After seeing the man escape, ye Wuqian wants to chase him. Bear snow see ye Wuque want to go after him, cough a light, said: "ye Wuque, don't chase, that man is estimated to have run far away, now still don't chase, leave here first, don't know if someone will chase him."

"Well, all right." Ye Wuxiang thinks about it and thinks Xiong Xue is right. He went over to bear Xue and said, "are you ok now? How is your health? "

Xiong Xue, pale and feeble, said, "I may be in a bad situation now. I feel no strength in my whole body now. My legs are killing me. What should we do now? "

"Can you look at Wuxue?" he asked

Bear snow lay there powerless, said: "I feel no strength, can't get up."

Seeing that the bear couldn't get up, she had to help her first. But where are you going to take her? At home, it is obviously impossible because Liu Yue is still there. If Liu Yue saw that she was taking Xiong Xue back, she would ask herself, and then she would not be able to explain clearly.

Thinking like this, ye Wuque doesn't know what to do. Now it seems that we can't send Xiong Xue home, we can only send her to the hotel first. I don't have an ID card with me. I think Xiong Xue doesn't have an ID card either, because after all, they came to attack the lightning Gang tonight, so how could they bring it. I have to find a hotel that doesn't need ID card registration.

Ye Wumian squats down, beside Xiong Xue, wants to put bear Xue's hand on his chest and get her up. After bear Xue was carried up, he said weakly, "where are we going now?"

"Go to a hotel first, let you stay down and treat your injury. Now your injury is the most important thing." Ye Wuque replied, carrying bear snow out, step by step, leaving a long shadow under the care of the moon

Ye Wuque walked to the street with bear snow on his back, looking for many hotels, but they were all rejected. Most of it is because they don't have ID cards and can't register. There are also some small hotels because of the bear snow behind the leaves. See bear snow body is full of blood, still comatose, fear is what, don't let them live here. Therefore, ye Wuque can only continue to look for hotels. Finally, he found a hotel in a deserted street

Ye Wuqi walked into the hotel with Xiong Xue on his back, and found that the hotel was dilapidated and messy, and the original white tiles were yellow. When he went to the counter, he saw a 40-50-year-old middle-aged woman sitting there, heavily dressed, and smiling maliciously when he saw Ye Wuqian carrying bear snow on his back.

"What are you doing, little brother?" Said the woman with a smile.

"I want to register," ye said helplessly.

"Yo, register, bring your ID card." Said the woman.

Ye Wuque said coldly: "there is no ID card. I forgot to take it."

"If you don't have an ID card, it's more expensive. 200 a night. If you have an ID card, 150." "Said the woman with a calculation in her eyes. After hearing this, ye Wuqi said, "that's 200, open two rooms for me." Ye Wuqian took out the money and wanted to give it. He found that he only had 200 yuan. Ye Wuqi looked at the landlady and said, "can I swipe my card?"

Women hear it as if they hear a joke. "Swipe the card, the handsome boy, you also look up to our shop too much, we don't have a card reader here."

Ye Wuwei sees no way, so he has to tell a woman to open a room. When the woman heard that she wanted to open a room, she looked at Ye Wuqian with ambiguous eyes and found out the key to him, "handsome boy, room 206, the key is for you. You don't want to... " The prophecy stopped, and then he winked at her.

Ye Wuque pretends not to see the woman's hint, carrying bear snow to the room there.

When he got to the room, ye Wuqian opened the door with the key and found that the whole room was still clean compared with the lobby. In the room is a big double bed, a TV, and a sofa.

Ye Wuqi put bear snow gently on the bed, but still let bear snow moan in pain.

Ye Wuqi put Xiong Xue on the bed and soaked the bathroom towel with hot water to wipe her wound. Ye Wuque picked up a towel, but found her wound is in the leg, and her leg is still wearing pants. Seeing this, ye Wuqi can only take off her trousers.

Ye Wuque turns her head and closes her eyes. She takes off her trousers with a red face. Wait until the pants off, cover bear snow with a quilt, then open your eyes.

Ye Wuqi looked at the wound and found that the wound was very deep, and the bones inside were turned out. Ye Wuqian gently wiped the wound of Xiong Xue with a towel. Seeing that the wound on his leg was so deep, he could only use medicine.

Ye Wuqian searched here and found that there was no medicine, so he had to buy it by himself. Ye Wuque asked the landlady downstairs and found out where she was, so she ran to buy some medicine.

After half an hour, ye Wuqian came back after buying the medicine. Ye Wuqian took the medicine to bear Xuetu, and the moment alcohol touched the wound, it stimulated Xiong Xue to wake up. Xiong Xue opened her eyes weakly and looked at Ye Wuqian's medication for her.

Leaf without lack of medicine, to bear Snow said: "you have a rest first." Hearing the words of Ye Wuwu, Xiong Xue couldn't hold on any longer and went to sleep.Ye Wuqi watched bear snow sleep in the past and covered the quilt for her. Then he went into the toilet and wanted to clean it up. After cleaning up, ye Wuqian walked out of the toilet and wanted to go back.

Just as he opened the door to leave, he suddenly heard a cough. Ye Wuque turns his head and looks at the source of the cough and finds that it is Xiong Xue.

Because of this cough, ye Wuqi gave up the idea of leaving. He went to bear Snow's bed and looked at it. Ye Wuque reaches out his hand and probes into Xiong Xue's head and finds that she has a high fever.

Ye Wuqi had to take another towel and put it on bear Xue's head to cool her down.

See bear snow so, leaf is not short had to look at her, in case she is ill again.

And bear snow in this, opened his eyes, see is the face of leaves. "Ye Wuwei, why are you still here?"

"You have a fever. Don't talk and have a good rest." Ye Wuqi heard the words of bear snow.

Hearing this, Xiong Xue looked at the leaf with excitement. I didn't expect that he could do this for himself and take care of me. Think of here, bear snow is to look at Ye Wuwei with excited eyes.

I didn't expect that next, Xiong Xue's condition was repeated, and the high fever continued. The whole person woke up and fell into a coma, and then he woke up again. I have no choice but to take care of her.

Bear snow is half asleep and half awake, what is whispering in his mouth.

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