be in danger. Fortunately, he lived through the whole life safely. Otherwise, he would not be promoted to cultivation, but would die. That is really sad.

"Ah, boss, you still listen to that despicable person's instigation to do such a dangerous thing. No, we'd better destroy this place!" Jinsheng knows that ye Wuxiang has suffered so much, how can he still believe that this research project is certainly not dangerous.

Despite Jinsheng's kind advice, ye Wuqian doesn't approve of it. Now that he can have an opportunity to improve the strength of the star Gang, he means that he will not let go of anything easily. Besides, he is in charge of this research project, and even Xie Ziming is afraid to do something about it.

Ye Wuque patted Jinsheng on the shoulder and said comfortingly, "you don't have to be so afraid. In fact, this study is not as terrible as you think. It is still to improve the human body's strength."

"What? I'm afraid. In case of any accident in the research, you will become a monster. I don't want the boss to become a monster who only knows how to kill!" Jinsheng said with a grain of salt that Xie Ziming's cruel research would be frightening.

After listening to Jinsheng's nonsense, ye Wuqi was so angry that his chest was full of anger, and then he deeply breathed back and forth.

"Boss, what's wrong with you? Are you going to become a monster?" Jinsheng asked, blinking his eyes.



Jinsheng's howls echoed in the research room, but the researchers ignored it and went on staring into the room.

Xie Ziming, controlling the device, said, "what's the situation now, how do the data of those eight people look like, and is there any sign of death in life?"

"Report to Dr. Xie, according to the data above, the situation of these eight people has been stabilized, and their lives should not be in danger!" One researcher replied.When Xie Ziming heard this, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was able to save the lives of eight gangsters. This is very good news. Their research has reached a bottleneck, so they ask Ye Wuwei to become an experimental body, and only human experiments can change.

Now after the eight gangsters are rescued, Xie Ziming doesn't need ye Wumian to be a mouse by himself. Moreover, the eight gangsters also took medicine, so it will be more valuable for research.

Ye Wuqi is also a big sigh of relief, he thought he missed, did not save the eight gangsters.

"Dr. Xie, how nice I am. When you need the experimental body, I immediately find eight for you." Ye Wuque took Xie Ziming's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Hee hee..." Xie Ziming was very happy, and then asked, "have you got their potion? Now give it to me. I can make people extract the ingredients immediately, and quickly sum up the effect of the medicine they take."

"Potion?" Ye Wuque touched his head. When he arrived at the scene, the eight gangsters had already taken the medicine, so he did not know what kind of medicine they had taken.

"Don't you think of getting their potions?" Xie Ziming asked in silence.

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