"Jing Xingguo, what are we going to do now? Are we staying here to die?" Lian Le's family looks very ugly. Being trapped in this means that except for the support of others, they are trapped here.

"No, what else? You are so powerful that you didn't stay outside to fight with the enemy just now. You had to come and fight with me. " Jing Xingguo said with a gloomy face.

In fact, Jing Xingguo is more angry than anyone present. He is the person in charge of the base. In the future, he can enjoy the help of potions. Maybe his accomplishments can be improved. The future can be said to be a bright, but now it has become like this. To say that he does not hate ye Wuque and tea, that is nonsense.

However, no matter how much he hated it, he had no way to change it. Blocking the base was the only struggle he could do.

Jing Xingguo said feebly: "well, we can only try to contact the organization now and let the headquarters send people to save us."

"Waiting for the support of the disaster headquarters, will this be a bit of self deception? The other side has been under siege, even if the headquarters wants to rescue, it can not catch up. Now I'm afraid the organization will give up here and let us and Al Qaeda perish. " Yuan Qisheng said painfully, no matter how, he was sure that he had lost his life.

These people are very clear about the way the mysterious organization acts. As long as it endangers the security of the headquarters, anyone can abandon it.

"Then we'd better try to help ourselves. I don't want to die here." Ban Yongwang also agreed with Yuan Qisheng's words. Now if you want to live, you can only rely on yourself, and others can't believe it.

At the moment, the rest of the base seems to know that they are waiting for their own fate. It seems that they will only perish with the base here. It may seem ridiculous, but it is the fact.

Jing Xingguo's face is also a bit gloomy, clearly aware of the fate that can not be changed, but still very unwilling.

Compared with others, Jing Xingguo was more aware of some styles of the organization. In order to hide the secret of the organization, some people returned to the headquarters seriously injured. In the end, they were not rewarded, nor treated, but killed, without any mercy.

This is the mysterious organization, no one can get rid of the fate of becoming a chess piece, unless they have a strong strength, or they can only pray that they are lucky enough.

Obviously, Jing Xingguo and others were very unlucky, so they were buried here.

Therefore, just now Jing Xingguo comforted the public that the headquarters might come to rescue them, but in fact it was impossible. More likely, the mysterious organization wanted them to die here in order to cover up some secrets.

At this time, Jing Xingguo flashed a sharp look in his eyes. Did he die here like this?

I'm not willing to!

Jing Xingguo roared in his heart. After practicing for such a long time, he finally had what he is doing today. Now he wants nothing, which makes Ye Wuqian very sad.

"If it's like this, why don't I fight? Maybe I can survive. Even if you lose the bet, the result is just death. Can there be a higher result than now? " Jing Xingguo is not only in charge of the base, but also has the information about the organization's medicine. Therefore, he does not have any chips, but how to use the chips in his hands is crucial.

Thinking of this, Jing Xingguo has a crazy plan in his mind, but this plan needs to become a despicable person.

"Everybody, in fact, we all know that we want to get out of here, but we all know that the chance is very slim." When Jing Xingguo got to this point, his words stopped for a moment.

"Anyway, it's all death. It's a big deal to fight with the outside. Maybe it's a way to kill!" A cry broke out in the crowd.

Jing Xingguo smiles in his heart. He is really a man with blood in his head. It's best to welcome his words like this. In fact, he just stopped to wait for someone to agree with him so that he could continue his next action.

"That's right!" Jing Xingguo's face showed the color of justice, and then went on to say: "we are all dead anyway. Why are we so cowardly. If you believe me, we will find a way out. If the organization knows that we would rather die than surrender, it will certainly greatly value us. "

"Good!" The crowd raised their arms and cried.

Once a person is in a desperate situation, he often does not know what he has done and why he has such an idea.

Encouraged by Jing Xingguo, a strong sense of war rose from the bottom of everyone's heart, and they all looked as if they were dying.

All people's negative emotions are dispelled by the hot blood.

Jing Xingguo observed that all of them were excited and prepared to do their best to eliminate the enemy.

If these people appeared in the ancient battlefield, they must be an invincible and powerful army.

"Let's stay at the base together and wait for those people to come in and die!" Lianle's family roared, and the murderous spirit permeated his whole body.

In this way, there were only less than 20 people left. Now, under the leadership of Lian Le family, all of them are ready to fight back to back and fight life and death."Hee hee, you idiots, just go and die. When you are all dead, I will be able to live." Jing Xingguo smiles with satisfaction, and no one realizes it.

Just as lianle's family is leading everyone to rush out, Jing Xingguo's figure retreats secretly and slowly enters an unknown passage.

Jing Xingguo quietly into the channel, no one found his action. Just now, he just wanted to make these people dizzy. Only in this way can he leave by virtue of the secret channel in the base.

There has always been a secret path in the base. Only the person in charge of the base will know that if he can, Jing Xingguo doesn't mind taking all the people away, but the secret path can only let one person leave. Moreover, the attack outside is getting more and more serious, and sooner or later, he will rush in. In order to be more sure of leaving, he has to sacrifice the rest of the people.

"If I take the information of the potion back to the organization, maybe the upper level will let me go." Jing Xingguo touched the things in his arms. He knew that this was his only chance to live.

At this time, the leaves outside the base and tea are looking at the heavy steel plate, it is at a loss!

"Hello, thank you for saying that you are a member of the Huaxia dragon group. You can't even solve this problem. What a shame!" Ye Wuqi said sarcastically.

Tea face if frost, way: "you dare say it again!"

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