The dragon group has not arrived at the moment, even if it is in time, perhaps it should also be like ye Wuque and tea sleeve, unable to have a stronger heavy weapon than the mysterious organization.

In this way, in this case, there is no threat to the spacecraft in the air.

In other words, ye Wuque and tea can only watch the people in the base retreat, and smash this place to pieces, destroying all clues of the mysterious organization, but they have no way to stop it.

Ye Wuqi clenched his fist and punched a big tree. He roared: "depend on it!"

Ye Wuqian's hard and unwilling color is very strong, but in the face of such a terrible strength, ye Wuque also dare not act rashly, otherwise it can only be self destruction, reduced to be crushed slag.

To say that courage, ye Wuqian is higher than anyone else. It's all like this. It's not so good. At least in the current situation, it's so. So ye Wuqian can't rush forward. He can only die and lose his life in vain. That's stupid.

"Let's retreat. There's no way to stop them, so we don't have to sacrifice in vain." Tea pulling leaves without lack of retreat, since is unable to do anything to get those people, then the best is to leave, so as not to have more trouble.

Ye Wuqi is silent, let the tea with you, far away from here is the only choice, when those spaceships arrive, this land will be razed to the ground, all living things will be turned into fly ash.

There were cheers from the base. It was obvious that the people inside saw the support from the headquarters. They were all very excited and happy.

Jing Xingguo's face was full of smiles. Finally, when he was supported by the headquarters, why should he be afraid of anything? Everything was just a joke.

The arrival of the spaceship made Jing Xingguo very happy. When the spaceship destroyed everything here, they also had an excuse to survive. After all, the strength of the other side was far stronger than them, so there was no need to waste heart and effort.

It's just a loss of a base. I believe the headquarters won't mind. It's very easy for a mysterious organization with so much wealth to establish as many such bases.

Then the next step is to eliminate ye Wuque and tea, two bastards, forcing them to retreat. I don't know how many crises they will encounter. In any case, we can't let go of these hateful people today.

Jing Xingguo looked at the forest around him with gloomy eyes. No matter who he was, the organization would not let him go. Absolutely will launch the most crazy revenge, at that time, he will torture all the people who have relations with these two people to death.

"Pack up and get ready to retreat!" Jing Xingguo said faintly, and told everyone to leave as soon as possible, so as not to have a long dream.

"Hurry up!" Even the musicians relaxed a little, and now he is more excited. Before, Jing Xingguo promised him that as long as he avoided the crisis, he would be able to enjoy the medicine of the organization.

After taking the medicine, lianle family believes that he will certainly be able to improve his own strength, maybe even to a higher level, stepping into the realm that has not been entered for many years.

Think about even the music family feel incomparably happy, at that time only Jing Xingguo can compete with himself, the rest of the team leader is not his opponent.

Each captain is also in charge of their own personnel in distress. Only the team of Lian Lejia has been completely destroyed, so no one can use it. However, it is very fast. All the valuable things in the base are ready. Only wait for the spaceship to land, then they can return to the headquarters safely.

No valuable things can be left behind. This is their request for retreat. If any important news from the base spreads, they will die when they return to the headquarters safely.

"Old black! The destination is coming. Get ready. " Said a man in exaggerated clothes. He was flying a plane.

"Lao Dong! I've already prepared, but it's just a small base. Why send out me and you? " Said another uncle smoking a cigar.

"This you don't know, tea is also below, you say we want to come?" Lao Dong was a little excited, staring down and saying.

"Isn't it? The team leader actually let tea perform the task alone? How could it be? " Old black surprised to say, seems to be very surprised that tea will carry out the task alone.

"Why do I lie to you? Don't you have to worry about it. If we two show up, tea won't be dangerous." The old east quite calm tone, seems not to the mysterious organization of people in the eye, but suddenly, he cold forehead said: "there is a new situation!"

It turned out that there was a blue dot on the radar of the difficult fighter, and the location of the blue dot was the mysterious group of spaceships, that is, they all found the enemy.

"Shit! Tea can really cause trouble. Even the A-class spaceship of the mysterious organization has been provoked out. What did they do to make the mysterious organization so nervous? " Old black also noticed, quickly convergence smile.

If there is only one base, then both of them will not take it seriously. With the attack power of their aircraft, they can destroy this mountain at once. But now the mysterious organization has sent out A-class spacecraft, they are in a weak position.The red dot has been locked. You can press the launch button at any time.

"Lao Dong, let's launch quickly. We need to strike first. If we let them do it first, we will have no chance of winning." Laohei's voice was a little urgent. Obviously, he felt a crisis for the enemy's powerful spaceship.

In fact, when Laodong and Laohei search for the spaceship, the radar on the spaceship reacts at the same time. That is to say, what Laohei and Laodong are most worried about is that the enemy has found them.


The alarm rang out in an instant. All the spaceships rang through this noisy sound. People on the ground were shocked and looked at the sky.

Ye Wuqi murmured: "how can it be like this? Do they want to launch an attack?"

"No, it should be the people of the dragon group also arrived, so the enemy found their tracks, so the alarm sounded." Tea or more sober, quickly understand.

All kinds of weapons on the spaceship also quickly started to search for the traces of Laohei and Laodong. Because the aircraft piloted by the dragon group has the stealth function, the spaceship can only sense the existence of the aircraft, but it can not get the exact position and cannot make an attack.

Far away from the base of leaves and tea, heard the alarm on the spacecraft, without any hesitation, immediately rushed to the base. Their first thought was not to organize the retreat of the base, but to think of their own escape.

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