In the morning of the next day, ye Wumian gets up in bed. After a series of boxing in the yard, he suddenly turns his eyes and sees Lingyun grass in the yard. He thinks that he will tell Liu Yue clearly about the planting of Lingyun grass later.

After boxing, he went back to his room and took a cold bath. It's a little chilly in the morning. Ye Wuqi flushes the cold water directly to dissipate the heat brought by boxing just now.

After taking a bath, ye Wuhai comes out of the bathroom. When he came out, he smelled a delicious smell, which stimulated his hungry stomach. Ye Wuqi smelled the aroma, quickly dressed and came to the dining table outside the kitchen.

Ye Wuqi came here and found two bowls of noodles. Large celadon bowl filled with steaming noodles, but also drenched with fragrant sauce, placed on top of a few green green onions, let people see the appetite.

Just when ye Wuwei looks at this bowl of noodles, he is so hungry that she comes in. "Sister Yue, this side is for me to prepare it!" finish saying, a smile to look at Liu Yue.

Liu Yue smiles and nods. Ye Wuque saw Liu Yue Dian, hungry to eat noodles directly, Liu Yue saw him like that, had no choice but to persuade, "eat slowly."

After eating noodles and the last mouthful of soup, ye Wuqi drank it all in one breath, and kneaded his stomach after drinking it, feeling a little stretched. After eating, ye Wuqian looks at Liu Yue and finds that she is still eating noodles.

When you raised your head just now, you said to me that it was a good thing to raise the moon grass. If you develop well, that plant really has a great effect. But if you let it go like this, it will be a waste of a good thing. "

"When you're full, go away. Don't get in my way here, and don't tell me about the plant." Liu Yue, with a white eye, stood up and took her own bowl and chopsticks and went straight to the kitchen, saying coldly while walking. She used to be in a good mood when she got up this morning, but now she is in a bad mood when she is said by Ye Wuqian.

She had already said yesterday that he should throw it where he should, but she came back to tell herself that she had to plant it in her own yard. How could she not be angry?

It was the first time she had seen such an indecisive fellow.

So, in her anger, she didn't want to give ye Wuque any more. Because this guy is so annoying, she hates him, especially.

"Don't do that, sister Yue. I mean seriously. You can't keep that plant like this again. If you can't raise sister Yue, you can ask me to help you raise it. I will certainly raise it well. " Ye Wuqi said, followed by Liu Yue and looked at Liu Yue with a smile.

After listening to Ye Wuqian's words, Liu Yue stopped her movements, turned her head and looked at Ye Wuqian behind her. She pulled a smile and said, "Ye Wuqian, don't think that if I cook noodles for you in the morning, I'll give you a chance to kick your nose and face. What Lingyun grass is originally raised by me, and I can raise it as I like, which is none of your business. What's more, you want me to give it to you. Why should I give it to you! It's mine. I can do whatever I like. " Liu Yue finished, then turned to wash the dishes, the strength of the hands increased a few minutes, make the voice particularly loud.

Seeing Liu Yue like this, ye Wuqian knew that she was angry. She quickly changed into an expression of begging for mercy. She looked at Liu Yue pitifully and said, "sister Yue, I didn't want to do anything about it. I just saw that the cultivation of Lingyun grass wasted its value and felt a pity. There was absolutely no other idea." Finish saying a look at Liu Yue, a pair of pitiful eyes.

But Liu Yue still washes the dishes there. Seeing this, ye Wuwu went up and took Liu Yue's dishcloth directly. He said with an attentive smile, "sister Yue, I'll come!".

Finish saying, help Liu Yue wash up. While washing, while smiling at Liu Yue said, "sister Yue, I am also a kind-hearted ah, you don't get angry again."

Liu Yue looked at Ye Wuqi. In fact, her anger had been cut by more than half because of his appearance just now. Now, she took the opportunity to say, "I'll forgive you for what happened this morning. If you tell me this again, I will In the future, this Lingyun grass is mine. I can raise it as I like. You can leave it alone. "

"Yes, my Lord." Leaf without lack sees Liu Yue to forgive him, say in a hurry, finish the action on the hand more effort. He has no time to think about it now. It is the most important thing for Liu Yue to forgive him.

Waiting for ye Wumian to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen, they drove to the bar.

By that night, it was almost late at night. Ye Wuque lay in bed and couldn't sleep. Although he said this to Liu Yue today, as long as he thought about the efficacy and treasure of Lingyun grass, he could not see such a good thing wasted in front of him.

Thinking like this, ye Wuwei can't stand it at last. He sat up, dressed, looked at Liu Yue's room from the window sill, and found that the light was off, which indicated that Liu Yue might have gone to sleep. So ye Wuwei turned directly into the courtyard below. Although the action seems simple, but all the movements are silent. In the quiet night, there is still no sound.After ye Wuque arrived in the yard, he carefully went to the plant and began to drum up in the yard. He once remembered that he had read a book somewhere. It was still an ancient book. It was very precious. The title of the book seemed to be called "psychic grass".

He remembered that it seemed to record that if you want Lingyun grass to grow best and make the best use of it, you must plant it in the way of Big Dipper.

Although I don't know if there is any deception in this record in the "mediums", but now it's all like this. It doesn't matter if you try.

Ye Wuqi picked up the other potted plants in the whole yard and put them in different positions one by one, but the whole connection was a circle. Ye Wuqi then put Lingyun grass in the middle, making other potted plants surround Lingyun grass in the shape of stars supporting the moon,

while Lingyun grass is placed in the middle, which will form the appearance of Beidou seven stars. In this way, Lingyun grass can better absorb the spirit of heaven and earth. If those plants surround Lingyun grass, the aura produced by those plants will be absorbed by Lingyun grass every day, which will help to develop more luxuriantly and has the greatest effect on martial arts people. Thinking of the last appearance of Lingyun grass, ye Wuque is even more happy.

After finishing these, ye Wumian got up and went back to his room. He took a bath because of the plants he had just moved, and then he went to sleep.

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