It's just that they both have a strong sense of iron and blood. Obviously, both of them were soldiers. Otherwise, they would not have the sense of decisiveness.

Ye Wuqi can basically judge that the strength of these two people is based on their accomplishments.

Ye Wuqi was surprised. He thought that the strength of the dragon people was very strong. The strength of three people who appeared casually should be far above themselves.

"What kind of power is the dragon group?" Ye Wuxiang thinks in his heart.

The strength of the dragon group can be seen. At random, there are three masters. Ye Wuqian needs to know more about the people here, which is better than facing Li Minghai and Zhou Xiaojia.

"We have been informed by our superiors that we will follow your orders." Kang Hao said with a light smile that he didn't mean to despise ye Wuqian because his strength was only Xuanwu.

There is no weak person who can enter the dragon group. No matter Kang Hao or Hu Hongxi, they all know very well that if anyone in the dragon group is looked down upon, he will surely suffer losses in the future.

"So do I. It seems that a great war broke out here just now. What is the specific situation?" Hu Hongxi asked with a smile.

"It's like this..." Tea quietly received a word, and then will be about the situation in the base are fully explained.

Kang Hao and Hu Hongzhao are both surprised at what they say. It turns out that what tea sleeve and ye Wuxiang are going to deal with will be the base of the mysterious organization. No wonder the Dragon Group will specially send them to support them.

All tasks involving mysterious organizations are extremely dangerous. Even the two of them have never taken on such human tasks.

Tea said very simple and to the point, but also all the circumstances are clear.

"I admire you very much. They dare to deal with the mysterious organization, and they can be safe." Hu Hongzhao said with a little admiration that what he said was sincere and did not mean to ridicule them.

"What is the strength of the other side? Can't you break through the iron gate Kang Hao soon calmed down and paid more attention to the enemy's information.

Tea just wanted to say something, but let ye Wuque immediately hold down his hand, let her not open his mouth, then he said: "yes, that group of tortoise grandsons are hidden in the base, we want to attack can't, can you two have any way?"

Tea surprised to see ye Wuque, just two people have decided, is to use ye Wuque's mieshen finger to break through the iron gate? But why did it suddenly change at this time?

However, tea is a very smart person, and soon realized that this is the power ye Wuque wants to use Kang Hao and Hu Hongzhao. If Kang Hao and Hu Hongzhao know that they have a way, they may not be able to do so.

"At present, many of the bases are difficult Xuan level warriors, and their strength is very strong. In addition, they also have a lot of weapons. It's very difficult for us to enter." Ye Wuwei said.

With this, ye Wumian looks at Kang Hao and Hu Hongxi. The meaning is very clear. He hopes to ask Kanghao and Hu Hongzhao to help.

"Don't look at me!" Hu Hongxi spread out his hands, then said in embarrassment: "since the headquarters of the dragon group is an emergency order, the nearest person from here will come immediately, so I didn't prepare too strong heavy weapons. As you said just now, that iron gate needs very strong heavy weapons to be broken. "

Ye Wuxiang stares at Hu Hongzhao's weapons. There are not many heavy weapons among them. It's not easy to go to Jipo iron gate.

"I've got some here!" Kang Hao said with a smile that he had received an urgent order from the headquarters of the dragon group, so he kept a special eye on him. It must be very dangerous if the task can make the headquarters of dragon group so tense.

From now on, Kang Hao's mind is very good. Otherwise, with his cultivation, facing the personnel in the base, he may be very hard.

"Good! Let's do it now. "

Kang Hao did not say much nonsense, but immediately took out a lot of equipment, quickly began to start.

"We have to hurry up. You have such a big disturbance here. No matter whether it is the dragon group or the mysterious organization, we will send someone here, so we will not have enough time!" Tea side forward, while serious said.

"Well, let's go to the entrance of the base and blow a gate through first." Ye Wuqi's speed is very fast, and he is not polite to Kang Hao. He immediately commands him.

Kang Hao and Hu Hongzhao are very speechless. Although the headquarters of the dragon group told them to follow the command of tea and ye Wuqian, after all, their seniority should be higher, at least they should be polite. Who knows ye Wuque and tea are really impolite.

Ye Wuque and his party arrived outside the iron gate very quickly. They all rubbed their hands and planned to have a big fight.

Hu Hongzhao took out a strange instrument and put it on the iron door. After looking at the data on it, he said, "there are four steel doors in total, so we have to blow them through gradually."

Come to the steel plate, ye Wuqi made a comparison, tea sleeve, Kang Hao and Hu Hongxi all nodded.Seeing that all three people are ready, ye Wuqian still shows his mieshen finger and makes a small hole at once.


Hu Hongzhao and Kang Hao are shocked. They know the thickness of the steel plate. Even with heavy weapons, they may not be able to burst through it. However, ye Wuque breaks a small hole with his fingertips, which makes them extremely surprised.

At this moment, the steel plate gradually split. It is obvious that ye Wuqi's mieshen finger hit the weak part of the steel plate, so it can have such an effect. Next, they can blow through the iron gate without too strong attack.

Tea took the lead along this gap, the weapons in the hands of shooting, with the impact of bullets drilled in.

Kanghao and Hu Hong are Xi, all of which are broken by Ye Wuwei.


The first steel plate of the iron gate burst open. The steel plate, which was originally able to withstand the repeated bombing of heavy weapons, was blown through so quickly.

After the first layer of steel plate was blasted open, several people rushed into the base, but found that the previous guard was a little redundant. He thought that there would be any trap in the iron gate, but now it seems that there is no trap.

Because there are four layers of steel plate, so there is no lack of leaves. Several people still need to continue to work hard. Otherwise, it will take a very long time to enter the tile iron door as soon as possible.

Tea's rapid and rapid, in the second layer of steel plate to see a hole, immediately followed by, continue to exert pressure on that gap.

With the sound of click, the second layer of steel plate is gradually broken.

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