"Well, what's going on now? Haven't you been monitoring Ye Wuxiang? Why would he launch a surprise attack? Now zuomingding has been destroyed. It will be our turn soon! "

Just connected to the phone, Nie Cheng is a scolding, a great sense of questioning.

However, Nie Cheng seems to have not made clear the gap between the two people. The other party is the contact person of the mysterious organization, and his position is unknown. Nie Cheng, a small university president, can not scold him.

"Now the people we sent have been found out, and we have also been disconnected, so don't bark like a mad dog!" The secret organization's contact person said coldly.

The anger in Nie Cheng's brain suddenly cooled down and suddenly found out who he was facing.

The members of the mysterious organization are all powerful figures. Once they want to destroy Nie Cheng and others, only dregs will be left.

Fortunately, the contact person of the mysterious organization did not get angry, otherwise Nie Cheng could not stand here to speak now.

Nie Cheng said in a hurry: "I'm sorry, I was too offended just now. Please don't mind."

"Ha ha, you are not offensive in my eyes. Have you ever seen an ant offending a lion?" The contact person of mysterious organization responds very coldly, it seems that Nie Cheng is not paid attention to at all.

Nie Cheng hears the speech, immediately without a bit of anger, to the mysterious organization's contact person that indifferent tone does not have the slightest dissatisfaction, their status is very different.

One is the eagle in the sky, and the other is the underground ant. There is no intersection between the two. The eagle can't look at the prey of ants. Similarly, the ant can only look up at the eagle flying in the sky, and it lives humbly in the world.

"My Lord, what's your plan now? We can't let that boy disturb our plans?" Nie Cheng is still unwilling to give up. He wants to kill Ye Wuqian before he gives up.

As Zuo Mingding is controlled by Ye Wuqian, the whole red tiger Gang disintegrates, and there is no force to fight against Ye Wuqian. Nie Cheng is not sure Ye Wuqian knows whether he is involved in their plan or not.

Therefore, ye Wuque must die. Otherwise, it will be his turn to swallow up the red tiger gang.

Nie Cheng can now think of dealing with Ye Wuqian's people, only mysterious organizations. The family will not risk putting people into this storm.

"I know what to do. That boy dares to be the one who moves our organization. In addition to his courage, he must have strong forces behind him." The contact person said coldly.

"This..." Nie Cheng can't wait. He wants to urge the mysterious organization to act as soon as possible.

"Are you qualified to give advice on how we want to act?" Said the man in a harsh voice.

"No, no!" Nie Cheng did not dare to talk any more. Who knows if he will get angry next time. However, he also understood that ye ye Wuwei dared to deal with the members of the mysterious organization, and it was absolutely impossible for him to retreat.

Nie Cheng thought secretly in his heart, ye Wuque, don't think you will be safe and sound, waiting to suffer thousands of torture.

The contact person suddenly said: "this time the plan should have been found, you immediately evacuate Fenghai City, otherwise the consequences will be borne by yourself!"

"What, you want me to leave Fenghai city?" Nie Cheng screamed.

Fenghai city is an important place for the family to send Nie Cheng out to carry out the mission. He spent a lot of energy. Now he is just building a little bit of power. If he leaves now, the energy he has paid before will be wasted!

Other people have the same idea. Nie Cheng didn't do nothing, but spent a lot of thought on it. Therefore, it must be very painful to let him give up the hard-working rivers and mountains of Fenghai city.

"That's right." The light response of the connector.

"Why, don't I have you now? Even if there is no lack of leaves, it is not necessarily able to compete with you? " Nie Cheng asked excitedly.

The connector snorted coldly and said, "I'm just kind enough to remind you. In fact, your life and death have nothing to do with me. If you had not contributed so much resources to the organization, I would have been too lazy to pay attention to you. Now I have reminded you that it has nothing to do with me how you choose in the future. "

The contact person finished saying and hung up the phone, but he didn't give Nie Cheng a second to speak.

"Ah, Hello, sir, you..." Nie Cheng wants to ask some things, but the other party has already hung up, so he has no way.

Nie Cheng threw his mobile phone on the ground, his face was livid, and he said darkly: "it's so hateful. I'm going to die of anger. I'm so arrogant to me!"

Wang is competent to let Nie Cheng vent his anger without persuading him. Nie Cheng's present state, if he tries to persuade him, he will surely encounter a gray face, which will never be better. Therefore, it is better to let Nie Cheng vent his anger and speak again.

When Nie Cheng vented his anger for a few minutes, he was in a better mood and was not in a state of rage."Uncle, we have to plan what to do now. Is there any other party that just how we should do it?" Wang Sheng asked carefully.

"Oh, yes, of course, and it's very good advice." Nie Cheng said coldly.

Hearing this, Wang Sheng immediately asked with great joy, "so what should we do next?"

"Leave Fenghai city!"

"What, leave Fenghai city."

What Nie Feng wants to give up is to give up everything in the city.

"Uncle, are you kidding? We have done so many things in Fenghai city. Now there are signs of consolidation, and the other party wants us to leave Fenghai city?" Wang Sheng asked.

Nie Cheng rubs his eyebrows, not to mention Wang Sheng. Even he does not understand the purpose of the mysterious organization's arrangement.

However, Zuo Mingding's fate seems to have sounded the alarm, reminding Nie Cheng not to despise ye Wuxiang, otherwise the end will be as miserable as Zuo Mingding.

In any case, the mysterious organization has no way out. If he stays here, he will not play a very important role. Therefore, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

"Zuo Mingding has been captured alive, so our plan, ye Wuqian, is also very clear. The next step may be to find us, so we should leave as soon as possible, so as not to have a long dream!" No matter what the mysterious organization said or not, Nie Chengdu did not dare to take risks.

Wang Sheng didn't have the slightest opinion, but he was a bit reluctant to give up. Fenghai city was the place where he wanted to develop his power, but he didn't expect to be forced to leave by Ye Wuque.

Now it is only a short period of time, ye Wuqian has reached a position he can not reach, even Nie Chengdu is afraid of three characters.

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