Shit, are you such a mean person?

Whether it is or not, ye Xiao won't admit it anyway!

"Ha ha, I'd like to introduce Yifeng. This is what I told you about ye Xiao. Yesterday, it was he who saved my life, ye Xiao. This is my good friend who grew up with me, Xu Yifeng." According to the ancient rhyme smile stand up for two people introduction way!

"He is also one of the four masters of Yunlong One side of Peng Ying's poem also added a smile!

"Ha ha, sister Peng, I'm laughing. It's just everybody's boasting. Brother ye, don't take it seriously!" Xu Yifeng smiles and reaches out his right hand to Ye Xiao!

It is also an ordinary hand, and ordinary people have no difference. Although Ye Xiao is not happy in his heart, he also reaches out his right hand to Xu Yifeng and firmly holds it!

His strength is great, catch Xu Yifeng slightly frown, but looked at the side of yiguyun, and kind smile out: "Ye brother think more."

The voice is not big, only Ye Xiao can hear, straight let Ye Xiao slightly a Leng, what do you think? Is it possible that he and yiguyun are not a pair at all?

After releasing his hand, several people sat down one after another, and introduced Yi bao'er for Xu Yifeng. Xu Yifeng naturally praised him with a smile!

After that, Xu Yifeng was very casual. Even if he talked to yiguyun, he was very casual, just like at home. On the contrary, ye Xiao was on the other side. Because he was not happy with Xu Yifeng, he spoke in a stuffy voice, just like a wronged daughter-in-law!

After lunch, ye Xiao wanted to fight for the bill. How to say that he was also a man. Although it was a girl who invited him to dinner, he could not really let a girl pay the bill. However, when he saw the sky high bill sent, he still gave up such an idea. He had only tens of thousands of yuan on himself, which was the last time he won from Xiaobai and his wife!

But Xu Yifeng didn't fight for the order, which made Ye Xiao a little better!

It seems that the boy is just like this, and he still calls himself a childe!

Farewell, according to the ancient rhyme, will take Yi bao'er to leave, but see Xu Yifeng come over!

"Brother Ye seems to be dissatisfied with me?" Xu Yifeng is really a free and easy person. He even asks directly. However, this does not give ye Xiao a sense of abruptness. On the contrary, he thinks it should be so!

"Ha ha ha Brother Xu, how can you know such a good friend as brother Xu? But ye Xiao is so honored that he can't be dissatisfied with him! " Although discontented in the heart, ye Xiao will not show on his face!

"In fact, brother Ye doesn't have to worry at all. Although Gu Yun and I are childhood sweethearts, I always treat her as my sister, and I have a crush on her. She is studying in the United States now!" When talking about this, Xu Yifeng's eyes showed a look of yearning. It was a kind of yearning for the people he loved, without any affectation!

Then he went on to say, "actually, I've heard sister Peng mention some things about elder brother Ye. I personally think that elder brother Ye is more suitable for ancient rhyme than Shangguan Wudao."

Xu Yifeng will say so white, but let Ye Xiao some at a loss!

He didn't say anything, so he knew he was interested in yiguyun? Also said that he is more suitable for ancient rhyme than Shangguan Wudao? What is this? Is it difficult that he also wants to match himself with yiguyun?

"Ha ha, brother ye, I'm glad to make friends like you. Come on..." Don't wait for ye Xiao to return to his mind completely, Xu Yifeng has already patted Ye Xiao's shoulder heavily, and then turned to leave!

Only leave Ye Xiao a natural and unrestrained back figure

After several minutes, ye Xiaocai recovered from the news and immediately took out the phone and dialed a number

"Poems by Peng Ying" Ye Xiao said to the phone!

"Oh, our handsome ye called so quickly to inquire about his rival in love." On the other end of the phone came the voice of Peng Ying's poem Jiao Xiao!

"Enemy of love? Hum, people have girlfriends. How can they be my rival in love? " Ye Xiao sneered!

"Do you believe it?" Peng Ying poem on the other end of the phone seems to appear a little disdain!

"I don't believe it..." Ye Xiao said directly!

Although Xu Yifeng behaves well and his eyes are in place, ye Xiao even believes that he really has a deep love, but he still doesn't believe it!

According to the ancient rhyme who is, she looks like the world does not say, the wealth behind her represents a terrible number, no one can refuse such temptation, unless it is the legendary Saint realm, ye Xiao does not believe that Xu Yifeng has reached the saint's realm!

"Since I don't believe it, I'm still a rival in love!" Peng Ying's poem, ha ha, a smile

"Don't talk nonsense. You don't believe me if you want to come. Tell me about him. I always think this man is not simple!" Ye Xiao directly scolds a way, this girl, you are polite to her, she can only tease you constantly, still want to be cruel to her!

"It's not simple. It's really not simple. It's inconvenient to talk here. I'll send you an email in the evening." Peng Yingshi's voice is also serious!

"OK..." In fact, ye Xiao wants Peng Yingshi to come out alone and find a secret place. Then they take off their clothes and treat each other honestly. However, they all say so, so they have to give up!Hang up the phone, pull yibao'er out of Jinling restaurant, also saw that little door boy is looking at himself plaintively, also ignore!

I'm sorry to buy a taxi in Jinling, but I haven't got a chance to buy a taxi. I've been looking for a taxi to get out of the rush hour?

"Brother Ye Xiao, don't you think that legacy brother has a bad heart?" Just at this moment, yibao'er, who had been keeping quiet all the time, said suddenly!

"Well? What do you think? " Ye Xiao suddenly feels funny. This girl has been eavesdropping on her phone calls. Ask casually now!

"I think he has a bad heart, too!" Yibao'er pressed her hand on the corner of her mouth and pressed out a dimple on her face!

"Oh? Didn't you just say he was free and easy? " Ye Xiao thinks it's interesting. This girl is not going to have any tricks to deal with herself? But think of leisure is nothing, simply tease her!

"It's just a free and easy surface. At least I don't think any man in the world is interested in the huge assets of Hengtian Group except ye Xiao, so it's impossible that the legacy has no interest in Guyun sister at all!" I treasure son one face serious say!

"Why?" Ye Xiao looks surprised, as if surprised that Yi Baoer can see through such a profound problem, but his heart is full of joy. He likes to listen to this, what is really free and easy? A person like himself who does not care about hundreds of billions of assets is really free and easy. What is his Xu Yifeng? But is a surface free and easy hypocrite just!

However, he still wants to hear what kind of unique opinion ebol has

"Intuition, women's intuition..." Said ebol with a serious face!


Ye Xiao is speechless for a while, especially when she sees her hands on her hips, she feels funny in her heart. As a child farting a little bit, what deep do you play? Women's intuition? Even if a woman's intuition is strong, it has nothing to do with you, OK!

"Tell me what kind of person Xu Yifeng is from your intuition?" Ye Xiao is ready to continue to tease the little girl, or, in his heart, he hopes to belittle Xu Yifeng and improve himself through the little girl's mouth!

"If I'm right, is there any advantage?" Yi bao'er didn't immediately put on the set, but slyly looked at Ye Xiao and asked!

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