After hearing Luo Qi's words, ye Wuqian on one side pondered for a moment. Those who could report their bar to the police like this were the only ones who had a festival with them. It must be the lightning gang who wanted to frame them up for doing so.

Thinking like this, ye Wuwei went to Luo Qi and said, "Captain LUOQI, we are really framed, we really have nothing to fight with."

"I don't care whether you have ever had such a thing, I only know to do things according to the law, you should not interfere with official business." There was no expression on her face.

See Luo Qi such impassioned courtesy, ye Wuqian thought, it seems that only their own to the police station can let the culprit behind the scene.

Ye Wuqi looked at Luo Qi and said, "you see, you are a beautiful woman. How can you be so inhumane?"

"It's none of your business whether I'm beautiful or not!" Luo Qi is a little angry. She used to be questioned about her ability because she was beautiful. Now she hates that someone says she is beautiful. Now she is angry to hear ye Wuqian say so.

Ye Wuque noticed Luo Qi's emotional change, and then added: "you can't pretend to be, do you? Is someone specially looking for you? According to reason, there are no such beautiful policemen in the police station."

Luo Qi listened to ye Wuque's words is more angry, she yelled: "take this man to the police station for me, maybe he is also related to this case."

Luo Qi such a cry, immediately there are two police came up, the leaf is not missing to seize. After seeing the success of his plan, ye Wuwei smiles happily in his heart.

Liu Yue at one side was worried about ye Wuque's being taken away like this, but when he thought that he was taken away because of his mouth debt, she felt that it was good to let him suffer from prison like this. Let him remember this lesson in the future, and don't do it again. If he hasn't been released, it's better to redeem him in a few days.

Thinking like this, Liu Yue also happily smiles at the seized ye Wuque, who sees her like this, and knows what Liu Yue is thinking, and shakes her head helplessly.

Luo Qi checked in the bar for a while, found that nothing was found, then pressed ye Wuque back to the police station.

Back to the police station, the following small police asked Ye Wuqian what to do, Luo Qi asked the small police to detain him, first shut up for two or three days.

Two or three days, Luo Qi suddenly thought of Ye Wuque, who was detained by her, and asked people to take him to the interrogation room, saying that he was to be interrogated.

Ye Wuque was taken to the interrogation room, when Luo Qi was seen, he said with a smile: "Oh, isn't this Luo Da's officer? How can I have time to interrogate such a small role as me?"

"Shut up and be serious. I ask you, what's the matter with the fight in the bar? Tell me clearly, or you can't blame me for being rude to you Rosie knocked on the table in the interrogation room and said, with a serious expression.

"Oh, Mr. Luo, I told you that fighting and making trouble is fake. Someone must be setting up our bar. You see, our bar has always been good at doing things and never committing crimes. We are all good people. " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

Luo Qi see ye Wuqi so more angry, sternly said to him: "you'd better tell me the truth, otherwise, you can't blame me."

Ye Wuque listened to Luo Qi's words and saw that she was so angry, she even more said with a smile: "officer Luo, are you coming to the big aunt? Otherwise, how can you be so angry recently? The people who come to the big aunt can't afford to be hurt. You'd better go back and lie down. Don't worry about me, a little man

Luo Qi had been very angry by her, heard Ye Wuqi insult her like this, looked at him angrily, jumped out word by word, "you tell me again."

I didn't expect Ye Wuqi to continue: "officer Luo, don't be angry. Officer Luo, I suddenly feel that a sentence is quite right. "

Although Luo Qi was angry, she was still curious and asked, "what words?"

"Sure enough, big chested women have a bad temper. You see, you have such a big chest. No wonder you have a bad temper Ye Wuwei said with a smile, and then he took a look at Luo Qi's chest.

Luo Qi was immediately angry with him. He could not help but rush towards the leaf and wanted to fight him. I didn't expect to wait for her to walk past, but was suddenly flashed by the leaves. It is clear that ye Wuqi is locked in the chair and can escape. Seeing this, she is even more angry.

Luo Qi also wanted to rush to hit him. Two small police officers on one side rushed to see that officer Luo was so angry by Ye Wuqi that he didn't like to laugh or talk all the year round. He wanted to hold Luo Qi. One of them took her hand and said in a hurry: "Sheriff Luo, you must not mess around. There are monitors in this interrogation room. Don't do this."

Luo Qi originally wanted to give up, but as soon as she saw the smiling face, she couldn't help but want to rush up. Two small police officers quickly grabbed her and called out, "Sheriff Luo, don't be impulsive." "Let go, let me go!" Luo Qi yelled angrily By Luo Qi such a cry, two small police officers were scared a loose hand, Luo Qi then rushed over.

She rushed to ye Wuque. Ye Wuque saw her rushing over and kept silent. When Luo Qi was about to arrive, she quickly grasped her fist with her loose hand and lifted her back. Luo Qi quickly turned her upper body and turned back.She then stretched out her left hand, clenched it into a fist and hit Ye Wuqi.

Leaf does not lack to dodge a body, dodge her fist. He stretched out his foot and kicked at Luo Qi, who jumped up to avoid his attack. Then, Luo Qi also kicks to ye Wuque, but ye Wuqian grabs her hand and pulls her back, which makes his body tilt back and is about to fall. Ye Wuque sees Luo Qi going to fall down and grabs her hand and pulls her back. Luo Qi wants to attack ye Wuque secretly.

Fortunately, ye Wuque had been prepared, knowing that she would do this, he immediately blocked her with her legs, and then used the backhand of the hand that held her hand to bid Luo Qi farewell. I didn't expect Luo Qi would want to pull ye Wuque over, which made Luo Qi fall on the table, and ye Wuque also fell on Luo Qi's body because she was pulled by Luo Qi, and the two people were close to each other face to face.

Two small police officers on the side saw that they were so ambiguous. They all looked at them with astonishment. How could officer Luo do this with the prisoner. Because usually, although Luo Qi is not gentle in character, she usually takes her own status as the most important thing. How can she be like this time, openly starting with others? This is not her style.

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