Three days later

In a small but apparently clean room, a man in black and gloves looked at the leaf in front of him seriously. He looked about thirty or forty years old, tall and muscular.

"Are you here?" Seeing ye Wuque come in, he waved to sit down, then took the cup in front of the table, handed it to ye Wuque, and then drank a drink of his own.

Ye no fault nods.

When he raised his head again, he took a look at ye Wuwu, his eyes were full of stern color.

"How long have you been in Kyoto..." Speaking of this, the other side deliberately pause for a long time.

Ye Wuqi looked at him with a smile.

"I can't remember it!"

The other party obviously also gave a wry smile.

"Of course, from your recent performance, you may have been too calm, so you know what I'm looking for you for this time?" A word said here, he deliberately serious looking at the leaf in front of him, waiting for his answer.

Ye Wuxiang smiles and takes out a piece of betel nut from his pocket and throws it into his mouth. He chews it up.

"Come on, there's no need to beat around the Bush, no fun!" It can be seen that the "elder" in front of him does not seem to have any respect. He is completely casual in front of him.

The other side shook his head helplessly, with a bitter smile on his face.

"I think you have been exposed to the lightning Gang?" In a word, he took a look at ye Wumian and continued to say seriously: "due to the frequent activities of the lightning gang in Kyoto recently, and the situation is quite bad, we have received instructions from our superiors to eradicate them as soon as possible, so as not to leave any future troubles behind."

Ye Wuqi took a lazy look at him.

"Is such a trifle worth doing? No

I didn't expect the other side looked at him seriously.

"Ha ha, things may not be as simple as you think. The lightning Gang is now distributed in major cities across the country, and Kyoto is their headquarters. In fact, in recent years, their activities have been extremely rampant, which has spread to an irreparable situation! "

Ye Wuwei seems to be interested.

"Irreparable? I'd like to see what the irreparable method is! " After drinking a sip of water again, ye Wuqian put the tea cup back, and then waved to the other party, indicating that he actually said it.

Sure enough, the other party nodded.

"I believe you've had a fight with Leng Yan rose?" In a word, here, the man in black looked at Ye Wuwei seriously.

Ye wukuo nods when he stops.

"Ha ha, so it is. This beautiful girl is quite capable." He suddenly gave a slight smile, and then stood up directly: "if there is a place where she is, I would be very interested!"

The other party's embarrassed smile.

"Now all the members of the lightning Gang have begun to bring disaster to the country and the people everywhere. They are in a state of lawlessness and may endanger the rule of the country. Therefore, you must be entrusted with this task." The other side looked at Ye Wuqian with a pair of trusting eyes: "I believe that you will show the glory of the dragon group, right?"

Ye Wuwei's indifferent smile.

"If I don't do it, wouldn't it be very embarrassing to talk about it now?" In a word, he looked at the man in front of him seriously.

The other side did not say anything, just indifferent smile.

"You don't have to worry about that. The organization will send someone to help you secretly. However, you should pay attention to the fact that the lightning Gang belongs to one of the world's killers organization Yeti. From the perspective of its stationing in Kyoto, you should know its power. Remember, there are so many capable people in it. Don't fight hard..."

"Oh, I see. I know. Is that all for today? If there is nothing else, I'll go!" A word said here, ye Wuqian is also too lazy to talk to each other more, go back directly.

"Wait!" Ye Wuque just walked out two steps, and the voice of the other side sounded behind him.

Ye Wumian has a foothold.

"What's the matter? What else?"

The other party suddenly smiles.

"I forgot to tell you something. You will have a helper soon. Please treat her well."

"Help, good, but not a beauty, I don't want it!" Ye Wuqi turned around and looked at the guy in front of him with pride on his face. At the same time, he said with pride: "remember, I only like beautiful women!"

The other side smiles and says to his back: "make sure you are satisfied!"

After coming out, ye Wuwu smiles helplessly. Just now that guy was his unfortunate teammate. He knew that there was no good in his appearance this time. As expected, he told himself such a stabbing thing.

However, this is also in his heart.

Because ye Wuqian knows that the reason why the Heidegger and his son were so arrogant before that, in addition to having great confidence in business and capital, they were also very confident in their backers, the lightning gang.After all, the other side has a certain bad reputation in the whole Kyoto, even in the whole country. Even the Kyoto government has to seriously consider when dealing with them, which is enough to show their status. However, it is because of this that ye Wuque feels very interesting. He decides to fight with the other side.

Yangxin hotel.

"Come on, what can I do for you?" Looking at the opposite Xiong Xue, ye Wuqian said with a tone of teasing: "although you are a beautiful woman, but can not represent, I will obey you. Of course, if you can really sleep with my brother, I can consider compromise, ha ha

"Shameless thing!" In the face of Ye Wuque's teasing, Xiong Xue is quite dissatisfied. She maliciously glared at ye Wuque, and then said with dissatisfaction on her face: "ye Wuque, don't forget that we are still opponents now. With your actions so rashly and without putting people in their eyes, I can kill you all the time, believe it or not?"

Ye Wuqi smiles at will.

"In this case, you can have a try. Hey, hey, I don't mind!"

"You Xiong Xue feels that she has come across a stubble. But it was only for a moment that she came to her senses. In the next moment, he said to the leaf without lack of light: "I just remind you, don't be too complacent, otherwise, your end will be very sad!"

"Sadness, what a sad method, will you sleep to death alive? Ah, my elder sister, you are not right to do so!"

Xiong Xue was speechless on the spot.

"Ye Wuqian, if you go on like this, we don't have to talk!" In a word, Xiong Xue stood up and prepared to go.

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